Bachmann on Gulf payments

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
According to that wingnut, a large corperation compensating anyone for damage done to them is redistribution of wealth.

Bachmann calls oil spill victim escrow account ?a redistribution-of-wealth fund? Minnesota Independent: News. Politics. Media.

The president just called for creating a fund that would be administered by outsiders, which would be more of a redistribution-of-wealth fund. And now it appears like we’ll be looking at one more gateway for more government control, more money to government. If there is a disaster, why is it that government is the one who always seems to benefit after a disaster, and that’s of course what cap-and-trade would be.
And she says, "They shouldn't have to be fleeced and make chumps to have to pay".


Now we know why Michelle Bachmann wants to "take America back".

She wants to give America to her corporate Masters, the bitch.

Republicans need to go back to those lesbian bondage bars for some planning and rethink their position.
Do you believe that all of this money will go directly to victims and none of it will go to government officials? I ask this as someone who holds Bachmann to the same level as Pelosi...
Do you believe that all of this money will go directly to victims and none of it will go to government officials? I ask this as someone who holds Bachmann to the same level as Pelosi...

It is said it would be handled by an outside panel, and I don't think the fisherman give a shit.
If Obama said the sky was blue, Bachmann would call him a communist, and say it was green.
I wonder if anyone had the balls to say the same thing after 9/11?

Under the agreement, BP will set up an independently operated fund to cover the costs of cleaning up the spill and paying damages to individuals and businesses hurt by the disaster. The fund will be managed by Washington attorney Kenneth Feinberg, who has gained fame as the Treasury's "pay czar" after Wall Street's near meltdown in 2008 and as the overseer of payments to families of victims after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

BP also agreed to set aside $100 million to pay lost wages to oil rig workers idled by a temporary halt to new deep-sea oil drilling. In a briefing with reporters after the meeting, the company said its liability for lost wages would be limited to that amount.

$20 billion BP fund may not cover all costs - U.S. business-

I don't see very much government involvement.. What I do see is Obama making BP pay. Bachmann is a moron.
Do you believe that all of this money will go directly to victims and none of it will go to government officials? I ask this as someone who holds Bachmann to the same level as Pelosi...

It is said it would be handled by an outside panel, and I don't think the fisherman give a shit.
If Obama said the sky was blue, Bachmann would call him a communist, and say it was green.

Obama knows if Republicans are involved, people in the gulf would get NOTHING. Those lesbian bondage bars are expensive. Have you seen the buffet?

That's why Obama is going to the outside.
I wonder if anyone had the balls to say the same thing after 9/11?

Under the agreement, BP will set up an independently operated fund to cover the costs of cleaning up the spill and paying damages to individuals and businesses hurt by the disaster. The fund will be managed by Washington attorney Kenneth Feinberg, who has gained fame as the Treasury's "pay czar" after Wall Street's near meltdown in 2008 and as the overseer of payments to families of victims after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

BP also agreed to set aside $100 million to pay lost wages to oil rig workers idled by a temporary halt to new deep-sea oil drilling. In a briefing with reporters after the meeting, the company said its liability for lost wages would be limited to that amount.

$20 billion BP fund may not cover all costs - U.S. business-

I don't see very much government involvement.. What I do see is Obama making BP pay. Bachmann is a moron.

You know Republicans would filibuster any money for the Gulf Victims. I bet, if they had their way, they would make America pay for the oil rig damage.
Bachmann on BP? AWTF bro.................NOBODY CARES!!!

These people............either they are simply beyond gone in having any clue about the current political dynamic OR are fully aware and are trying to distract people with irrelevant nonsense.

The only current story on the BP thing is that last nights speech was a fcukkiing disaster!!! I could hardly believe my ears today listening to liberal stalwarts slamming Obama's leadership..........Kirsten Powers and Chris Matthews to name just two. Who'd ever think somebody could be percieved to be more of a fcukk up than Bush on Katrina!!?????????????

Oh ps..........I laughed my balls off when I took a gandor on over to DRUDGE this am..............


Obama Approval Falls to New Low: 42%
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Total Approval 42%
And she says, "They shouldn't have to be fleeced and make chumps to have to pay".


Now we know why Michelle Bachmann wants to "take America back".

She wants to give America to her corporate Masters, the bitch.

Republicans need to go back to those lesbian bondage bars for some planning and rethink their position.

If she's so evil why not quote her accurately?

They shouldn’t have to be fleeced and make chumps to have to pay for perpetual unemployment and all the rest — they’ve got to be legitimate claims.

And, of course, she is 100% correct. As always.
According to that wingnut, a large corperation compensating anyone for damage done to them is redistribution of wealth.

Bachmann calls oil spill victim escrow account ?a redistribution-of-wealth fund? Minnesota Independent: News. Politics. Media.

The president just called for creating a fund that would be administered by outsiders, which would be more of a redistribution-of-wealth fund. And now it appears like we’ll be looking at one more gateway for more government control, more money to government. If there is a disaster, why is it that government is the one who always seems to benefit after a disaster, and that’s of course what cap-and-trade would be.

Holy crap.

She just ruined what could have been a great SNL skit.

You know, a skit parodying rightwing politicians by having them say the craziest things imaginable about the oil spill...
I believe what Bachman was saying is WHERE does the OBAMA have the Authority to demand money from a company to do with as he see fit. and she isn't the only saying that.

Obama is reminding me more and more of Hugo Chavez.
I believe what Bachman was saying is WHERE does the OBAMA have the Authority to demand money from a company to do with as he see fit. and she isn't the only saying that.

Obama is reminding me more and more of Hugo Chavez.

That's just IT...He has NO such authority under the Constitution.

That BP isn't hanging his lame ass out to dry by saying "no deal" is quite charitable of them, I think.
I believe what Bachman was saying is WHERE does the OBAMA have the Authority to demand money from a company to do with as he see fit. and she isn't the only saying that.

Obama is reminding me more and more of Hugo Chavez.

That's just IT...He has NO such authority under the Constitution.

Then I guess your pals at BP should have fought it. :lol:
I believe what Bachman was saying is WHERE does the OBAMA have the Authority to demand money from a company to do with as he see fit. and she isn't the only saying that.

Obama is reminding me more and more of Hugo Chavez.

That's just IT...He has NO such authority under the Constitution.

where the hell is the rest of the Congresscritters standing up asking this question?

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