Austin bomber dead in shooting.

A military guy staying at the hotel said it sounded like 2grenades going off.
Still no motive in Austin bombings after finding explosives in suspect's home
The man accused of setting off explosive devices throughout Central Texas is dead, but authorities fear more bombs could be out there.

Author: Paul Livengood, Kris Betts, Tony Plohetski, Shawna Reding, Chelsea Cunningham
Published: 3:01 AM CDT March 21, 2018
Updated: 4:44 PM CDT March 21, 2018
The 23-year-old man accused of setting off a string of explosives in the Austin-area is dead after detonating a bomb and killing himself as the SWAT team closed in to take him into custody, authorities have confirmed. While the suspect is dead, Austin police are warning the public to remain vigilant because there may be other devices out there.
Still no motive in Austin bombings after finding explosives in suspect's home
. I thought after Timothy McVeighs bombing of the federal building, that it was made virtually impossible for anyone to get the ingredients/materials to make a bomb or get the plans to make one let alone purchase any kind of amonium nitrate etc ? Do we have laws that are being ignored and violated with ease, and is this yet another lax of law enforcement in this nation not doing it's job ???

a 9 brick sparkler bomb in a car

.Whats a 9 brick sparkler bomb made of ?? Watch the video right ? Right. BRB.

regular fireworks sparklers
Still no motive in Austin bombings after finding explosives in suspect's home
The man accused of setting off explosive devices throughout Central Texas is dead, but authorities fear more bombs could be out there.

Author: Paul Livengood, Kris Betts, Tony Plohetski, Shawna Reding, Chelsea Cunningham
Published: 3:01 AM CDT March 21, 2018
Updated: 4:44 PM CDT March 21, 2018
The 23-year-old man accused of setting off a string of explosives in the Austin-area is dead after detonating a bomb and killing himself as the SWAT team closed in to take him into custody, authorities have confirmed. While the suspect is dead, Austin police are warning the public to remain vigilant because there may be other devices out there.
Still no motive in Austin bombings after finding explosives in suspect's home
. I thought after Timothy McVeighs bombing of the federal building, that it was made virtually impossible for anyone to get the ingredients/materials to make a bomb or get the plans to make one let alone purchase any kind of amonium nitrate etc ? Do we have laws that are being ignored and violated with ease, and is this yet another lax of law enforcement in this nation not doing it's job ???

a 9 brick sparkler bomb in a car

.Whats a 9 brick sparkler bomb made of ?? Watch the video right ? Right. BRB.

regular fireworks sparklers
. Didn't watch the video, so thanks for the update. I won't watch the video, because I don't want to even know about something like that.
So, it's so important that he's "White"???????

Not racist at all. LOL

Yes, that means the right will now classify this as a lone wolf, mentally disturbed individual, instead of castigating the entire group if it was anybody of a different color that did it.
Is he part of a cell then?

No not part of a cell a lone wolf.

The police have found a 25 minute video confession from Mark Anthony Conditt, in this 25 minute video he mentions NO POLITICAL MOTIVE he mentions he supports NO POLITICAL PARTY ie. he's NOT a Right-Winger Conservative Trump supporter and he mentions NO RACE HATE MOTIVE but he goes very indepth into how he assembled each bomb and he seems to have perpetrated these horrific events because he was a very confused young man who in his OWN words was having deep personal issues in his personal life.

jillian and Co. will be VERY VERY upset because we know how desperate that crowd was for Mark Anthony Conditt to be a White Supremacist/Racist/Nazi/Fascist/Bigot, well he was NONE of those things, sorry, he was just a fucked up young man who lost his way in this life and that resulted in him doing these horrific things.



Here is the link to the full article:

Austin bomb suspect Mark Anthony Conditt recorded 25-minute 'confession'
Oh boy....Another 'nice guy' that suddenly decided to kill innocent people. He had a 'good family' and the neighbors thought he was a great guy. Seems to me that's the MO of most of these mass killers. Anyone even asking why? Nope....
Oh boy....Another 'nice guy' that suddenly decided to kill innocent people. He had a 'good family' and the neighbors thought he was a great guy. Seems to me that's the MO of most of these mass killers. Anyone even asking why? Nope....

Mental Health in the Western world is still not given the importance in society that it should, there is also a stigma attached to mental health and with peoples who have mental health issues, many go untreated because of this stigma because they are afraid and/or ashamed to ask for professional help. I know a lot about this topic being married to a Psychiatrist and because of that we know a lot of other Psychiatrists and Mr. Lucy deals with peoples every day who have a variety of Mental Health issues some more advanced than others because they were undiagnosed for x amount of time and what they share with him about themselves individually he keeps that confidence but he does talk about them.
If this had been happening in California and the bomber was an illegal alien, the courts would have only convicted him of mishandling explosive materials and released him.
Cassia Schultz, 21, told BuzzFeed News that she ran in the same conservative survivalist circles in high school as Conditt.

Schultz said they were both involved in a group called Righteous Invasion of Truth (RIOT), a Bible study and outdoors group for homeschooled kids, created and named by the kids and their families, that included monthly activities such as archery, gun skills, and water balloon fights. Conditt and his younger sister would usually attend the activities along with 15 to 20 other kids, according to Schultz.

“A lot of us were very into science; we would discuss chemicals and how to mix them and which ones were dangerous,” said Schultz, who is now a house painter. “We were into weapons and stuff. A lot of us did role-playing, and RPG [role-playing games]; we’d have foam weapons and act out a battle.”

Schultz described Conditt as a "pretty normal kid." She said that a lot of children who were part of RIOT carried knives and learned how to shoot guns at gun ranges, but she didn't recall bombs or bomb-making being a specific topic of discussion at RIOT.

RIOT events also included 30 minutes to an hour of Bible study, Schultz said.

She said she attended Bible study at Conditt’s parents' home. She described the family as “more conservative, strictly religious.”

“[Mark Conditt] always had deep and interesting insights, from what I remember," Schultz said. "He thought really deeply about stuff."

She added that she hadn’t seen or spoken with Conditt in three or four years and was shocked by the news. She said other RIOT friends had been sharing their surprise on social media.

Here's What We Know About The Austin Bombings Suspect
Jeremiah Jensen, 24, who was also part of the Pflugerville homeschool community and was close to Conditt in 2012 and 2013, told the Statesman that he would often go to Conditt's home for lunch after attending Sunday church services, Bible study, and other activities.

"When I met Mark, he was really rough around the edges,” Jensen said. “He was a very assertive person and would... end up being kind of dominant and intimidating in conversation. A lot of people didn’t understand him and where he was coming from. He really just wanted to tell the truth. What I remember about him he would push back on you if you said something without thinking about it. He loved to think and argue and turn things over and figure out what was really going on."

Jensen told the Statesman that "faith was a serious thing" for Conditt and that he regularly attended church services at the Austin Stone Community Church.

"I don’t know if he held onto his faith or not," Jensen said. "The kind of anger that he expressed and the kind of hate that he succumbed to — that’s not what he believed in in high school. I don’t know what happened along the way. This wasn’t him.”
A 2012 blog that Conditt appeared to have written for a US government class at Austin Community College contained posts with his opinions about same-sex marriage, abortions, the death penalty, and terrorists.

An introduction to the blog, titled "Defining my Stance," read:

"My name is Mark Conditt. I enjoy cycling, parkour, tennis, reading, and listening to music. I am not that politically inclined. I view myself as a conservative, but I don't think I have enough information to defend my stance as well as it should be defended. The reasons I am taking this class is because I want to understand the US government, and I hope that it will help me clarify my stance, and then defend it."

One of the blog posts titled "why gay marriage should be illegal" was a response to another classmate's blog post defending same-sex marriages.

"Homosexuality is not natural," Conditt's post read. "Just look at the male and female bodies. They are obviously designed to couple. The natural design is apparent."

In another post criticizing "free abortions," Conditt wrote, "First, if a women does not want a baby, or is incapable of taking care of one, she should not participate in activities that were made for that reason."

Other posts include "Why we might want to consider doing away with Sex Offender Registration" and "An argument for the death penalty."

One blog post agreed with Washington Post columnist Mark A. Thiessen, who wrote about why it was wrong for the US government to make a deal to release a senior al-Qaeda terrorist.
Still no motive in Austin bombings after finding explosives in suspect's home
The man accused of setting off explosive devices throughout Central Texas is dead, but authorities fear more bombs could be out there.

Author: Paul Livengood, Kris Betts, Tony Plohetski, Shawna Reding, Chelsea Cunningham
Published: 3:01 AM CDT March 21, 2018
Updated: 4:44 PM CDT March 21, 2018
The 23-year-old man accused of setting off a string of explosives in the Austin-area is dead after detonating a bomb and killing himself as the SWAT team closed in to take him into custody, authorities have confirmed. While the suspect is dead, Austin police are warning the public to remain vigilant because there may be other devices out there.
Still no motive in Austin bombings after finding explosives in suspect's home
. I thought after Timothy McVeighs bombing of the federal building, that it was made virtually impossible for anyone to get the ingredients/materials to make a bomb or get the plans to make one let alone purchase any kind of amonium nitrate etc ? Do we have laws that are being ignored and violated with ease, and is this yet another lax of law enforcement in this nation not doing it's job ???

a 9 brick sparkler bomb in a car

Seeing how these things are on video for anyone to see on the net, then where is the arrest of the person or persons who makes these videos ???????? This bullcrap of these sites claiming that they don't have any control over what people upload to the internet sites is pure bullcrap. If the laws in this country covered these things, then you wouldn't see or hear these things. The left or right trying to protect any content of this type going on line (IMO) should make them all be seen as aiders and abetters to criminal activity, and this when they show up to protest the removal of, and then show their support for the allowance of dangerous content to be made available to any and everybody on line.

indeed they certainly can

they are and do censor conservative postings all the time for example
Still no motive in Austin bombings after finding explosives in suspect's home
The man accused of setting off explosive devices throughout Central Texas is dead, but authorities fear more bombs could be out there.

Author: Paul Livengood, Kris Betts, Tony Plohetski, Shawna Reding, Chelsea Cunningham
Published: 3:01 AM CDT March 21, 2018
Updated: 4:44 PM CDT March 21, 2018
The 23-year-old man accused of setting off a string of explosives in the Austin-area is dead after detonating a bomb and killing himself as the SWAT team closed in to take him into custody, authorities have confirmed. While the suspect is dead, Austin police are warning the public to remain vigilant because there may be other devices out there.
Still no motive in Austin bombings after finding explosives in suspect's home
. I thought after Timothy McVeighs bombing of the federal building, that it was made virtually impossible for anyone to get the ingredients/materials to make a bomb or get the plans to make one let alone purchase any kind of amonium nitrate etc ? Do we have laws that are being ignored and violated with ease, and is this yet another lax of law enforcement in this nation not doing it's job ???

a 9 brick sparkler bomb in a car

.Whats a 9 brick sparkler bomb made of ?? Watch the video right ? Right. BRB.

regular fireworks sparklers

i know
Mental Health in the Western world is still not given the importance in society that it should, there is also a stigma attached to mental health and with peoples who have mental health issues, many go untreated because of this stigma because they are afraid and/or ashamed to ask for professional help. I know a lot about this topic being married to a Psychiatrist and because of that we know a lot of other Psychiatrists and Mr. Lucy deals with peoples every day who have a variety of Mental Health issues some more advanced than others because they were undiagnosed for x amount of time and what they share with him about themselves individually he keeps that confidence but he does talk about them.

Mental Health issues can manifest as many conditions....Most of which do not cause homicidal tendencies. I wonder if we are actually experiencing more of these incidents or did we just not adequately report them in the past?
Mass murders are at a bit of a peak atm, similar to that seen in 2010. It comes in "waves" as it were.

I honestly think we could get rid of them all if we concentrated more on teaching kids to deal with their normal negative emotions in healthy ways. There is a growing trend to allow kids to get what they want through violence and tantrums that I highly suspect will have us seeing even more mass murders come from millennial's (mostly.) It's not that they're "bad" kids, it's that the parents and role models are not teaching, and enforcing, "proper" emotional venting - on both sides, it's a product of parental fuck-up that transcends political belief. I do not think there is a way to stop it unfortunately as the damage is already done and likely past correction. Our best hope to mitigate it is to flout how they'll be caught quickly - most maladjusted folk don't actually want to be caught, save the "terrorist" (ie wanting to create public fear due to their anger) and the politically motivated types (who want to call attention to an "error" or "flaw") neither of which types are as likely to shoot up schools.

...Or perhaps "were" as likely, now that the media and dems have gone all in on school shootings being a political second amendment thing that might change the motivating factor for the political types. The terrorist types will hit where there are large numbers which typically isn't schools (unless they're using bombs anyway) Schools were typically not as conductive to mass deaths because of the multiple rooms and the "omg the children" sympathy is almost counter-productive to the wish to induce "terror" per say. Generally speaking "terrorist" types aren't interested in the opinions of children, they want to scare/intimidate the adults, presuming the children will follow suit of their parents/the adults. Of course now that the D's and the media have decided that children write our policies that may change.

Just something to keep in mind before labeling level headed folks like me as "tribal right-wingers" when we claim that democrats are being particularly dangerous lately. Failure to fully consider the future consequences of ones activism has long plagued the left, but this past couple years it seems like they do not even think about it in their rush to "change the world." Dangerous indeed.
I read that the bomber was upset because the the Russians helped Trump win the erection.

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