Bad Cop, No Donut

But he does not have a child psychologist......and that is one of the issues I have with this......

The difference between Psychology and Psychiatry (and Psychoanalysis)

Psychologist, Psychiatrist, the "P" word this kid needs is PARENTS.

My wife sees both types of head shrinkers for her PTSD. She probably wouldn't need either one today if her PARENTS had done their job 23 years ago, or even 10 years ago.

I think there is way more to the story then what is being told. I'd like to know who the hell diagnosed a 4 1/2 year old with ADHD and put him on medication.
I think there is way more to the story then what is being told. I'd like to know who the hell diagnosed a 4 1/2 year old with ADHD and put him on medication.

I've got a 7 year old nephew who is being "medicated" for the same things..... ADD and ODD. Has been for almost a year now. Of course I'm not sure his mother is actually filling the prescription or actually giving him the mess, but that's a different story.
I think there is way more to the story then what is being told. I'd like to know who the hell diagnosed a 4 1/2 year old with ADHD and put him on medication.

I've got a 7 year old nephew who is being "medicated" for the same things..... ADD and ODD. Has been for almost a year now. Of course I'm not sure his mother is actually filling the prescription or actually giving him the mess, but that's a different story.

Who diagnosed him? His pediatrician?
Who diagnosed him? His pediatrician?

Nope. The school system informed his mother that he was acting up and that she needed to have him seen by their (the school's) counselor, who then referred them to a private mental health practitioner, who prescribed the medication.

Note: The meds don't fix the problem, they put him in a stupor where he has no energy, no ability to focus on anything, and no personality.
Who diagnosed him? His pediatrician?

Nope. The school system informed his mother that he was acting up and that she needed to have him seen by their (the school's) counselor, who then referred them to a private mental health practitioner, who prescribed the medication.

Note: The meds don't fix the problem, they put him in a stupor where he has no energy, no ability to focus on anything, and no personality.

But, mom may not be giving him the meds?
But, mom may not be giving him the meds?

Mom is worthless as a mother, woman, and human being in general. She'd spend the $10 a month for her son's meds on booze and weed for her and her husband rather than the meds. Even if she has the meds, God only knows if she'd actually take the time to force him to take them (he doesn't like them). She's got better things to do, like sending her 4 kids (ages 11-5) to bed at 6:30 so she and her husband can make put on the couch in peace. She honestly doesn't give a crap.
But, mom may not be giving him the meds?

Mom is worthless as a mother, woman, and human being in general. She'd spend the $10 a month for her son's meds on booze and weed for her and her husband rather than the meds. Even if she has the meds, God only knows if she'd actually take the time to force him to take them (he doesn't like them). She's got better things to do, like sending her 4 kids (ages 11-5) to bed at 6:30 so she and her husband can make put on the couch in peace. She honestly doesn't give a crap.

Well, then shoot ya. It's the P in the above.
What the hell is it with cops and their apparent need to harm children?

6yo Boy Kidnapped from School By Police, Locked in Psych Ward for 3 Days — for Temper Tantrum

“It felt like my child had been kidnapped,” she said. “I can’t even hug my kid and tell him it’s going to be okay.”
Jacksonville, FL — For throwing a temper tantrum, 6-year-old Nicholas, who has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, was kidnapped from his elementary school by police and imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital.

Nicholas was held, including multiple stints in a ‘seclusion room,’ for three days at River Point Behavioral Health.

Read more at 6yo Boy Kidnapped from School By Police, Locked in Psych Ward for 3 Days -- for Temper Tantrum

Sounds like cops getting the docs to do the job the parents should have been doing.

ADHD = Needs a good spanking

The kid assaulted a teacher and has no recollection of it. Later he assaulted another kid and has no recollection of it. He more than likely verbalized at the time the counselor made the call he wanted to kill himself. He threw things at the counselor and had jumped on top of the tables and cabinets.
Riverpoint Multidisciplinary Progress Notes

The Buzzfeed article indicates He has had a psychiatrist for a year and a half. He is on meds and they clearly are not working. The counselor did attempt to contact the parents. From the Buzzfeed article:
His mother first heard what had happened in voicemails that both the school and counselor had left for her. River Point called, too, wanting her consent for Nicholas’s treatment since he was a minor, his mother recalled. She said she declined.

Note that the mother provided the documents and it was not in the documents.

The Buzzfeed article also states:
Distraught and not wanting to upset Nicholas, his mother decided only his father should visit him that night.

So, mom felt he had been kidnapped and she could not hug him but chose not to visit hug him and tell him it's going to be alright.

Dad did sign off on the consent form. You have to initial everything and there is no mistaking it. The Buzzfeed article did a shit job by calling it "blank" as clearly the hospital cannot provide the document the Dad signed off on--it's against the law.

From the Buzzfeed Article: His dad also said that he signed a form that he thought was just to let the doctors give his son medication but was really a consent to hospitalize Nicholas. Such a consent is not in the medical records Nicholas’s mom provided to BuzzFeed News, but the company provided a blank admission form and wrote, “Based on the nature of this document, it is highly unlikely that there would be confusion with regard to contents.”

Click on the intext link and it will bring up the admission form and you can see for yourself. You will notice there is a section included that tells the parent or guardian the individual may be placed in seclusion or restraints.

The Buzzfeed article does a piss poor job here:
In debriefing notes about the seclusion, a form asked whether Nicholas’s well-being, psychological comfort, and right to privacy had been maintained. A nurse checked “No.”

“I didn’t want to go to that room,” Nicholas told the nurse.

The nurse asked Nicholas directly if his well-being psychological comfort and right to privacy had been maintained. Nicholas said no and stated "I didn't want to go to that room". The nurse documented what he said. No plot.

And then:
On the petition form, the doctor wrote down a brief clinical evaluation — but even though it was written within minutes of his medical notes, the legal document lists a behavior not found in the records provided by Nicholas’s parents: banging his head against walls.

That night, a nurse wrote that Nicholas was on suicide precautions “but is interacting with peers and staff, is not withdrawn, and is not voicing anything suicidal.”

No plot. It simply says he had a 15 minute check and was not demonstrating anything on that shift.

The kid can't sleep. He wasn't intentionally kept awake. He could not sleep. He was slapped with an additional diagnosis of ODD...........and possibly because they do not want to consider his "became hyper" as manic at the age of 6.

So, when the Public Defender Jaffe kicks out the petition she argues the boy has "alternative care" meaning the therapist and the psychiatrist.

That said, there are multiple issues presented and the author of that article is intentionally misrepresenting shit or is a blithering idiot. A little from column A and a little from column B.

Riverpoint Multidisciplinary Progress Notes

^^^all of the notes. Again. You will notice that the parents flip because he isn't given Melatonin at night. They can't. And mom says the kid only acts like that if he does not sleep thus indicating the kid had not slept the night before he entered the facility.

You have to get past the first article which is a hack job.

Thank you for the follow up and corrections. I appreciate it when people assist in providing the truth.
Well, then shoot ya. It's the P in the above.

It's the Parent(s) in most cases I see. Even if my s-i-l was medicating him, the fact that he needs to be medicated is due to her incompetence more than anything else.

Sometimes. Sometimes parents think medication will make their kid act like a mini adult. Schools usually make the referrals because they are so focused on testing they need the kids to sit still longer than kids are able to.Especially little boys. Most of the time it is diagnosed by a pediatrician. Parents are terrified their kid won't be academically successful so they go along with it.
My son was "diagnosed" by the school counselor as having ADD or ADHD when he was seven because he was "fidgety'' and couldn't/ wouldn't set still. Of course they wanted me to dope him up, which wasn't going to happen. I took him out of school and homeschooled him for the rest of that year. Turns out he was bored. He already knew everything they were boring him with.

Something most schools, parents and psychs fail to look at is a child diet and exercise. Take the sweets away from a kid and get him away from the X Box and watch how quickly he goes to sleep at night.
Sometimes. Sometimes parents think medication will make their kid act like a mini adult. Schools usually make the referrals because they are so focused on testing they need the kids to sit still longer than kids are able to.Especially little boys. Most of the time it is diagnosed by a pediatrician. Parents are terrified their kid won't be academically successful so they go along with it.

This one has no respect for any form. of Authirity. Parents, teachers, grandparents, other adults.... no respect or deference for any authority figure.

Children should be mini-adults. Their "job" is education and learning how to think, speak and act properly.
Sometimes. Sometimes parents think medication will make their kid act like a mini adult. Schools usually make the referrals because they are so focused on testing they need the kids to sit still longer than kids are able to.Especially little boys. Most of the time it is diagnosed by a pediatrician. Parents are terrified their kid won't be academically successful so they go along with it.

This one has no respect for any form. of Authirity. Parents, teachers, grandparents, other adults.... no respect or deference for any authority figure.

Children should be mini-adults. Their "job" is education and learning how to think, speak and act properly.

Does his parents respect authority or treat other adults with respect?

When you are seven the entire adult population are authority figures and really big. And scary. Kids can get stuck in fight or flight. It's also why it is difficult to get a diagnosis with a kid that may not be able to differentiate between fantasy and reality yet.

Children can't be mini adults. They are egocentric until around age 7. I agree it is their job to go to school.
Does his parents respect authority or treat other adults with respect?

When you are seven the entire adult population are authority figures and really big. And scary. Kids can get stuck in fight or flight. It's also why it is difficult to get a diagnosis with a kid that may not be able to differentiate between fantasy and reality yet.

Children can't be mini adults. They are egocentric until around age 7. I agree it is their job to go to school.

His mother (absentee father) doesn't respect authority or any of the general societal norms.

This,kid has no respect, deference, or fear of Authority.

I disagree on the mini adults thing.
Does his parents respect authority or treat other adults with respect?

When you are seven the entire adult population are authority figures and really big. And scary. Kids can get stuck in fight or flight. It's also why it is difficult to get a diagnosis with a kid that may not be able to differentiate between fantasy and reality yet.

Children can't be mini adults. They are egocentric until around age 7. I agree it is their job to go to school.

His mother (absentee father) doesn't respect authority or any of the general societal norms.

This,kid has no respect, deference, or fear of Authority.

I disagree on the mini adults thing.

If the kid has no respect for authority, one idea might be to get him into some kind of structured environment like sports or Boy Scouts. I know that i was a handful growing up, but after I'd spent a tour or two in the Navy, I finally got my stuff together.

As far as the mini adult thing? Bad idea. I was orphaned when I was 8, and because of that I had to grow up in a hurry. Being treated and held responsible for adult things while I was still a kid had a detrimental effect on me and I didn't fully shake it off until I was around 30 and learned how to deal with my childhood in a positive way.
If the kid has no respect for authority, one idea might be to get him into some kind of structured environment like sports or Boy Scouts. I know that i was a handful growing up, but after I'd spent a tour or two in the Navy, I finally got my stuff together.

As far as the mini adult thing? Bad idea. I was orphaned when I was 8, and because of that I had to grow up in a hurry. Being treated and held responsible for adult things while I was still a kid had a detrimental effect on me and I didn't fully shake it off until I was around 30 and learned how to deal with my childhood in a positive way.

Organized activities require money and a commitment from the parents along with the interest of the child. None exist at this point. They tried foitball..... he was over the weight limit.

My brothers and I were all raised as mini-adults. Worked out fine for us.
Warning! Video contains the execution of a human being!

Tax Payers Forced to Pay $5M in Damages After LAPD Executed Unarmed Man on Live TV

Remember that time the LAPD executed a man on live television?
On Wednesday, Los Angeles City Council voted on a five million dollar settlement to his family. The lawsuit filed by the man’s parents, alleged that police were inadequately trained, used excessive force and committed battery and negligence, ABC reports.

Read more at Tax Payers Forced to Pay $5M in Damages After LAPD Executed Unarmed Man on Live TV
Beating a baby with a belt. Tough guy cop and his **** wife cop.
Still has his job.

Video Posted To Social Media Shows Deputy Troy Gill Hitting Daughter With Belt, Demoted To Desk Duty

[Instead of just adding a few paragraphs from the linked article, I am including a comment from the comment section for those who might not feel comfortable watching a little girl getting beaten by her cop parents.]

I did watch the whole thing and holy shit.

Very telling. I'll try to break it down so those who don't want to watch it, don't have to.

The boy recording made it very clear his 'parents' didn't know he was recording. Also at the very beginning made the statement, "this is what I have to live with everyday guys."

He also made the statements that he hasn't gotten a 'spanking' in a couple years, and he's been beat like that when he was two. Two! The kid also found the beating of his sister funny. Violence is something I'm sure he is very familiar with.

I was right in my first assumption. The girl didn't want to go with them. She wanted to go with her grandmother. From what I gather, the 'parents' wanted her to change her shirt. As the one she was wearing was dirty (not sure how they could tell) and she was wearing too many layers of clothes.

The boy recording made the statements that the house is a mess because of his sister.

That 'mother' is a fucking ****. Screaming right along with the douche bag. Not innocent in this at all. Even though you can't see the first hit, it was done by the 'mother.' After she gets popped, presumably in the mouth, the boy pans over to her and you see the 'mother' walking away and the 'father' coming out with that belt. He hits a few times. Yells at her. The girl doesn't move fast enough, he does it again. The boy recording is laughing at this. At some point, in the last barrage of hits, the kid says the father hit the cat by accident.

Eventually they lose focus on the girl and start yelling at the boy about how much a fucking mess the house is and he ain't gonna sit on his fucking ass all day again and needs to clean the house and the dishes. The boy starts arguing with them. They come into his room, the 'father' is still holding the belt and he starts yelling at him too.

The only word these two fucking scum bags are familiar with is fuck. Every other word. (Yes, I'm aware I say fuck a lot too. But none of you are children, so I'm okay with this.)

They both need to be charged. These kids need to be removed ASAP.


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