are those strict gun control laws working for you?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes...Baltimore has some of the strictest gun control in the entire country...and yet the shootings go on and on....

Seriously White House Suggests More Gun Control In Strict Baltimore After Bloody Memorial Day Weekend - Katie Pavlich

There's just a few problems with that suggestion. Maryland already has strict gun control laws. In fact, it was just two short years ago that new gun control measures were passed through despite overwhelming opposition.

Maryland's already-strong gun laws will become among the strictest in the nation with a measure passed by the General Assembly Thursday, sending the bill to the Democratic governor who proposed the legislation in the aftermath of December's massacre at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school.

The state Senate voted 28-19 for final passage, agreeing to a number of changes the House of Delegates approved Wednesday.

The measure would require people who buy a handgun to submit fingerprints to state police, bans 45 types of assault weapons, and limits gun magazines to 10 bullets. It also addresses firearms access for the mentally ill.

So....Baltimore is a gun control paradise....and you can see by the number of shootings that it is working out exactly as Pro 2nd Amendment people say it would....

And from the local news on those new gun control laws that are working so well right now....

Maryland lawmakers pass tough gun control bill Fox News

Maryland will become the first state in nearly 20 years to require potential handgun buyers to submit fingerprints to state police. Only five other states have a similar requirement: Connecticut, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey.

Gun control advocates say the fingerprinting requirement will help keep guns away from criminals, because it will make people reluctant to buy firearms for those who are not allowed to have them. Opponents say the bill erodes Second Amendment rights and ultimately penalizes law-abiding citizens without focusing on lawbreakers.

Although the measure bans 45 types of assault weapons, people who own them now will be able to keep them. People who order the weapons before Oct. 1, when the law would take effect, also would be able to keep them.

People who have been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility won't be allowed to have a gun.

Critics noted that Maryland already has strong laws, including universal background checks and a seven-day waiting period to buy a gun. The state doesn't even have a loophole allowing for private sales at gun shows without the same background check that licensed dealers are required to obtain, said Sen. Allan Kittleman, R-Howard.

1) Universal Background check....check

2) no guns for the mentally ill...check

3) no gun show loop hole....check

4) 10 round magazine limit....check

5) actually fingerprinting gun owners..check

6) banning 45 types of "Assault rifels" check

7) 7 day waiting period...check

So........a gun grabbers do you know.?....from the piles of people killed by guns
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I am waiting for the "We still need more gun laws" argument, and the "but the criminals get guns from somewhere else" argument.....both of them are stupid arguments...but I await their appearance......

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