Atheism Kills


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2016
With the rise, even domination of society by secular, materialistic forces, this fine book is a welcome counterweight:

From Dennis Prager's Foreword:

What Barak Lurie offers here is, in my opinion, more important than “proofs” of God’s
existence. Instead, he proves something else—the consequences of atheism. And those
consequences are precisely reflected in the title of the book: atheism kills.

...Atheism is the subject of this book. And Lurie is right: Atheism kills. It kills people, civilizations, beauty, meaning, order, happiness. If something is good,
atheism will eventually kill it.

That’s why this book is important. People need to know both the logically inevitable
consequences of atheism and its historical record, which starkly bears them out. This is not
mere theory.

Atheism Kills is a robust, relentlessly interesting, and intellectually invigorating read.
But it is also—and perhaps most of all—a cri de couer, an impassioned cry from the heart.
Lurie is worried about civilization, and cares deeply about human suffering. Those are the
reasons, I suspect, that he devoted so much time and effort to writing this book. And every
one of us who reads it is the beneficiary of his noble and massive effort.
Atheism doesn't kill, it makes everyone else think harder.
The author says what the book is and is not about:

This book is not about proving the existence of God. This book is also not about
proving that atheists are wrong. Plenty of books and discussions are available about both of
those topics. While I will touch upon these, the thrust of this book is to show the natural
devastating impact of atheism, particularly when a government adopts it as policy.
All the same, it’s important to know what the atheist thinks, because it helps reveal the
destruction that godlessness brings.

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