"Back to the center, Democrats"

And, I'm really not trying to insult you. I'm just saying that you've been indoctrinated to a bunch of lies.

You're just saying that because you've been brainwashed.

See how easy that was? With one sentence, I nullified your point, made you look inept and placed myself above you as intellectually superior. You see, I saw the truth while you were brainwashed. This is how you and many leftists come across: arrogant and shallow. A position that is repellant to those in the center.

Look at the quote you have permanently plastered at the bottom of your posts:

"Arguing with a Trump supporter is like playing chess against a pigeon...no matter how well you play it just shits on the board then struts around like it won."

Gee, you sure are smart. 63 million people voted for Trump. Yet you are smarter than all of them. You know this because you've met all of them? It's not even an original slur; it's as old as the hills.

You're not representing the left very well. As smart as you think you are. But damn, you've got me itching to join the Democrat party.
A less personally repellant candidate than Hillary

Agreed. Anyone come to mind or too early for crystal ball gazing?
Imo it's too early. I think the dems realize they have to chuck (-: the geezers over the side. Biden bided his time too long. Pelosi will keep the dems from EVER taking the House. Sanders ... poof.

None of the younger governors do much for me. I'm normally more republican, but they got nothing for me anymore. They are not the party of the middle class anymore. Reagan wouldn't fit on taxes or workers' benefits.

Mitch Landrieu has some attraction. He can speak to the issues of minorities and working class whites. Klobuchar? Kamila Harris obviously because she can raise hundreds of millions, but I don't know about her appeal with working class whites. Ironically, she probably has good law and order creds. I'm always inclined to vote for vets who did the walk, and don't have anything against Duckworth. But, again, whoever the dems look to, he/she has to campaign in the rural restbelt and not just on the coasts. And picking off a southern state would probably guarantee a win.
Just one more thing - so that you take this in perspective:

When America was born, it was born on a set of principals. The founding Fathers were incredible philosophers.

The birth of America was the beginning of the end of the old world order and the beginning of the new world order.

Many people HATED the new AMERICAN world order.

When America got drawn into the cold war, Americans all but forgot about the new American principals that founded this nation.

Instead they got drawn into a VERY old world view of world conflict - class warfare, the rich vs. the poor, the owners vs. the workers, capitalism vs. communism.

Americans believed that to be American meant being pro-capitalist and anti-communist.

Yet, never once in the Constitution or the other founding documents were the words 'Capitalism' or 'Communism' or 'Socialism'.

This pro-capitalist sentiment benefited those who opposed the new American world order. Americans forgot what it means to be American, and instead we became the strong arm of the old world order.

That was what the cold war was all about.

A much more reasonable post. Bravo. :clap2:

I don't agree with a few of your interpretations of history but you presented your opinions is a respectful way that would lead to a polite discussion. Well done.

Democrat Party needs to go full Marxist and nominate Nutty Old Uncle Bernie right now for 2020.

I mean, why not, given the tremendous victories they scored (according to themselves) in 2016!
Horseshit. Democrat Party needs to go full Marxist and nominate Nutty Old Uncle Bernie right now for 2020. I mean, why not, given the tremendous victories they scored (according to themselves) in 2016!
Well, here's the problem with that: The Democrats, controlled by the "Progressives" (ha), are going to completely ignore this piece and go in the general direction you describe.

BUT, if Trump screws this up and the GOP heads south, then the "Progressives" (ha) could very well get what they want in 2018 and 2020.

So this is one helluva hire wire act the GOP is giving us.
And, I'm really not trying to insult you. I'm just saying that you've been indoctrinated to a bunch of lies.

You're just saying that because you've been brainwashed.

See how easy that was? With one sentence, I nullified your point, made you look inept and placed myself above you as intellectually superior. You see, I saw the truth while you were brainwashed. This is how you and many leftists come across: arrogant and shallow. A position that is repellant to those in the center.

Look at the quote you have permanently plastered at the bottom of your posts:

"Arguing with a Trump supporter is like playing chess against a pigeon...no matter how well you play it just shits on the board then struts around like it won."

Gee, you sure are smart. 63 million people voted for Trump. Yet you are smarter than all of them. You know this because you've met all of them? It's not even an original slur; it's as old as the hills.

You're not representing the left very well. As smart as you think you are. But damn, you've got me itching to join the Democrat party.

You sure are hung up on my having said you were brainwashed. I wouldn't consider that more than a minor insult.

It seems that your equally hung up on who is smarter than who. I've only asserted my opinions without any reference to who is smarter than who. That's apparently your hang up.

I do not intend to 'represent' the left. I represent my own opinions only. And once again, I couldn't care less if you joined the Democratic party - apparently you think that your a whole lot more important than you are.

And finally, no I don't believe that I'm smarter than all 63 million people who voted for Trump. I quite sure that there are at least a few million who voted for Trump who are very smart. They're just smart people who HATE the United States. Besides them anyone who thinks that they love the Untied States and who Voted for Trump is obviously a dumb ass.

Oh No! Now are you gong to get your revenge against me by not voting Democrat? I just won't be able to live with myself knowing that you didn't vote Democrat because of me....boo hoo!

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