Bad news for the white christian party, the base isn't reproducing


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
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NYC and NC
A huge impact on the demographic shift

The US fertility rate fell to the lowest point since record keeping started more than a century ago,according to statistics released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In 1909, the government began keeping track of what's called the fertility rate. The general fertility rate is the number of births out of 1,000 women between the ages of 15 to 44.

US fertility rate falls to lowest point -
And this was written about over 7 months ago now the numbers are out by the CDC

“We’re in a period where population growth has been a bit slower,” said Jeffrey Passel, senior demographer at the Pew Research Center. “To keep the labor force growing, we’re going to need to have pretty healthy levels of immigration.”

U.S. Birthrate Falls Slightly While Death Rate Rises
I have spent my life humping women to have kids, I did my part as a great American..
The Teabaggers Worst Nightmare: More White Americans Are Dying Than Being Born

That is why the Republican Party has tried every possible strategy to suppress the non-white vote, because it is becoming the majority of the citizenry.

That is why we have seen an Alamo mentality among so many white Americans for years now. The wagons of a pluralistic America are circulating the white entitlement voters whose numbers are slowly dwindling.

This is what groups such as the Tea Party, the NRA, the Republican Party, the Neo-Confederates, and white Christian fundamentalists – among others – have held as their core racial fear: they are slowly being outnumbered in a multi-racial and multi-cultural democracy.:eusa_whistle:

One demographic fact is clear: As white America ages, it will be relying more and more heavily on hardworking, tax-paying nonwhites to build a prosperous economy and fund programs, such as Social Security and Medicare, that seniors rely on. The “we’re all in this boat together” American experiment will have a different shade of hands rowing the oars.

The Tea Party's Worst Nightmare: More White Americans Are Dying Than Being Born

Not really a problem, since the demographics reproducing the most aren't much of a threat, and most of them didn't even finish high school, easy as that is these days, so they aren't intelligent enough to take over anything; that's why even the Democrats run fat old white people as candidates and look to them for 'leadership'. The Asian and Indians are growing faster, and they actually strive and achieve, and they don't give a rat's ass about the sniveling of other non-white demographics. When Whitey goes, it will be a disaster for the assorted 'minorities' who whine the most; the giant Prozac driven Pity Party will be over. Asians and Indians have little sympathy for blacks and latinos, or any other violently racist and criminally prone demographic. Even Africans have little interest in the Al Sharpton type snivelers.
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Bad news for everyone. Humans can and will be replaced by robots and androids. The population problem will be solved by disease, war and abortion. The few that survive will be white and dancing on the bones of the substandard.
Just think, if it was not for immigration we would have a declining population.

Imagine the environmental effects of THAT.

I thought you libs were green.
Not having kids, is the single best thing about liberals. :beer:
Let's face it. In the animal kingdom the natural law is survival of the fittest. The weak and unfit are culled by disease, predators, etc. Only in the human animal are the fittest shunned and the least fit rewarded for reproduction by assessing the more fit for the rewards for the unfit.
Our resident racist Guno hasn't yet figured out why whites are so successful and will continue to be successful long after we are all gone.
A huge impact on the demographic shift

The US fertility rate fell to the lowest point since record keeping started more than a century ago,according to statistics released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In 1909, the government began keeping track of what's called the fertility rate. The general fertility rate is the number of births out of 1,000 women between the ages of 15 to 44.

US fertility rate falls to lowest point -

Does that mean blacks will have less bastard children for white people to feed?
The Teabaggers Worst Nightmare: More White Americans Are Dying Than Being Born

That is why the Republican Party has tried every possible strategy to suppress the non-white vote, because it is becoming the majority of the citizenry.

That is why we have seen an Alamo mentality among so many white Americans for years now. The wagons of a pluralistic America are circulating the white entitlement voters whose numbers are slowly dwindling.

This is what groups such as the Tea Party, the NRA, the Republican Party, the Neo-Confederates, and white Christian fundamentalists – among others – have held as their core racial fear: they are slowly being outnumbered in a multi-racial and multi-cultural democracy.:eusa_whistle:

One demographic fact is clear: As white America ages, it will be relying more and more heavily on hardworking, tax-paying nonwhites to build a prosperous economy and fund programs, such as Social Security and Medicare, that seniors rely on. The “we’re all in this boat together” American experiment will have a different shade of hands rowing the oars.

The Tea Party's Worst Nightmare: More White Americans Are Dying Than Being Born

Who is going to feed all the little black bastard babies being born? You damn sure aren't feeding yourselves.
A huge impact on the demographic shift

The US fertility rate fell to the lowest point since record keeping started more than a century ago,according to statistics released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In 1909, the government began keeping track of what's called the fertility rate. The general fertility rate is the number of births out of 1,000 women between the ages of 15 to 44.

US fertility rate falls to lowest point -

Does that mean blacks will have less bastard children for white people to feed?
thankfully you cracka goy are dying off faster then you can spawn
A huge impact on the demographic shift

The US fertility rate fell to the lowest point since record keeping started more than a century ago,according to statistics released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In 1909, the government began keeping track of what's called the fertility rate. The general fertility rate is the number of births out of 1,000 women between the ages of 15 to 44.

US fertility rate falls to lowest point -

Does that mean blacks will have less bastard children for white people to feed?
thankfully you cracka goy are dying off faster then you can spawn

Who is going to feed all the little black bastards? Blacks can't feed themselves now.
A huge impact on the demographic shift

The US fertility rate fell to the lowest point since record keeping started more than a century ago,according to statistics released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In 1909, the government began keeping track of what's called the fertility rate. The general fertility rate is the number of births out of 1,000 women between the ages of 15 to 44.

US fertility rate falls to lowest point -

Does that mean blacks will have less bastard children for white people to feed?
thankfully you cracka goy are dying off faster then you can spawn

Who is going to feed all the little black bastards? Blacks can't feed themselves now.
They'll kill off the little bastards. They are killing themselves off at a record rate.
Not really a problem, since the demographics reproducing the most aren't much of a threat, and most of them didn't even finish high school, easy as that is these days, so they aren't intelligent enough to take over anything; that's why even the Democrats run fat old white people as candidates and look to them for 'leadership'. The Asian and Indians are growing faster, and they actually strive and achieve, and they don't give a rat's ass about the sniveling of other non-white demographics. When Whitey goes, it will be a disaster for the assorted 'minorities' who whine the most; the giant Prozac driven Pity Party will be over. Asians and Indians have little sympathy for blacks and latinos, or any other violently racist and criminally prone demographic. Even Africans have little interest in the Al Sharpton type snivelers.
looks like withey t christer is shooting blanks= no spawn
I never heard of the "White Christian Party". Who are they?
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