Australia Does Not Have Freedom Of Speech


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2020
Spce coast Florida
“Free speech” is often raised as a defence in the court of public opinion, particularly when people are called out by their ideological opponents. “You’re attacking my right to free speech!” However, either through forgetfulness or ignorance, many Australians don’t appear to realise free speech is not a legal right they hold.

( I am guessing Ignorance )

“Free speech” is often raised as a defence in the court of public opinion, particularly when people are called out by their ideological opponents. “You’re attacking my right to free speech!” However, either through forgetfulness or ignorance, many Australians don’t appear to realise free speech is not a legal right they hold.

( I am guessing Ignorance )

Satire got banned in Australia. Waz up wit dat?
Here I agree, we do not. Only the right to political or religious speech.

Mind you any Aussie reading the pathetic and illiterate ravings Bob or some of the other commentators on this forum would pose the question maybe American free speech is not such a great thing?

I still think it is, I say to my Aussie friends sure there are a lot of really uneducated, deluded and ever angry people in America, but they too should be allowed their say.

Some times you have to wade through a sewer of ignorance, stupidity and lunacy to learn the true nature of the American condition.
Here I agree, we do not. Only the right to political or religious speech.

Mind you any Aussie reading the pathetic and illiterate ravings Bob or some of the other commentators on this forum would pose the question maybe American free speech is not such a great thing?

I still think it is, I say to my Aussie friends sure there are a lot of really uneducated, deluded and ever angry people in America, but they too should be allowed their say.

Some times you have to wade through a sewer of ignorance, stupidity and lunacy to learn the true nature of the American condition.
I believe stupidity runs deep in Australia , you alone are proof of that not to mention All the Australians I have met
Surely Americans are in no position to criticize other countries for lacking "freedom of speech."

And just wait until January 20 to really understand why.
Surely Americans are in no position to criticize other countries for lacking "freedom of speech."

And just wait until January 20 to really understand why.
we have freedoms Australia will never have and you kow it , by the way , I express my right to free speech all I want . Australia sucks its a shat hole and a piss ant nation
Surely Americans are in no position to criticize other countries for lacking "freedom of speech."

And just wait until January 20 to really understand why.
we have freedoms Australia will never have and you kow it , by the way , I express my right to free speech all I want . Australia sucks its a shat hole and a piss ant nation

It might be more accurate to use the past tense of "have" -- especially after January 20.
Why all the hate for Australia? You don't live there, no one is forcing you to go there, the existence of the island nation doesn't have an effect on you... have you ever even been there? Did an Aussie steal your wife or girlfriend?
Why all the hate for Australia? You don't live there, no one is forcing you to go there, the existence of the island nation doesn't have an effect on you... have you ever even been there? Did an Aussie steal your wife or girlfriend?

Because they're unarmed fags who like sodomizing each other.

We here in the US have very little respect for unarmed Sodomites.
Why all the hate for Australia? You don't live there, no one is forcing you to go there, the existence of the island nation doesn't have an effect on you... have you ever even been there? Did an Aussie steal your wife or girlfriend?

Because they're unarmed fags who like sodomizing each other.

We here in the US have very little respect for unarmed Sodomites.

So I have observed JGalt you have a love of guns and obsession with sodomy?

Freud explored the psychosexual development and neurosis concerning some men’s obsession with firearms to a sense of inadequacy in the realm of “traditional” men’s roles.

Or in other words your fantasies of sodomy with men trouble you, but you cannot contain them so you rush to gun culture as a core part of your identity as an affirmation you really are heterosexual.
Why all the hate for Australia? You don't live there, no one is forcing you to go there, the existence of the island nation doesn't have an effect on you... have you ever even been there? Did an Aussie steal your wife or girlfriend?

Because they're unarmed fags who like sodomizing each other.

We here in the US have very little respect for unarmed Sodomites.

So I have observed JGalt you have a love of guns and obsession with sodomy?

Freud explored the psychosexual development and neurosis concerning some men’s obsession with firearms to a sense of inadequacy in the realm of “traditional” men’s roles.

Or in other words your fantasies of sodomy with men trouble you, but you cannot contain them so you rush to gun culture as a core part of your identity as an affirmation you really are heterosexual.

You're full of shit as usual. I'm more than comfortable with my own sexuality and don't have to prove anything to anyone. As for my affinity with firearms, you idiot leftists like to say that we gun-owners are "compensating" for penis size or some such bullshit.

Of course I'm "compensating." If I could reach out to 500 yards and turn your head into mush with my dick, I wouldn't need a gun, now would I?
Why all the hate for Australia? You don't live there, no one is forcing you to go there, the existence of the island nation doesn't have an effect on you... have you ever even been there? Did an Aussie steal your wife or girlfriend?

Because they're unarmed fags who like sodomizing each other.

We here in the US have very little respect for unarmed Sodomites.

So I have observed JGalt you have a love of guns and obsession with sodomy?

Freud explored the psychosexual development and neurosis concerning some men’s obsession with firearms to a sense of inadequacy in the realm of “traditional” men’s roles.

Or in other words your fantasies of sodomy with men trouble you, but you cannot contain them so you rush to gun culture as a core part of your identity as an affirmation you really are heterosexual.

You're full of shit as usual. I'm more than comfortable with my own sexuality and don't have to prove anything to anyone. As for my affinity with firearms, you idiot leftists like to say that we gun-owners are "compensating" for penis size or some such bullshit.

Of course I'm "compensating." If I could reach out to 500 yards and turn your head into mush with my dick, I wouldn't need a gun, now would I?

Exactly what some one suffering psychosexual neurosis would say.

Have no fear, we can come to a break through. It may take years, but I work for free on the more acute and pathetic cases.
Why all the hate for Australia? You don't live there, no one is forcing you to go there, the existence of the island nation doesn't have an effect on you... have you ever even been there? Did an Aussie steal your wife or girlfriend?

Because they're unarmed fags who like sodomizing each other.

We here in the US have very little respect for unarmed Sodomites.

So I have observed JGalt you have a love of guns and obsession with sodomy?

Freud explored the psychosexual development and neurosis concerning some men’s obsession with firearms to a sense of inadequacy in the realm of “traditional” men’s roles.

Or in other words your fantasies of sodomy with men trouble you, but you cannot contain them so you rush to gun culture as a core part of your identity as an affirmation you really are heterosexual.

You're full of shit as usual. I'm more than comfortable with my own sexuality and don't have to prove anything to anyone. As for my affinity with firearms, you idiot leftists like to say that we gun-owners are "compensating" for penis size or some such bullshit.

Of course I'm "compensating." If I could reach out to 500 yards and turn your head into mush with my dick, I wouldn't need a gun, now would I?

Exactly what some one suffering psychosexual neurosis would say.

Have no fear, we can come to a break through. It may take years, but I work for free on the more acute and pathetic cases.

Whathefuckever, faggot.
Why all the hate for Australia? You don't live there, no one is forcing you to go there, the existence of the island nation doesn't have an effect on you... have you ever even been there? Did an Aussie steal your wife or girlfriend?

Because they're unarmed fags who like sodomizing each other.

We here in the US have very little respect for unarmed Sodomites.

So I have observed JGalt you have a love of guns and obsession with sodomy?

Freud explored the psychosexual development and neurosis concerning some men’s obsession with firearms to a sense of inadequacy in the realm of “traditional” men’s roles.

Or in other words your fantasies of sodomy with men trouble you, but you cannot contain them so you rush to gun culture as a core part of your identity as an affirmation you really are heterosexual.

You're full of shit as usual. I'm more than comfortable with my own sexuality and don't have to prove anything to anyone. As for my affinity with firearms, you idiot leftists like to say that we gun-owners are "compensating" for penis size or some such bullshit.

Of course I'm "compensating." If I could reach out to 500 yards and turn your head into mush with my dick, I wouldn't need a gun, now would I?

Exactly what some one suffering psychosexual neurosis would say.

Have no fear, we can come to a break through. It may take years, but I work for free on the more acute and pathetic cases.

Whathefuckever, faggot.

That is it!

Let it all out, let it go.
Why all the hate for Australia? You don't live there, no one is forcing you to go there, the existence of the island nation doesn't have an effect on you... have you ever even been there? Did an Aussie steal your wife or girlfriend?
Why all the hate for Australia? You don't live there, no one is forcing you to go there, the existence of the island nation doesn't have an effect on you... have you ever even been there? Did an Aussie steal your wife or girlfriend?

Because they're unarmed fags who like sodomizing each other.

We here in the US have very little respect for unarmed Sodomites.

So I have observed JGalt you have a love of guns and obsession with sodomy?

Freud explored the psychosexual development and neurosis concerning some men’s obsession with firearms to a sense of inadequacy in the realm of “traditional” men’s roles.

Or in other words your fantasies of sodomy with men trouble you, but you cannot contain them so you rush to gun culture as a core part of your identity as an affirmation you really are heterosexual.
Jake is the one to watch he hes always talking about bung holes and hot dogs in mouths and is obviously a Priscilla fan. As far as guns go men in australia are limited to what they are allowed to own so 8 think thats why Priscilla 8s so popular there
Why all the hate for Australia? You don't live there, no one is forcing you to go there, the existence of the island nation doesn't have an effect on you... have you ever even been there? Did an Aussie steal your wife or girlfriend?
Why all the hate for Australia? You don't live there, no one is forcing you to go there, the existence of the island nation doesn't have an effect on you... have you ever even been there? Did an Aussie steal your wife or girlfriend?

Because they're unarmed fags who like sodomizing each other.

We here in the US have very little respect for unarmed Sodomites.

So I have observed JGalt you have a love of guns and obsession with sodomy?

Freud explored the psychosexual development and neurosis concerning some men’s obsession with firearms to a sense of inadequacy in the realm of “traditional” men’s roles.

Or in other words your fantasies of sodomy with men trouble you, but you cannot contain them so you rush to gun culture as a core part of your identity as an affirmation you really are heterosexual.
Jake is the one to watch he hes always talking about bung holes and hot dogs in mouths and is obviously a Priscilla fan. As far as guns go men in australia are limited to what they are allowed to own so 8 think thats why Priscilla 8s so popular there

I got it right, didn't I Bob? Your obsession with Australia is do to a failed relationship with a Aussie transsexual named Priscilla. For once in your life you felt loved by some one, you had never had that before, not even from your mother.

But Priscilla too left you, they always do. Don't they Bob?

It is OK Bob, there is a way out of this self imposed obsessive compulsive behaviour, always chained by sexual inadequacy.

It will take years of therapy in your case but it can be done.
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