Athens County sheriff found guilty of corruption, sent immediately to jail (Democrat)


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Are you surprised.... even the low level party members are corrupt!

Columbus Dispatch ^
ATHENS, Ohio — Suspended Athens County Sheriff Pat Kelly was led away in handcuffs yesterday after a jury found him guilty of 18 crimes, including engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity. Visiting Judge Patricia A. Cosgrove revoked Kelly’s bond. She said he needed to be incarcerated because he posed a flight risk and his conviction on the corrupt-activity charge, a first-degree felony, carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. Kelly, 64, could face even more prison time if the judge orders the sentences for his convictions to run consecutively. Cosgrove set sentencing for March 20. Kelly’s conviction...
excerpt, just in case anyone didn't read the complete article.

Kelly, a Democrat who was elected in 2008 and re-elected in 2012, began to use the sheriff’s office to misspend public money within months of being sworn into office in 2009, state special prosecutor Melissa A. Schiffel told jurors on Tuesday in her closing arguments.
And the tax base moves to Red states.
Because they get to be supported by blue states.
Is that why so many BLUE STATES are losing population?
Red states have the highest rate of welfare and foodstamps. Red states also take in more taxes than they give out. So when you get the chance Vig, thank a liberal. :thup:

It would certainly seem RED STATES know how to work the system, and make liberals pay for it.... Those stupid RED STATERS! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
And the tax base moves to Red states.
Because they get to be supported by blue states.
Is that why so many BLUE STATES are losing population?
Red states have the highest rate of welfare and foodstamps. Red states also take in more taxes than they give out. So when you get the chance Vig, thank a liberal. :thup:

It would certainly seem RED STATES know how to work the system, and make liberals pay for it.... Those stupid RED STATERS! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Finally one thing we agree on. Stupid red staters.
And the tax base moves to Red states.
Because they get to be supported by blue states.
Is that why so many BLUE STATES are losing population?
Red states have the highest rate of welfare and foodstamps. Red states also take in more taxes than they give out. So when you get the chance Vig, thank a liberal. :thup:

It would certainly seem RED STATES know how to work the system, and make liberals pay for it.... Those stupid RED STATERS! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Finally one thing we agree on. Stupid red staters.

And having LIBERAL PAY for them....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Because they get to be supported by blue states.
Is that why so many BLUE STATES are losing population?
Red states have the highest rate of welfare and foodstamps. Red states also take in more taxes than they give out. So when you get the chance Vig, thank a liberal. :thup:

It would certainly seem RED STATES know how to work the system, and make liberals pay for it.... Those stupid RED STATERS! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Finally one thing we agree on. Stupid red staters.

And having LIBERAL PAY for them....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I don't know why your so enthused about that but :dunno:

Whatever, I suppose. Enjoy your handouts.
Athens Ohio has a very small permanent population,4-5000 and a relatively huge transient population when counting the students of Ohio University which has around 18,000 people.

I suspect that there was much more to the whole story than was displayed in the newspaper report.

The Sheriff claimed he was selling junk cars owned by the county to a scrap yard to finance an investigation of illegal drug selling. That may have been true. He may have been trying to keep the drug investigation separate from others in the local government and just handled it in a clumsy manner. The drug investigation could have been stepping on some toes that fought back by getting him charged with the means he was funding his investigation.

Usually in cases of public corruption there are examples of personal expenditures such as boats or fancy cars or money spent on house improvements. I saw no evidence that the Sheriff used any money on his own needs or desires. No gambling..partying..etc...

Something about this smells of a rat. It lacks any typical claims of the fruits of corruption for personal gain.

I am curious where these charges originated from. It could be true but where are the claims of how he spent this paltry amount of money on himself?

If the drug investigation was valid and a few important people in this very small town were involved what better way to skate away from a conviction than prosecute the prosecutor?

Ya he got convicted..By an out of town special prosecutor and judge. I am more curious how this tiny amount of money secretly spent on a drug investigation got turned into the crime of the century in itsy bitsy Athens Ohio.

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