Assault weapon and magazine ban in Virginia fails. Americans can still win the fight for freedom


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The United States doesn't have a gun problem. The United States has a democrat party problem. We have, some say, over 20,000 gun laws on the books at the local, state and federal level....but in tiny areas of our large cities we have high rates of gun crime and gun murder. Why?

One, this problem is not because normal people own guns. Guns they use for self-defense, the main reason, and for hunting and for sport/recreation.

Two....the problem the United States has is the direct link between the democrat party and gun crime. This is the issue that needs to be exposed, and written about and talked about if we ever intend to lower the gun crime rates in our cities. The democrat party politicians create laws that allow violent, repeat gun offenders to get out of jail on bond, now in many places No-Cash bond.......and out of jail with insanely short sentences. These are criminals with long histories of crime and violence, and usually many arrests for illegal gun use or possession.....and yet, the democrat party judges, and prosecutors let them out over and over again. These are the individuals who then go out and use guns to commit crimes and murder.

They are not law abiding citizens who own and carry guns...they are known, repeat gun offenders whose crimes are simply ignored by the democrat party politicians, judges and prosecutors....

I have story after story that points out this problem....but no one yet has taken the time to address it head on.....

The gun problem in the United States is directly linked to the policies of the Democrat Party......

But.....the democrat party wants to ban won't lower gun crime won't stop gun murder......they simply hate guns.....

But, every once in a while, if enough Americans show up and show the democrats that we want to keep our freedom....the democrats have to back down.....since keeping power is the only thing they really care about...

Breaking: Dems lose assault-weapons ban vote in Virginia

An epic faceplant by Virginia Democrats and Ralph Northam, who assumed that a narrow majority meant a mandate for progressive politics. After the state House passed an assault-weapons ban last week, the centerpiece of Northam’s agenda for this legislative year, the state Senate was expected to follow suit. Instead, four Democrats defected and killed the bill for at least this year:

SEE ALSO: Liberals: The citizenship question was bad. Not asking it is just as bad.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s push to ban the sale of assault weapons has failed after members of his own party balked at the proposal.

Senators voted to shelve the bill for the year and ask the state crime commission to study the issue, an outcome that drew cheers from a committee room packed with gun advocates.

Four moderate Democrats joined Republicans in Monday’s committee vote, rejecting legislation that would have prohibited the sale of certain semiautomatic firearms, including popular AR-15 style rifles, and banned the possession of magazines that hold more than 12 rounds.

The bill was a top priority for Northam, a Democrat who has campaigned heavily for a broad package of gun-control measures.

This bill created a fierce pushback in Virginia, at least outside of Northern Virginia where Democrats have come to dominate. Some counties declared that they would become “sanctuaries” in the same sense as the immigration sanctuary-city movement by not enforcing the new law. Discussion even arose among some counties of seceding and joining West Virginia in protest. Gun owners used an annual demonstration in support of the Second Amendment to protest against the bill, which the media rushed — unjustly — to characterize as a racist and potentially violent clash.
As noted in the other topic:
This bill failed because of free speech.
Guess what they will try to restrict next.

The democrats hate the first to Amendments in the Bill of Rights....
Another fail was demotards could not define an assault weapon clearly. Like fienswine 94 ban,,, but with klintoon it made it anyway cause neither could he.

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