Bad Outlook For The "Big Blue Wave" Coming Into The Midterms


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
To look over this forum, you would think things were going bad for Trump, us and the economy, there are no less than at least six threads expounding the miserable failure of Trump policies, except apparently, they are all lying!

What will it mean to the Big Blue Wave of Democrats when the reality hits them that they are apparently all hiding from:

  1. U.S. trade deficit narrowed sharply in March
  2. exports increased to a record high
  3. the number of Americans receiving unemployment aid fell to its lowest level since 1973
  4. Wage growth is also rising, with hourly compensation accelerating in the first quarter.
  5. wage growth should put upward pressure on inflation
  6. the Federal Reserve on a gradual path of monetary policy tightening
  7. U.S. central bank on Wednesday left interest rates unchanged and said it expected annual inflation to run close to the Fed’s 2 percent target over the medium term
  8. Commerce Department said the trade deficit tumbled 15.2 percent
  9. goods trade gap with China dropped 11.6 percent
  10. The unemployment rate is at a 17-year low of 4.1 percent, close to the Fed’s forecast of 3.8 percent by the end of this year
  11. hourly worker compensation accelerated at a 3.4 percent rate in the first quarter
  12. In March, real goods exports were the highest on record.
  13. Exports to China jumped 26.3 percent in March.
  14. new orders for U.S.-made goods rose more than expected in March
U.S. trade deficit narrows on exports; jobs market tightening

With all this good news and so little really bad news to buoy against it, can the Democrats feel truly confident about their prospects for the Midterm much less their hopes of getting rid of Trump? This is truly bad news for the Democrats as always that America is doing well---- so many fewer victim groups to pose against each other, so expect them to resort to the only tool they ever have: KGB-like propaganda as the Dems ramp up their lying through their teeth hoping to fool and attract enough idiot voters to the polls to get them ahead.
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1) Ds vote early and often
2) the Ds import non-citizen voters.

Until the default wave hits and if the bailout package requires major reforms then progress will be possible.

The speed of progress will be very slow.
Blue Wave is a joke...
The only thing that is missing is the big liberal turd...


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