Associated Press Flunks on Charlottesville Fiasco


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I wonder if the Associated Press knows how clueless it is on the Charlottesville Fiasco. In today's paper it's "report" claims that Trump is "appearing to once again equate the actions of white supremacist groups with those protesting them."

Well to brain damaged liberals, it may appear that way. To normal thinking people, all Trump is saying is "there is blame on both sides" (his exact words). There may be blame on the SOME protestors (ones support the statue of Robt E Lee) who carry Nazi flags (if they're not agent provocateurs). There definitely is blame on the side of the counter protesters (ones opposing the statue), who BLOCKED THE STREET, and tried (without a permit) to shut down a legal, permit-carrying march, and its protest.

These counter-protestors were the cause of the violence, as they not only tried to stifle the free speech of the marchers, but they also attacked the marchers physically, while guilty-as-can-be Mayor Mike Signer had his cops stand down, allowing the counterprotesters to disrupt the legal protest march.

The dopey AP also says Trump showed sympathy for the fringe groups' efforts to preserve Confederate monuments.

1. Trump showed no sympathy to any fringe groups (Nazis or any others)

2. The AP completely ignores the non-fringe protesters, as if they didn't exist.

3. AP claims that Trump struggles to condemn white nationalsits. Why does the AP struggle to condemn those who should be condemned >> the leftist counterprotesters, and the Mayor who possibly could be arrested for inciting a riot, and causing at least one death to occur.

4.Trump stated at a news conference yesterday >> "What about the alt-left that came charging at the , as you say, alt-right ? Do they have any semblance of guilt ?"

Well liberals. What's your answer to that question ?
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Trump legitimized white supremacy as a political viewpoint yesterday. And made excuses for the terrorist act that white supremacists executed.
Trump legitimized white supremacy as a political viewpoint yesterday. And made excuses for the terrorist act that white supremacists executed.
FALSE! Trump condemned white supremacy along with all other supremacies. You're just another Trump basher looking for a way to defame Trump. Just more silly fakery. He also did not make any excuses for anything. I notice you aren't giving any explanation to back up your fake words. that's because you don't have one.
Trump legitimized white supremacy as a political viewpoint yesterday. And made excuses for the terrorist act that white supremacists executed.
FALSE! Trump condemned white supremacy along with all other supremacies. You're just another Trump basher looking for a way to defame Trump. Just more silly fakery. He also did not make any excuses for anything. I notice you aren't giving any explanation to back up your fake words. that's because you don't have one.
He said they were "very fine people."

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