Attorney General Sessions declares war on Narcoterrorist gang, MS-13


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
AG Sessions: 10,000 MS-13 Gang Members in USA; ‘We're Going After Them’

( – It's up to the State Department to designate MS-13 as a terrorist organization. But regardless of whether that happens, “We’re going after them,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions told Fox News’s Tucker Carlson Tuesday night.

Sessions said the nation’s top federal law enforcement officers held a meeting earlier on Tuesday to discuss ways of convicting and deporting those gang members who are in the U.S. illegally.

“We can devastate this gang. We’re going after them. We are not going to allow them to take over a block, a corner of our communities and terrorize people with this violence," Sessions said.

“They use machetes. They kill children. They put children in prostitution at age 12. This is one of the most violent gangs in the history of our country, no doubt about it.”

The attorney general said there are now some 10,000 members of the violent Salvadoran gang in 40 states.

“These are not geniuses,” Sessions said. “They are involved in the kind of activities that can be identified and they can be prosecuted.” He said with persistence, "we can devastate this organization, and that's going to be our goal.”

Sessions said many of the MS-13 members would not be in the country if the previous administration had been stricter about border security:

“We are going to build a wall. We are going to add more agents on the border. The numbers have already dropped dramatically,” he said, noting that the number of illegal aliens trying to enter the country last month was the lowest monthly total in 17 years.

“And that's Donald Trump's leadership," Sessions said. "He is determined to do that and end this lawlessness. We’re backing him up. The Homeland Security Department is really working hard, and we are going to continue on that. And so the numbers are down. So when fewer enter, our Border Patrol have a much better chance of catching those who do -- identifying those who are violent and deporting them."

President Donald Trump tweeted on Tuesday that his administration is removing MS-13 gang members “fast.”...

MS-13 gangbangers are ruthless, evil sons of inbred bitches. Kill/deport them all.
you hillbillies know damn well you can't pronounce El Salvador, much less find it on the map
you hillbillies know damn well you can't pronounce El Salvador, much less find it on the map

Don't need to go to El Salvador moron, just need to lock these scumbags up. BTW, why do you support these animals?

you hillbillies know damn well you can't pronounce El Salvador, much less find it on the map

Don't need to go to El Salvador moron, just need to lock these scumbags up. BTW, why do you support these animals?

your either with us or your with the terrorists.... now watch this drive

Exactly. Why are you with them? They do nothing beneficial for this country, and in fact do tremendous harm to the citizens, and non citizens of this country. So once again, why do you support them?
you hillbillies know damn well you can't pronounce El Salvador, much less find it on the map

Don't need to go to El Salvador moron, just need to lock these scumbags up. BTW, why do you support these animals?

I'll bet you would prefer this.

Poor bulldoggy, gay bashing yet again. My sister is lesbian and when I go to her party's I find it interesting that lesbians bash gay men as much as they do. Why is that bodey?
you hillbillies know damn well you can't pronounce El Salvador, much less find it on the map

Don't need to go to El Salvador moron, just need to lock these scumbags up. BTW, why do you support these animals?

your either with us or your with the terrorists.... now watch this drive

Exactly. Why are you with them? They do nothing beneficial for this country, and in fact do tremendous harm to the citizens, and non citizens of this country. So once again, why do you support them?

Don't need to go to Germany moron, just need to lock these scumbags up. BTW, why do you support these animals?

you hillbillies know damn well you can't pronounce El Salvador, much less find it on the map

Don't need to go to El Salvador moron, just need to lock these scumbags up. BTW, why do you support these animals?

your either with us or your with the terrorists.... now watch this drive

Exactly. Why are you with them? They do nothing beneficial for this country, and in fact do tremendous harm to the citizens, and non citizens of this country. So once again, why do you support them?

Don't need to go to Germany moron, just need to lock these scumbags up. BTW, why do you support these animals?


I don't. I classify asshats like this the same as i do the MS 13 asshats. They are all the same. So, yet again, why do you support them. And for the record, I can show many times how you support criminals. Search as hard as you want and you will NEVER find me supporting any of these pricks. Not once. You, are a moron of the first order.
you hillbillies know damn well you can't pronounce El Salvador, much less find it on the map

Don't need to go to El Salvador moron, just need to lock these scumbags up. BTW, why do you support these animals?

your either with us or your with the terrorists.... now watch this drive

Exactly. Why are you with them? They do nothing beneficial for this country, and in fact do tremendous harm to the citizens, and non citizens of this country. So once again, why do you support them?

Don't need to go to Germany moron, just need to lock these scumbags up. BTW, why do you support these animals?


I don't. I classify asshats like this the same as i do the MS 13 asshats. They are all the same. So, yet again, why do you support them. And for the record, I can show many times how you support criminals. Search as hard as you want and you will NEVER find me supporting any of these pricks. Not once. You, are a moron of the first order.
the aryan brotherhood is the largest gang in america 100x times larger than MS-13 seems Trump has no problem with them he's even taking them off the domestic terrorism lists

Trump team 'want to remove white supremacists from the terror watch programme'
you hillbillies know damn well you can't pronounce El Salvador, much less find it on the map

Don't need to go to El Salvador moron, just need to lock these scumbags up. BTW, why do you support these animals?


Better yet, if they're sporting a MS 13 tat, just put a bullet in their fucking head. Deport them in a body bag and you don't have to worry about them coming back or killing more in their country.
you hillbillies know damn well you can't pronounce El Salvador, much less find it on the map

Don't need to go to El Salvador moron, just need to lock these scumbags up. BTW, why do you support these animals?


Better yet, if they're sporting a MS 13 tat, just put a bullet in their fucking head. Deport them in a body bag and you don't have to worry about them coming back or killing more in their country.
deport the nazis first
Don't need to go to El Salvador moron, just need to lock these scumbags up. BTW, why do you support these animals?

your either with us or your with the terrorists.... now watch this drive

Exactly. Why are you with them? They do nothing beneficial for this country, and in fact do tremendous harm to the citizens, and non citizens of this country. So once again, why do you support them?

Don't need to go to Germany moron, just need to lock these scumbags up. BTW, why do you support these animals?


I don't. I classify asshats like this the same as i do the MS 13 asshats. They are all the same. So, yet again, why do you support them. And for the record, I can show many times how you support criminals. Search as hard as you want and you will NEVER find me supporting any of these pricks. Not once. You, are a moron of the first order.
the aryan brotherhood is the largest gang in america 100x times larger than MS-13 seems Trump has no problem with them he's even taking them off the domestic terrorism lists

Trump team 'want to remove white supremacists from the terror watch programme'

And orders of magnitude less violent. The vast majority of white supremacists are morons who live in the country and spew their hatred but do nothing about it. MS-13 KILLS people. Lot's of them.
you hillbillies know damn well you can't pronounce El Salvador, much less find it on the map

Don't need to go to El Salvador moron, just need to lock these scumbags up. BTW, why do you support these animals?


Better yet, if they're sporting a MS 13 tat, just put a bullet in their fucking head. Deport them in a body bag and you don't have to worry about them coming back or killing more in their country.
deport the nazis first

Get your ticket.

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