Obama is providing HC for illegal aliens when he just gave $480 billion to medical clinics around the country. These clinics are predominantly used by illegal aliens and staffed by Hispanics because they speak Spanish. Illegal aliens receive medical care and pay according to their income, but all their income is not declared so they pay the minimum. One of those clinics is the HAWC clinic here in Reno, NV. That clinic have already received some of the stimulus money, taxpayers money, to expand their services. 90% of the patients and staff are Hispanic.
Obama did not give them healthcare by way of the healthcare plan, but is sneaking it in by wary of the $480 billion. Do not tell me this man do not know what he is doing. We are the ones who do not know what he is doing. We have been paying and we continue to pay for healthcare for illegal aliens. And we will continue to pay until enforcement is taken seriously.
Even if affordable healthcare is made available to illegal aliens they would not enroll because it would cost them and they can get it free by using emergency rooms as a primary medical care. Many pregnant women go to ER and do not declare that they are not married when they are and receive free delivery. Just look at the birth announcements in your local paper. Another expense is when a gang member get shot or stabbed, paramedics pick them up and they are treated in ER and often hospitalized. Another expense to the American taxpayer.
Illegal immigration is a homeland security problem because it is harming Americans and more of a threat than foreign terrorist.
In the past 10 years, 70 hospitals alone in California have closed because of treating those who do not have medical care. Many are illegal aliens. When those hospitals close, thousands of Americans lose their jobs.
We cannot see the forest for the trees. We are so busy hating Obama because of his color, that we fail to see what he is really doing.
Obama is providing HC for illegal aliens when he just gave $480 billion to medical clinics around the country. These clinics are predominantly used by illegal aliens and staffed by Hispanics because they speak Spanish. Illegal aliens receive medical care and pay according to their income, but all their income is not declared so they pay the minimum. One of those clinics is the HAWC clinic here in Reno, NV. That clinic have already received some of the stimulus money, taxpayers money, to expand their services. 90% of the patients and staff are Hispanic.
Obama did not give them healthcare by way of the healthcare plan, but is sneaking it in by wary of the $480 billion. Do not tell me this man do not know what he is doing. We are the ones who do not know what he is doing. We have been paying and we continue to pay for healthcare for illegal aliens. And we will continue to pay until enforcement is taken seriously.
Even if affordable healthcare is made available to illegal aliens they would not enroll because it would cost them and they can get it free by using emergency rooms as a primary medical care. Many pregnant women go to ER and do not declare that they are not married when they are and receive free delivery. Just look at the birth announcements in your local paper. Another expense is when a gang member get shot or stabbed, paramedics pick them up and they are treated in ER and often hospitalized. Another expense to the American taxpayer.
Illegal immigration is a homeland security problem because it is harming Americans and more of a threat than foreign terrorist.
In the past 10 years, 70 hospitals alone in California have closed because of treating those who do not have medical care. Many are illegal aliens. When those hospitals close, thousands of Americans lose their jobs.
We cannot see the forest for the trees. We are so busy hating Obama because of his color, that we fail to see what he is really doing.