Autopsy of a Dead Coup

1.Victor Davis Hanson….my man!

Vic reminds all of the lies, the corruption, the attempt to depose the President elected by the American people, who wouldn’t accept the FBI/DoJ pushing the Clinton Crime Family into the office.

2.The greatest scandal in American political history, designed to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein and Hussein, knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs. “…a coordinated effort among the media, political progressives and celebrities to so demonize Trump that his imminent removal likely would appear a relief to the people. Anything was justified that led to that end.” [Hanson]

3.When it became evident that a coterie of career government officials was out to form a coup, and depose a duly elected President......remember all the fools who denied that there is a Deep State????
"Andrew McCabe Confirms: Deep State Plotted To Take Down Trump"
Andrew McCabe Confirms: Deep State Plotted To Take Down Trump | Investor's Business Daily

4. “There are many elements to what in time likely will become recognized as the greatest scandal in American political history, marking the first occasion in which U.S. government bureaucrats sought to overturn an election and to remove a sitting U.S. president.

5. The deep state is by nature cowardly. It does not move unless it feels it can disguise its subterranean efforts …as expressed in tell-all book titles such as fired FBI Directors James Comey’s Higher Loyalty or in disgraced Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s psychodramatic The Threat.

6. …press coverage, ran about 90 percent negative toward Trump…Journalists themselves consulted with the Clinton campaign to coordinate attacks. … journalistic grandees such as John Harwood, Mark Leibovich, Dana Milbank, and Glenn Thrush often communicated (and even post factum were unapologetic about doing so) with John Podesta’s staff to construct various anti-Trump themes and have the Clinton campaign review or even audit them in advance…. paid directly by Fusion GPS… to spread lurid stories from the dossier.

7. [James] Rutenberg put it in 2016: “If you view a Trump presidency as something that’s potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that. You would move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional. Rutenberg never considered that half the country might have considered the Hillary Clinton presidency “potentially dangerous,” and yet did not expect the evening news, in 90 percent of its coverage, to reflect such suspicions.” Autopsy of a Dead Coup

The divide between the American people and the Left's elites has never been more clear: the former clinging to the views of the Founders, the elites to the views of Marx, Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt.

And the battle rages.
It reminds me an awful lot, and the story bears a striking resemblance to this story;

Jussie Smollett is charged with disorderly conduct for filing false police report in attack

The Boy Who Cried Wolf - Wikipedia

If there were any justice, we would have some consequences.

The left that embraced him! Has now abandoned him. Isn't it funny how that always happens. We love you and support you ! Oh crap you lied! We hate you and the way you've damaged our cause and every fake assault we were planning for the future. Lose our numbers booby!:gay:
1.Victor Davis Hanson….my man!

Vic reminds all of the lies, the corruption, the attempt to depose the President elected by the American people, who wouldn’t accept the FBI/DoJ pushing the Clinton Crime Family into the office.

2.The greatest scandal in American political history, designed to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein and Hussein, knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs. “…a coordinated effort among the media, political progressives and celebrities to so demonize Trump that his imminent removal likely would appear a relief to the people. Anything was justified that led to that end.” [Hanson]

3.When it became evident that a coterie of career government officials was out to form a coup, and depose a duly elected President......remember all the fools who denied that there is a Deep State????
"Andrew McCabe Confirms: Deep State Plotted To Take Down Trump"
Andrew McCabe Confirms: Deep State Plotted To Take Down Trump | Investor's Business Daily

4. “There are many elements to what in time likely will become recognized as the greatest scandal in American political history, marking the first occasion in which U.S. government bureaucrats sought to overturn an election and to remove a sitting U.S. president.

5. The deep state is by nature cowardly. It does not move unless it feels it can disguise its subterranean efforts …as expressed in tell-all book titles such as fired FBI Directors James Comey’s Higher Loyalty or in disgraced Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s psychodramatic The Threat.

6. …press coverage, ran about 90 percent negative toward Trump…Journalists themselves consulted with the Clinton campaign to coordinate attacks. … journalistic grandees such as John Harwood, Mark Leibovich, Dana Milbank, and Glenn Thrush often communicated (and even post factum were unapologetic about doing so) with John Podesta’s staff to construct various anti-Trump themes and have the Clinton campaign review or even audit them in advance…. paid directly by Fusion GPS… to spread lurid stories from the dossier.

7. [James] Rutenberg put it in 2016: “If you view a Trump presidency as something that’s potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that. You would move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional. Rutenberg never considered that half the country might have considered the Hillary Clinton presidency “potentially dangerous,” and yet did not expect the evening news, in 90 percent of its coverage, to reflect such suspicions.” Autopsy of a Dead Coup

The divide between the American people and the Left's elites has never been more clear: the former clinging to the views of the Founders, the elites to the views of Marx, Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt.

And the battle rages.
People don't go to jail because you don't like them.

They go to jail for criminal activity. You know, stuff Trump does.

Again, if it comes down to believing intel officers or some yahoo on the Internet....who would you believe

Murder isn't a federal crime so the FBI doesn't do murder and the CIA doesn't do anything domestic so what "intel agencies" are you talking about, moron?

Investigating the hacking of computers which was done by Russian intelligence. At the behest of Trump’s campaign it seems
It is a intriguing story. An intriguing story that will get very little exposure. I concur with your sentiment that this is actually more scandalous than even Watergate, but it is not an easy headline to write, the type of headline that will drawn in a reader.

Watergate- Illegal break in at night to bug the DNC headquarters and covered up by the PResident of the United States of America.

Go ahead- try to write the headline for this scandal and you’ll see what I mean.

16 Trump campaign officials met with Russian operatives during which time Russians were hacking DNC computers. How did is do?

Saying "Hi, how are you" at a cocktail party loaded with international diplomats is not "a meeting", therefore you did terribly, sorry.

What about meeting in an office and lying about it?
If lying is something you find unacceptable, how could you have voted for her?
It is a intriguing story. An intriguing story that will get very little exposure. I concur with your sentiment that this is actually more scandalous than even Watergate, but it is not an easy headline to write, the type of headline that will drawn in a reader.

Watergate- Illegal break in at night to bug the DNC headquarters and covered up by the PResident of the United States of America.

Go ahead- try to write the headline for this scandal and you’ll see what I mean.

16 Trump campaign officials met with Russian operatives during which time Russians were hacking DNC computers. How did is do?

Saying "Hi, how are you" at a cocktail party loaded with international diplomats is not "a meeting", therefore you did terribly, sorry.

It is important to see the scribbling of the indelibly indoctrinated, like that one.

We should never be allowed to forget the damage government schooling has done.

Wait for it...……. public schools have like a 70% grad rate. Great Job. If my work was only 70% successful I'd be out of business. When it comes to education, The Govt is not the problem or the Solution. Here's why! Funny but true. We didn't have snow days when I was in school. It was like a challenge to be at school on really bad snowy days. Schools were a reflection of the community. HMMMMM!

Yeah, I never had snow days either.

in FL
1.Victor Davis Hanson….my man!

Vic reminds all of the lies, the corruption, the attempt to depose the President elected by the American people, who wouldn’t accept the FBI/DoJ pushing the Clinton Crime Family into the office.

2.The greatest scandal in American political history, designed to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein and Hussein, knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs. “…a coordinated effort among the media, political progressives and celebrities to so demonize Trump that his imminent removal likely would appear a relief to the people. Anything was justified that led to that end.” [Hanson]

3.When it became evident that a coterie of career government officials was out to form a coup, and depose a duly elected President......remember all the fools who denied that there is a Deep State????
"Andrew McCabe Confirms: Deep State Plotted To Take Down Trump"
Andrew McCabe Confirms: Deep State Plotted To Take Down Trump | Investor's Business Daily

4. “There are many elements to what in time likely will become recognized as the greatest scandal in American political history, marking the first occasion in which U.S. government bureaucrats sought to overturn an election and to remove a sitting U.S. president.

5. The deep state is by nature cowardly. It does not move unless it feels it can disguise its subterranean efforts …as expressed in tell-all book titles such as fired FBI Directors James Comey’s Higher Loyalty or in disgraced Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s psychodramatic The Threat.

6. …press coverage, ran about 90 percent negative toward Trump…Journalists themselves consulted with the Clinton campaign to coordinate attacks. … journalistic grandees such as John Harwood, Mark Leibovich, Dana Milbank, and Glenn Thrush often communicated (and even post factum were unapologetic about doing so) with John Podesta’s staff to construct various anti-Trump themes and have the Clinton campaign review or even audit them in advance…. paid directly by Fusion GPS… to spread lurid stories from the dossier.

7. [James] Rutenberg put it in 2016: “If you view a Trump presidency as something that’s potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that. You would move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional. Rutenberg never considered that half the country might have considered the Hillary Clinton presidency “potentially dangerous,” and yet did not expect the evening news, in 90 percent of its coverage, to reflect such suspicions.” Autopsy of a Dead Coup

The divide between the American people and the Left's elites has never been more clear: the former clinging to the views of the Founders, the elites to the views of Marx, Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt.

And the battle rages.

PSST!! Don't tell anyone but a "coup" is illegal. What they were talking about is the Constitutional removal of a criminal President under Article 25 of the Constitution. All legal under the Constitution.

It's OK, the treasonous fool will be gone soon. Trump is a criminal and an agent of Russia.
2.The greatest scandal in American political history, designed to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein and Hussein, knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs. “…a coordinated effort among the media, political progressives and celebrities to so demonize Trump that his imminent removal likely would appear a relief to the people. Anything was justified that led to that end.” [Hanson]
Ms Chic, Hanson is an interesting writer, but so many of his theorem are based on in the above quote accusing the Uranium deal and his use of the word " "PROBABLY wet their beaks..." and also ignores the FACT the "Muller" (Mueller), Comey and Rosenstein are Republicans. Also, using the grudge but unproven opinion of a "Clinton Crime Family" to cover the more blatant Trump Crime family is a bit of a tell.

I know your reaction to my opinion of Mr. Hanson's motives, which I believe are the very motives you assign to some "Deep State" spooks and some Republicans in National Security positions that are more interested in nation than cult so they become targets. I do agree we are in the greatest scandal in American political history, but we part on the source and simply wanted you to know why.
It is a intriguing story. An intriguing story that will get very little exposure. I concur with your sentiment that this is actually more scandalous than even Watergate, but it is not an easy headline to write, the type of headline that will drawn in a reader.

Watergate- Illegal break in at night to bug the DNC headquarters and covered up by the PResident of the United States of America.

Go ahead- try to write the headline for this scandal and you’ll see what I mean.

16 Trump campaign officials met with Russian operatives during which time Russians were hacking DNC computers. How did is do?

Saying "Hi, how are you" at a cocktail party loaded with international diplomats is not "a meeting", therefore you did terribly, sorry.

What about meeting in an office and lying about it?
If lying is something you find unacceptable, how could you have voted for her?
out of all the candidates in the race, she was the most honest.... bernie told more lies/falsities than her and Trump lied 100 times more... according to all Fact Checkers??? :dunno:
Again, if it comes down to believing intel officers or some yahoo on the Internet....who would you believe

Murder isn't a federal crime so the FBI doesn't do murder and the CIA doesn't do anything domestic so what "intel agencies" are you talking about, moron?

What? FBI investigates murder all the time. Are you not from the USA?

And congrats you listed 2 out of the 17 Federal intelligence agencies.
Again, if it comes down to believing intel officers or some yahoo on the Internet....who would you believe

Murder isn't a federal crime so the FBI doesn't do murder and the CIA doesn't do anything domestic so what "intel agencies" are you talking about, moron?

Investigating the hacking of computers which was done by Russian intelligence. At the behest of Trump’s campaign it seems

Is there a hamster running on a wheel in your head? Clinton's unsecure devices got hacked before Donald even won the nomination.
It is a intriguing story. An intriguing story that will get very little exposure. I concur with your sentiment that this is actually more scandalous than even Watergate, but it is not an easy headline to write, the type of headline that will drawn in a reader.

Watergate- Illegal break in at night to bug the DNC headquarters and covered up by the PResident of the United States of America.

Go ahead- try to write the headline for this scandal and you’ll see what I mean.

16 Trump campaign officials met with Russian operatives during which time Russians were hacking DNC computers. How did is do?
Oh my! And now 16 states are trying to keep the borders unsafe.

You know what? I think only 35 are needed to override Congress. (In a Constitutional Convention)
What to do about lying media? They never got away with that before the 90s. What changed that can be rolled back and their feet held to the fire for publishing falsehoods?

PS: Politicians lying is expected. Sad but true.
Maybe it was:
FOX NEWS that changed it, and the courts.... Fox forced news journalists to lie, they sued FOX, the court ruled Fox can lie and force their journalists to lie...?
What to do about lying media? They never got away with that before the 90s. What changed that can be rolled back and their feet held to the fire for publishing falsehoods?

PS: Politicians lying is expected. Sad but true.
Maybe it was:
FOX NEWS is what changed it, and the courts.... Fox forced news journalists to lie, they sued FOX, the court ruled Fox can lie and force their journalists to lie...?

What year was that?
Again, if it comes down to believing intel officers or some yahoo on the Internet....who would you believe

Murder isn't a federal crime so the FBI doesn't do murder and the CIA doesn't do anything domestic so what "intel agencies" are you talking about, moron?

Investigating the hacking of computers which was done by Russian intelligence. At the behest of Trump’s campaign it seems

Is there a hamster running on a wheel in your head? Clinton's unsecure devices got hacked before Donald even won the nomination.

That's not true.

None of Clinton's devices were ever hacked. The FBI could find no evidence they were breached. If ANY of her devices had been hacked, WikiLeaks would have trumpted that triumph. The only Clinton emails WikiLeaks published came from their FOI request.
Again, if it comes down to believing intel officers or some yahoo on the Internet....who would you believe

Murder isn't a federal crime so the FBI doesn't do murder and the CIA doesn't do anything domestic so what "intel agencies" are you talking about, moron?

Investigating the hacking of computers which was done by Russian intelligence. At the behest of Trump’s campaign it seems

Is there a hamster running on a wheel in your head? Clinton's unsecure devices got hacked before Donald even won the nomination.

That's not true.

None of Clinton's devices were ever hacked. The FBI could find no evidence they were breached. If ANY of her devices had been hacked, WikiLeaks would have trumpted that triumph. The only Clinton emails WikiLeaks published came from their FOI request.

IMO, those damaged her campaign more than anything else. Wait a minute...some of the Wikileaks stuff was leaked by someone in the DNC.
What to do about lying media? They never got away with that before the 90s. What changed that can be rolled back and their feet held to the fire for publishing falsehoods?

PS: Politicians lying is expected. Sad but true.
Maybe it was:
FOX NEWS is what changed it, and the courts.... Fox forced news journalists to lie, they sued FOX, the court ruled Fox can lie and force their journalists to lie...?

What year was that?

Didn't happen:

\FACT CHECK: Did Fox News Sue for the 'Right to Lie'?
What to do about lying media? They never got away with that before the 90s. What changed that can be rolled back and their feet held to the fire for publishing falsehoods?

PS: Politicians lying is expected. Sad but true.
Maybe it was:
FOX NEWS is what changed it, and the courts.... Fox forced news journalists to lie, they sued FOX, the court ruled Fox can lie and force their journalists to lie...?

What year was that?

Didn't happen:

\FACT CHECK: Did Fox News Sue for the 'Right to Lie'?

You know, I could probably find where it did because I don't use fact-checkers, but that's getting too far off topic.
It is a intriguing story. An intriguing story that will get very little exposure. I concur with your sentiment that this is actually more scandalous than even Watergate, but it is not an easy headline to write, the type of headline that will drawn in a reader.

Watergate- Illegal break in at night to bug the DNC headquarters and covered up by the PResident of the United States of America.

Go ahead- try to write the headline for this scandal and you’ll see what I mean.

16 Trump campaign officials met with Russian operatives during which time Russians were hacking DNC computers. How did is do?

Saying "Hi, how are you" at a cocktail party loaded with international diplomats is not "a meeting", therefore you did terribly, sorry.

What about meeting in an office and lying about it?
If lying is something you find unacceptable, how could you have voted for her?
out of all the candidates in the race, she was the most honest.... bernie told more lies/falsities than her and Trump lied 100 times more... according to all Fact Checkers??? :dunno:
Oh my!

And here I was thinking you weren’t completely on the left.

You really need to rethink that.
Again, if it comes down to believing intel officers or some yahoo on the Internet....who would you believe

Murder isn't a federal crime so the FBI doesn't do murder and the CIA doesn't do anything domestic so what "intel agencies" are you talking about, moron?

Investigating the hacking of computers which was done by Russian intelligence. At the behest of Trump’s campaign it seems

Is there a hamster running on a wheel in your head? Clinton's unsecure devices got hacked before Donald even won the nomination.

That's not true.

None of Clinton's devices were ever hacked. The FBI could find no evidence they were breached. If ANY of her devices had been hacked, WikiLeaks would have trumpted that triumph. The only Clinton emails WikiLeaks published came from their FOI request.

IMO, those damaged her campaign more than anything else. Wait a minute...some of the Wikileaks stuff was leaked by someone in the DNC.

No it wasn't. That's another Trump lie. Seth Rich was working on the campaign website apps. He had no access to the email server and was murdered by a mugger. FOX News has admitted that Hannity lied.

WikiLeaks published ALL of Clinton's emails that they received under the FOI. You should read them. They show a dedicated and caring woman working hard for the country.

The also published the DNC Memos they received from the GRU. In the latest Roger Stone filings, Mueller's team talks about having emails between Stone and the GRU about those emails.
16 Trump campaign officials met with Russian operatives during which time Russians were hacking DNC computers. How did is do?

Saying "Hi, how are you" at a cocktail party loaded with international diplomats is not "a meeting", therefore you did terribly, sorry.

What about meeting in an office and lying about it?
If lying is something you find unacceptable, how could you have voted for her?
out of all the candidates in the race, she was the most honest.... bernie told more lies/falsities than her and Trump lied 100 times more... according to all Fact Checkers??? :dunno:
Oh my!

And here I was thinking you weren’t completely on the left.

You really need to rethink that.

No that's true too. Less than Bernie even.

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