Average middle income families prosper far more under Trump than Bush or Obama

And 4 months after the last time it was this high, a recession started!


I ll make you a Gator deal. If a recession starts in 4 mos. I ll leave This board 4ever. If not you leave. Deal?

Nope, I have not made such a claim and it would be a stupid thing to bet on.

I was just giving some context to consumer confidence.

Let's face the facts, the average American consumer is not the most well informed group out there, they are purely emotion driven for the most part.

And 4 months after the last time it was this high, a recession started!


I ll make you a Gator deal. If a recession starts in 4 mos. I ll leave This board 4ever. If not you leave. Deal?

Nope, I have not made such a claim and it would be a stupid thing to bet on.

I was just giving some context to consumer confidence.

Let's face the facts, the average American consumer is not the most well informed group out there, they are purely emotion driven for the most part.

Incorrect. They are driven by the $$. If I believe that my job is going well and my paycheck will be steady, I am likely to spend more. Go out to dinner, buy my kids the new iPhone, etc. If I believe layoffs are coming or my job opportunities may be limited, I will hold back the spending. What happened during the last recession was unprecedented as the home mortgage market sank prominent I-Banks and caused a credit crunch. It could certainly happen again but not in the near future.

it should be noted that consumer confidence is trending down since early 2018

Consumer Confidence Index® | The Conference Board

Yet it’s still high. The trade war has negatively impacted it.

Yes, it is still high...though as I have shown that is really sort of meaningless.

Except it isn't. You pointed to one unique occurrence.
So much fail in this thread.

Your dollar is almost worthless. You have very little purchasing power. Amost none. Credit card debt is also up 50% over the last few years. And they're using chained cpi to measure the consumer price index. Chained cpi is a method of doing so which purposely understates inflation's effect on the standard of living. In other words they've legalized lying about it. The use of chained cpi will also drive people into higher tax brackets. That's already started happening in the lower class.

Using chained cpi to measure the effects of the standard of living also raises the hidden and regressive inflation tax. The inflation tax is not a tax on real wages, it's a tax on the llusionary gains in income brought on by inflation.
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So much fail in this thread.

Your dollar is almost worthless. You have very little purchasing power. Amost none. Credit card debt is also up 50% over the last few years. And they're using chained cpi to measure the consumer price index. Chained cpi is a method of doing so which purposely understates inflation's effect on the standard of living. In other words they've legalized lying about it. The use of chained cpi will also drive people into higher tax brackets. That's already started happening in the lower class.
My dollar is worthless? Someone should give Bestbuy the memo cause they only want 400 of my dollars for a 65"4k HDR one inch thick TV. A tv that was 2000.00 a couple years ago.
My dollar is worthless? Someone should give Bestbuy the memo cause they only want 400 of my dollars for a 65"4k HDR one inch thick TV. A tv that was 2000.00 a couple years ago.

It probably cost about thirty bucks to make. About 20 for the board, a couple dollars for the plastic, about a dollar for the remote. The manual about a dollar.

I posted this in another thread a while ago...I think you need around $3,000 Federal Reserve Notes to equal a true dollar in 2019. The dollar's devaluation has been on a constant and rather consistent pace of decline, predictably.

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Hey, petunia, in 8 years of Obamakov incomes only went up $1,500 a year.

3 years of Trump up over $4,000.

Your parents should get their tax dollars back from your high school math department.

That is what 122 straight months of economic expansion will do for a country when added to 110 straight months of positive job growth.

Of course someone like you will give Trump credit for all 122 months, but we have all come to expect such things.
Your Obamabot response module is stuck.

The turn around for incomes started in 2014.
The turn around started with the 2010 Republican revolution.

Dang you sure like to party like its the first day of 2018...you know, that magical time before any of Trump actual policy went into real effect.

But reality moved on since then, and tax-cuts that took effect in 2018 failed to fuel either optimism or bussiness investment. There has been little real upward movement since Trump got into the WH.

looking at historic trend, it's pretty much in line with other economic indicator growth since the end of recession:

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Dang you sure like to party like its the first day of 2018...you know, that magical time before any of Trump actual policy went into real effect.

But reality moved on since then, and tax-cuts that took effect in 2018 failed to fuel either optimism or investment.

Antosha, your liberal bias is amusing. Now go and play with your dolls.

I've got liberal bias and you have conservative bias.

But one of us is not delusional about it. So how about a look in the mirror and then maybe an actuall retort.
How about staying on topic before some of you are thread banned?

Dang you sure like to party like its the first day of 2018...you know, that magical time before any of Trump actual policy went into real effect.

But reality moved on since then, and tax-cuts that took effect in 2018 failed to fuel either optimism or investment.

Antosha, your liberal bias is amusing. Now go and play with your dolls.

I've got liberal bias and you have conservative bias.

But one of us is not delusional about it. Sohow about a look in the mirror and then maybe an actuall retort.

Wrong. I post facts with logic. Corporate and consumer confidence is higher under Trump. Don’t believe me, Antosha, see what happens if he loses in 2020. That IS related to the topic.

Dang you sure like to party like its the first day of 2018...you know, that magical time before any of Trump actual policy went into real effect.

But reality moved on since then, and tax-cuts that took effect in 2018 failed to fuel either optimism or investment.

Antosha, your liberal bias is amusing. Now go and play with your dolls.

I've got liberal bias and you have conservative bias.

But one of us is not delusional about it. Sohow about a look in the mirror and then maybe an actuall retort.

Wrong. I post facts with logic. Corporate and consumer confidence is higher under Trump. Don’t believe me, Antosha, see what happens if he loses in 2020. That IS related to the topic.

I also post facts with logic, but I know I'm coming from moderate-liberal perspective on things.

The fact that you are not even aware of your biases, pretending to be some perfectly impartial observer speaks volumes about your lack of basic self-awareness.
Hey, petunia, in 8 years of Obamakov incomes only went up $1,500 a year.

3 years of Trump up over $4,000.

Your parents should get their tax dollars back from your high school math department.

That is what 122 straight months of economic expansion will do for a country when added to 110 straight months of positive job growth.

Of course someone like you will give Trump credit for all 122 months, but we have all come to expect such things.
Your Obamabot response module is stuck.

The turn around for incomes started in 2014. It has nothing to do with who is sitting in the White House, not when it happened under Obama (his final two years income went up $4810), and not when it happens under Trump. It is a result of sustained economic growth and job creation over a decade.

View attachment 282385

Typical libtardo and their refusal to include how much incomes went down under Obamakov.

We won't include the $3,000 loss under Obamakov.

See what happens when a libtardo is elected President. Consumer and Business confidence crashes.

Now listen up, folks. Illegal Aliens need your increase in incomes to pay for their food, healthcare, and housing.

So what ever you have left over at the end of every month you need to send it to the government. Chop, chop.

Obama took office during a recession. To be fair, you would have to discount the first 2 or 3 years under Obama. However neither Obama nor Trump deserve any credit. Fox News polls show that people are growing increasingly nervous about the economy.
Corporate and consumer confidence is higher under Trump. Don’t believe me, Antosha

Dummy, I don't need to belive or dis-belive you. My analysis is not hinged on personas but on looking at economic data and facts.

I posted historic consumer confidence and it pretty much oscilates around the axis of job growth we've seen since the end of recession. More people employed and making money more confidence, it's not a very complicated relationship.

Under Trump job growth trend has been unremarkable compared to previous 7 years, income growth has also been underwhelming considering full employment conditions since 2016.

Now how about you make a positive argument and post for us a historic "corporate confidence" graph.
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Opinion | Trump’s Middle-Class Economic Progress

This wrecks the lefts talking point that the middle class got crumbs at the expense of the rich.
Highest incomes in 16+ years.

Opinion | Trump’s Middle-Class Economic Progress

This wrecks the lefts talking point that the middle class got crumbs at the expense of the rich.
Highest incomes in 16+ years.

Middle class incomes up over $4,000 since Trump elected. That doesn't include the app. $1,500 in tax cuts.

The libtardos want to take that away to pay for illegal aliens healthcare. And free Burritos.

$4000 IS crumbs for the middle class. That's only $100 per week. And it ignores the $1000 per year lost to tariffs in the stores. Or the coming rises in gas prices due to Trump's Iran policies. I say this as someone whose own income went up by $4000 per year recently. It's making a difference, in terms of I don't have as a big a worry at unexpected expenses. I considered buying a car with the extra money, but decided to build some savings, something I haven't been able to do since I retired.
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