Assuming Gingrich Is Running:Can You Imagine A Gingrich/Christie Ticket? Unstoppable?

Unstoppable? What is with this cult of personality. No one is unstoppable. No one is going to come along and fix all our problems except Jesus Christ and He isn't running for political office.

Gingrich is a man with weaknesses just like everyone else. Don't exalt him. just deal with reality.
Are you serious? You would APPLAUD him running? He is a card-carrying neocon! Remember the Contract for (ahem, "on") America? I'm beginning to think the short term memory of the right is actually selected amnesia. Good lord...

I'm from Georgia, and the man is an evil douche. So, I guess that's right up the corporatists' alley...
Are you serious? You would APPLAUD him running? He is a card-carrying neocon! Remember the Contract for (ahem, "on") America? I'm beginning to think the short term memory of the right is actually selected amnesia. Good lord...

I'm from Georgia, and the man is an evil douche. So, I guess that's right up the corporatists' alley...

Considering he lead the Congress that balanced the budget, I'd say he showed himself to be fairly good at what he does.

But then I forgot. you want more government in your life. You want to be taxed more. You want people in Washington telling you what you can or can't do.

I am not planning to vote for Gingrich at this point in time for my own reasons. But I am not going to pretend that he hasnt been an effective leader despite his flaws.
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So far, Christie's state has 5,000 fewer employed than when he took office.

In the year and a half since he became governor, nearly every sector of the NJ economy as spiraled downward in spite of cutting 20,000 government employees.

New Jersey Economy at a Glance

You can't make this stuff up, not when "records" are kept.

Any "good" idea he has, he stole.

Gov. Christie takes credit for new tunnel proposal | The Asbury Park Press |

The federal government and Port Authority of New York and New Jersey each contributed $3 billion to the project, while New Jersey's share was $2.7 billion. The state and Port Authority were responsible for overruns.

The new project is estimated to cost $13.5 billion — or roughly $5 billion more than ARC tunnel.


First he canceled the tunnel project, then he promotes one that costs 5 billion more. Republican economics.


No doubt about it. Christie was certainly "PASS" Bush. Especially on jobs and on the economic front if what we've seen so far is any indication.

But hey, he has cut corporate taxes and taxes on the rich. The only two groups of Americans that really mean anything. Ask any Republican. They'll tell you.

It looks like Gingrich wants to run and plans on making the announcement soon. Let's say he does. He is an easy top three contender. Let's hope that Christie would at least consider a VP spot in insure a victory. In your opinion, what do you think of the Gingrich/Christie Ticket? This would definitely have Obama and Chris Matthews lose all of their "Tingly Sensations"!:lol:

And can you imagine Obama trying to debate either one? That would be like Bill Clinton Debating Elmer Fudd high on caffine:lol:
Gingrich has enough former wives to start their own political party!
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After listening to month after month of threads about how the now single digit midget Sarah Palin was going to be unstoppable, enduring some brief Dread the Fred-esque hysteria about Newt Gingrich shouldn't be too hard to bear.
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After listening to month after month of threads about how the now single digit midget Sarah Palin was going to be unstoppable, enduring some brief Dread the Fred-esque hysteria about Newt Gingrich shouldn't be too hard to bear.

Because people actually listened to what she said.

She did write a good book, "Going Rouge by Lynn Vincent". You have to give her credit for that.
this is pretty much what I was speaking of in my last post,,it seems none of us conservatives can agree on a ticket. All the GOP candidates are under attack. No one seems to want Romney, alot of us like Palin,but not for our President. Im not sure how any of you feel about Pawlenty(maybe he's the dark horse),,,Newt may have cheated on his wife, but then again,so did Clinton and the Kennedys. But compare Gingrich cheating on his wife to Obama supporting&bowing to Dictators and his approval of the Black Panther incident. I'd go with a Politician having an affair!
Which will be bigger?

His cabinet or Gingrich's list of ex-wives? I vote the latter.

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