Baltimore Mayor: "Who Wish to Destroy Space To Do That"

I guess that's the new way of things then. Some random police fuck up so everyone else has to pay.

I'll keep that in mind if I interim manage someplace again - no more black hires cause some of them were rioting.
The blacks I know think that race relations is dead, and talk like 'they are attacking our people', they meaning whites.

We could be seeing the start of a movement by blacks to have segregated police, and then segregated neighborhoods, and things will be violent till they get it

A shame I've known, worked for, and with a number of wonderful African American's in my days. That said, I have no issue if that's what they wish to "return to." Give them a state/territory and let them have it. I'd even put money into /building/ them one off one of the coasts if it'll stop the stupid divide and violence we have going on right now.
But you see that would never happen.
Give them an entire State. Give them billions of dollars to 'develop' their own country..whatever. In a few years after most of the fucking money ends up in the hands of the most violent ruthless simians the rest will be living just like they are now. In fucking shit-hole drug infested violent slums. Then what? Go back to 'Whitey' to arrange for fucking free handouts.
The fact is generally speaking the entire negro race is no different than a bunch of 'Special Needs' people. They'll never in a million years be able intellectually to get beyond where they are now. Is that's 'racist talk'? No. It's Reality talk. I've yet to read one fucking OP claiming the negro race is 'moving forward' in any way ever, anywhere.
Interesting. Does that give white people a valid reason to burn down neighborhoods because of the knock-out game? Sounds like it does. IOW, the people whose property is destroyed had nothing to do with the suspect's injuries, so why should they be punished?

No they burn down shit when their sports team loses a know, the important stuff.

If the knock out game was soo important wouldnt they react the same way as when one of their teams lose?
Not if they are mature enough to realize responding thusly only leads to more hate, fear and distrust. Apparently, some haven't gotten that message yet.

We're still talking about white people right?
I guess that's the new way of things then. Some random police fuck up so everyone else has to pay.

I'll keep that in mind if I interim manage someplace again - no more black hires cause some of them were rioting.
You're so fucking

...fucking what? Fucking... unPC? Fucking... playing the game the way I've been told it's to be played??

"When I see people more concerned with the property damage, rather than the damage done to his spine."

Clearly two wrongs make a right in their world, so lets go with it, lets say all the police are corrupt and all the blacks are going to destroy property. Lets stop pussy footing around about it cause no one is going to win if we keep playing PC games.
Hey remember when France tried this appeasement tactic vs Germany??

Yeah...never works.
A shame I've known, worked for, and with a number of wonderful African American's in my days. That said, I have no issue if that's what they wish to "return to." Give them a state/territory and let them have it. I'd even put money into /building/ them one off one of the coasts if it'll stop the stupid divide and violence we have going on right now.

Blacks don't want segregation. They know they need whites to give them welfare and maintain the infrastructure of our hi-tech world. Without whites, it's back to the stone age. Like africa.

How the hell nigga's gonna segregate themselves from white folk, when half the nigga's in this country is sleeping with white women?
So its ok for these people to damage peoples property that had NOTHING to do with the the guy spine at all.. You are what is wrong with this country!!

Just wondering where the outrage is for a man having his spine severed?

Maybe the spine was the cops to break and thats the diff

You want people who dont live there and dont know the dead be outraged? When we dont even know what happened??? Sorry...but most people just dont care. We have other...more serious problems to be outraged over. 99% of Americans have never had a violent encounter with a cop. We may hate speeding tickets. We may even think some of them have abrasive personalities. But....its just not a widespread problem.

People like easily played by the media and left wing.
A shame I've known, worked for, and with a number of wonderful African American's in my days. That said, I have no issue if that's what they wish to "return to." Give them a state/territory and let them have it. I'd even put money into /building/ them one off one of the coasts if it'll stop the stupid divide and violence we have going on right now.

Blacks don't want segregation. They know they need whites to give them welfare and maintain the infrastructure of our hi-tech world. Without whites, it's back to the stone age. Like africa.

How the hell nigga's gonna segregate themselves from white folk, when half the nigga's in this country is sleeping with white women?

Mostly the fat ones we dont want haha!
How the hell nigga's gonna segregate themselves from white folk, when half the nigga's in this country is sleeping with white women?

They could take their white womenz with them if they wanted I suppose. Or ya know, in the case of the African American /I/ happen to know, they'd probably stay with the rest of the country/state/whatever and /not/ riot and be violent.
So its ok for these people to damage peoples property that had NOTHING to do with the the guy spine at all.. You are what is wrong with this country!!

Just wondering where the outrage is for a man having his spine severed?

Maybe the spine was the cops to break and thats the diff

You want people who dont live there and dont know the dead be outraged? When we dont even know what happened???

No first I want you to get to know them and then care :rolleyes: Knowing them doesnt matter. As with most cases when something is outrageous it is so without knowing the people it happens to personally.

Think about when someone kidnaps someone. No one looks at a missing person poster and says "Never knew 'em"

Sorry...but most people just dont care. We have other...more serious problems to be outraged over. 99% of Americans have never had a violent encounter with a cop. We may hate speeding tickets. We may even think some of them have abrasive personalities. But....its just not a widespread problem.

People like easily played by the media and left wing.

You're right, its all separate issues...thats been occuring state by state, city by city...year after year....decade after decade.

All those are not connected no matter how many years it goes on.
How the hell nigga's gonna segregate themselves from white folk, when half the nigga's in this country is sleeping with white women?

They could take their white womenz with them if they wanted I suppose. Or ya know, in the case of the African American /I/ happen to know, they'd probably stay with the rest of the country/state/whatever and /not/ riot and be violent.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when you're willing to face reality
Here is the portion of his interview with the quote, with Mike Wallace-

Below is the text of Mike's Sept. 27, 1966, interview with Dr. King for CBS Reports.

REV. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. (speech): Now what I'm saying is this: I would like for all of us to believe in non-violence, but I'm here to say tonight that if every Negro in the United States turns against non-violence, I'm going to stand up as a lone voice and say, "This is the wrong way!"

KING (interview): I will never change in my basic idea that non-violence is the most potent weapon available to the Negro in his struggle for freedom and justice. I think for the Negro to turn to violence would be both impractical and immoral.

MIKE WALLACE: There's an increasingly vocal minority who disagree totally with your tactics, Dr. King.

KING: There's no doubt about that. I will agree that there is a group in the Negro community advocating violence now. I happen to feel that this group represents a numerical minority. Surveys have revealed this. The vast majority of Negroes still feel that the best way to deal with the dilemma that we face in this country is through non-violent resistance, and I don't think this vocal group will be able to make a real dent in the Negro community in terms of swaying 22 million Negroes to this particular point of view. And I contend that the cry of "black power" is, at bottom, a reaction to the reluctance of white power to make the kind of changes necessary to make justice a reality for the Negro. I think that we've got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard. And, what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the economic plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years.


Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed - Martin Luther King

Did MLK really say that? Amazingly false since slavery in america was ended by white people, not black.

He did say that!

He also said that riots are the language of the oppressed.

Thats the MLK you try to ignore tho
No first I want you to get to know them and then care :rolleyes: Knowing them doesnt matter. As with most cases when something is outrageous it is so without knowing the people it happens to personally.

Think about when someone kidnaps someone. No one looks at a missing person poster and says "Never knew 'em"

That would apply to instances like Brown where he attacked the officer right? And in the case of Gray here, waiting for the investigation to see what happened?

Sorry, from my viewpoint, it seems to me that they are just using this as another excuse to attack people.
No first I want you to get to know them and then care :rolleyes: Knowing them doesnt matter. As with most cases when something is outrageous it is so without knowing the people it happens to personally.

Think about when someone kidnaps someone. No one looks at a missing person poster and says "Never knew 'em"

That would apply to instances like Brown where he attacked the officer right? And in the case of Gray here, waiting for the investigation to see what happened?

Sorry, from my viewpoint, it seems to me that they are just using this as another excuse to attack people.

We're talking about the police right?
No first I want you to get to know them and then care :rolleyes: Knowing them doesnt matter. As with most cases when something is outrageous it is so without knowing the people it happens to personally.

Think about when someone kidnaps someone. No one looks at a missing person poster and says "Never knew 'em"

That would apply to instances like Brown where he attacked the officer right? And in the case of Gray here, waiting for the investigation to see what happened?

Sorry, from my viewpoint, it seems to me that they are just using this as another excuse to attack people.
Of course they are.
It's what they fucking do. Wait for any opportunity to, under the guise of protesting loot and burn to get something for nothing. That's the only way they've learned from childhood to get anything. Fucking steal it. From grandma? No problem. She didn't need the money anyway. They don't have the intellectual capacity to understand what fucking animals they are.
No first I want you to get to know them and then care :rolleyes: Knowing them doesnt matter. As with most cases when something is outrageous it is so without knowing the people it happens to personally.

Think about when someone kidnaps someone. No one looks at a missing person poster and says "Never knew 'em"

That would apply to instances like Brown where he attacked the officer right? And in the case of Gray here, waiting for the investigation to see what happened?

Sorry, from my viewpoint, it seems to me that they are just using this as another excuse to attack people.

We're talking about the police right?

I'm talking about the violent protests and riots, throwing trashcans and patio furniture on patrons in a bar, by a mob of people protesting Gray's death as noted in the OP here and the statement by ClosedCaption that we shouldn't be outraged with this mob, because Gray died.

AKA If all whites are responsbile for Gray's death, then all blacks are responsible for the mob violence.

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