AZ Gov Jan Brewer says her Father died fighting Nazis. Problem? He Didn't

Nothing of what she said was WRONG. Her dad eventually DIED as a result of the results from the factory where he worked to foward the effort against HITLER, and Japan.

All people even civilians working in factories were working toward the same end.


Seen those 'MESOTELIOMA' Ads on TV as of late?

Try again.

Not wrong per se', but just horribly embellished. Most likely intentionally so.

BTW, if a worker who is worked in a world war II era building in the mid-60s dies of mesothelioma, do they get to claim they died killing Nazis too?

Show me where she said he "died killing Nazis", twerp. S'matter with you dumbasses? First you can't READ English, now you can't SPEAK it, either.
Maybe the problem is that leftists are incapable of imagining anyone taking a dangerous factory job out of patriotism and the desire to help their country win the war, or of imagining actually being any part of fighting their country's wars at all.

No. That's not the problem at all, and you damn well know it.

Is this going to be like the time when the righties tried to convince us that flying for the TANG was as dangerous as going up against MiGs in Viet Nam?
Brewer mischaracterized her father's service to gain sympathy that she did not deserve. She is no different that Blumenthal. Ask your neighbors and friends, like I did today. Almost to a woman and man, they said it was despicable behavior. Indeed, it is. So was Blumenthal's. Everybody who does this has to go. She is now toast, which is a just reward for her.

Then let's clean them all out.

Let's start with Harry Reid. Saying the war was not winnable.

Then let's go after Nancy Pelosi. How many lies has she told.

Then on to Barrack Obama. Guy lies like most people take a breath.

Heck...let's get rid of all of the liars.

After all....many of you claim that all politicians are dishonest.

By the time we get done with the liars we won't have anyone left to run the country.

After what we've seen the last couple of years...maybe that's not a bad thing.
Nothing of what she said was WRONG. Her dad eventually DIED as a result of the results from the factory where he worked to foward the effort against HITLER, and Japan.

All people even civilians working in factories were working toward the same end.


Seen those 'MESOTELIOMA' Ads on TV as of late?

Try again.

Not wrong per se', but just horribly embellished. Most likely intentionally so.

BTW, if a worker who is worked in a world war II era building in the mid-60s dies of mesothelioma, do they get to claim they died killing Nazis too?

Show me where she said he "died killing Nazis", twerp. S'matter with you dumbasses? First you can't READ English, now you can't SPEAK it, either.

Twerp? Really?

damn, that's funny. :cuckoo:
Is that a threat you drunken fool?

We'll see how much any of us stay out of YOUR way....................:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He hasn't answered me yet either on that one. He is a prime example of the "internet tough guy" persona.
Modbert, Jillian , Echo Zulu and the rest of you that have lied about this Governor, when will you apologize? Her father DID die because he fought the Nazi Regime JUST as she claimed.

By the way your original quote is NOT what she said. You can change it anytime and admit you are wrong.

Exactly on point. All people whom worked during that time on the Battle front or at the factories were in BATTLE.

I guess To FagBert, Jillian, and EZ don't understand the logic of teamwork...and everyone involved.

History, AND logic are NO friends to them.

I chock it up to their partisan stupidity.

[And YES all three of the aforementioned? Stay OUT of my way].

Is that a threat you drunken fool?

We'll see how much any of us stay out of YOUR way....................:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

that's too funny... what an insane freak of nature. :lol:

what on earth will the loser do with his internet muscles?

and funnier that RGS calls us the liars.

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The Nazi comments . . . they are awful," she said, her voice dropping. "Knowing that my father died fighting the Nazi regime in Germany, that I lost him when I was 11 because of that . . . and then to have them call me Hitler's daughter. It hurts. It's ugliness beyond anything I've ever experienced."

If a factory in New Jersey is fighting the Nazi's, then my Grandfather fought the Nazi's too working in Elkhart making RV's during the war.

She lied for sympathy, or embellished what her father did. That's a shame she did that to make some political points.

Remember folks, always tell the truth to save yourself these kinds of headaches.

Remember, folks: NEVER treat leftists as though they're worthy of serious consideration to save yourself these kinds of headaches.

Did your grandfather work in a factory that made things for the war effort? Then he DID fight the Nazi regime, and rather than denigrating that with your casual insistence on misquoting what the governor said, you should try honoring it by recognizing the part he played.
Is that a threat you drunken fool?

We'll see how much any of us stay out of YOUR way....................:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He hasn't answered me yet either on that one. He is a prime example of the "internet tough guy" persona.

I've heard when he's drunk he starts threatening people. Maybe he can get his tough neo-con buddies to help US KEEP OUT OF HIS WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol::lol::lol:
Is that a threat you drunken fool?

We'll see how much any of us stay out of YOUR way....................:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He hasn't answered me yet either on that one. He is a prime example of the "internet tough guy" persona.

I've heard when he's drunk he starts threatening people. Maybe he can get his tough neo-con buddies to help US KEEP OUT OF HIS WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol::lol::lol:

Keep going. Get it out of your system.
The Nazi comments . . . they are awful," she said, her voice dropping. "Knowing that my father died fighting the Nazi regime in Germany, that I lost him when I was 11 because of that . . . and then to have them call me Hitler's daughter. It hurts. It's ugliness beyond anything I've ever experienced."

If a factory in New Jersey is fighting the Nazi's, then my Grandfather fought the Nazi's too working in Elkhart making RV's during the war.

She lied for sympathy, or embellished what her father did. That's a shame she did that to make some political points.

Remember folks, always tell the truth to save yourself these kinds of headaches.

Remember, folks: NEVER treat leftists as though they're worthy of serious consideration to save yourself these kinds of headaches.

Did your grandfather work in a factory that made things for the war effort? Then he DID fight the Nazi regime, and rather than denigrating that with your casual insistence on misquoting what the governor said, you should try honoring it by recognizing the part he played.

Oh my gosh. Now I see why everyone calls you a hack. You are not worthy of debate, because you can't see beyond your right wing blinders. Because your beloved Gov. made a mistake, you'll defend her no matter what. She lied, plain and simple. Recognize that and move on, I'm sure there are some Fantasy Role Playing games waiting for you.
Is that a threat you drunken fool?

We'll see how much any of us stay out of YOUR way....................:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He hasn't answered me yet either on that one. He is a prime example of the "internet tough guy" persona.

When you have shown concrete examples of Logic you have something to stand on. Until then? Not so much.

Keep going. You're proving my point.
Exactly on point. All people whom worked during that time on the Battle front or at the factories were in BATTLE.

LMAO. That's got to be the stupidest statement of the thread. And that is saying a lot.

How many valorous citations were given to factory workers? I mean, they were in battle, right? Is the governor's dad eligible for the purple heart? Burial at Arlington?


Everyone's contribution is valued, but everyone's contribution is not the same. Putting shells together in America is not quite the same thing as getting shelled on the beaches of Omaha.

[And YES all three of the aforementioned? Stay OUT of my way].

Going to start tossing out threats now, Tommy? Don't you ever learn?
He hasn't answered me yet either on that one. He is a prime example of the "internet tough guy" persona.

I've heard when he's drunk he starts threatening people. Maybe he can get his tough neo-con buddies to help US KEEP OUT OF HIS WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol::lol::lol:

Keep going. Get it out of your system.

Oh, don't worry. Remember, you warned us to

Stay out of your way!

You have some more threats for us too Tommy? :booze:
Brewer mischaracterized her father's service to gain sympathy that she did not deserve. She is no different that Blumenthal. Ask your neighbors and friends, like I did today. Almost to a woman and man, they said it was despicable behavior. Indeed, it is. So was Blumenthal's. Everybody who does this has to go. She is now toast, which is a just reward for her.

Then let's clean them all out.

Let's start with Harry Reid. Saying the war was not winnable.

Then let's go after Nancy Pelosi. How many lies has she told.

Then on to Barrack Obama. Guy lies like most people take a breath.

Heck...let's get rid of all of the liars.

After all....many of you claim that all politicians are dishonest.

By the time we get done with the liars we won't have anyone left to run the country.

After what we've seen the last couple of years...maybe that's not a bad thing.

She said he died fighting the Nazi regime, which he did, so it wasn't a lie.

A.) He wasn't "fighting".
B.) He died ten years after there was a Nazi regime.

It was an obvious bullshit statement on the governor's part that she thought would walk.

It's not to diminish what people back at home did, but I doubt you'd find many of them that would claim the were "fighting the Nazis".

"Supporting the war effort" or "making bullets for the boys doing the fighting" sounds more like it.

At least that's what my grandmother, who was a riveter, always said.

A) Maybe you and your grandmother want to believe the entire country wasn't fighting the Nazi regime. Hell, maybe she just took the job as a riveter 'cause she needed the cash, and didn't give a smuck about the war effort. Don't know her, and don't give a shit. I have no reason to dispute Governor Brewer on her father's motivations for working in that factory, and I am under no obligation to devalue the ENTIRE war effort simply because your grandmother chose to do so.

B) My father-in-law was in Vietnam. He was exposed to Agent Orange there. He died of a particularly unusual and virulent type of cancer, despite having no family history of cancer whatsoever, years after his exposure. The Veteran's Administration acknowledges that the cancer was most likely caused by the Agent Orange. Would you like to tell me that his death was not directly caused by his service in Vietnam?
Hey EZ the libturds called Mrs. Brewer "hitler's daughter" she clearly wasn't. They lied about her. whatyagottosayaboutthatlie?
just too damn convenient to overlook the lie that Gov. Brewer is "hitler's daughter" innit?

lying libturds and the lying lies they tell.. some dumb libturd wrote a book like that once upon a libturdtime.
Don't blame ME if your side gives the appearance of not being able to spell "patriotism", let alone exhibit any.

What the fuck does that mean? You think you have fiat power over patriotism because of the way you vote? How fucking lame are you?

Here's a news flash for you the un-initiated: when you are in combat, no one gives a fuck how your vote.
I think T Tommy is going to blow a gasket here in a minute.

Saying your father died fighting the Nazi's is a lie.

She could have said he got ill working in a factory during the war, that would be the truth.

What is it with all these liars lately? Do they really think, in this day and age, they won't get caught? Really?

If only I could rep you again for this splendid comment, I would.

Take ADVICE from your own screen name sport.

Why? It's directed at you. As is the avatar.

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