
What I found amazing was that no one could refute what Assange was pitching. That was incredible.
If I break into your home and witness you in the act of a crime or otherwise immoral act does that make me any less of a criminal simply because I report you???
Assange didn't break into someones home.

If you break into someones home and witness a meth lab in it, you then pass that information along to me and I report it. Why am I the criminal?

Assange is the fence that the guy who breaks into houses to steal stuff moves his goods through. The fact the fence might report a second crime does not remove his crime as a fence.

His entire existence relies on stolen goods.

And yet he is a fucking hero to people. I guess to you the end always justifies the means

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Taking a big leap with that one aren't you?
Here's the suggestion from this camp: The Donald should grant Assange a pardon for any crimes in connection with the 2016 election, IN EXCHANGE FOR his willingness to sit before a House Committee and answer questions, truthfully of course, about the emails that his organization published.

This would tend to elucidate reality about "Russian Interference," while at the same time demonstrate Trump's willingness to expose all facts, whether or not they might be to his detriment.
Here's the suggestion from this camp: The Donald should grant Assange a pardon for any crimes in connection with the 2016 election, IN EXCHANGE FOR his willingness to sit before a House Committee and answer questions, truthfully of course, about the emails that his organization published.

This would tend to elucidate reality about "Russian Interference," while at the same time demonstrate Trump's willingness to expose all facts, whether or not they might be to his detriment.

It is a good plan, the reason that it will fail is that Trump does not and has never cared about the truth.

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Assange fills the role that the derelict media is supposed to be doing.

If he isn't a political prisoner I don't know who is.

Yeah, he dared to tell the truth. I'm actually surprised he isn't dead yet. And there is no credible Journalism anymore. Truth is 'Treason' these days.
The rumor is that Ecuador will be handing him over in the coming weeks, maybe sooner.

Very sad. But i can't say i'm surprised. I'm sure Ecuador got a sweet deal.
Assange fills the role that the derelict media is supposed to be doing.

If he isn't a political prisoner I don't know who is.

Yeah, he dared to tell the truth. I'm actually surprised he isn't dead yet. And there is no credible Journalism anymore. Truth is 'Treason' these days.

He is a fence that deals in stolen information and then doles it out on his time line and only what he decides the world needs to know. He paints himself as some crusader for the truth and you sheep fall for it every time.

Wikileaks speaks truth. Your Government only lies to you. You're the gullible sheep.
Dis cat hath got to go...

Ecuador may be close to ejecting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from its London embassy
July 21, 2018 - Ecuador appears to be finalizing plans to withdraw its asylum protection for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange as early as next week, eject him from its London embassy and turn him over to British authorities, according to media reports.
Assange, 47, has been holed up in the embassy since 2012, after taking refuge to avoid extradition to Sweden where he was wanted for questioning over allegations of sexual assault and rape. Although Sweden has since dropped its investigation into the rape accusation, Assange has chosen not to leave the embassy out of concern that the U.S. would immediately seek his arrest and extradition over the leaking of classified documents to WikiLeaks by Chelsea Manning. WikiLeaks is also the focus of the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections by distributing hacked materials.

Ecuador has grown increasingly unhappy with the asylum arrangement in recent months. In March, Ecuador barred Assange from using the Internet from the embassy for violating an agreement he signed at the end of 2017 not to use his communiques to interfere in the affairs of other states. Ecuador has toughened its stance following the election in May of President Lenin Moreno, who has described Assange as a “hacker,” an “inherited problem” and a “stone in the shoe.” Assange, an Australian computer programmer, particularly drew the ire of Ecuador by angering the Spanish government with his support for separatist leaders in Spain's Catalonia region who sought to secede last year.


The Times of London reported last week that British ministers and senior Foreign Office officials were "locked in discussions over the fate of Assange." In addition, RT, the Russian news outlet, quoted unidentified sources as saying Ecuador is ready to hand over Assange to the British authorities "in coming weeks or even days." Glen Greenwald, editor of the The Intercept, reported Saturday that he expects Moreno to finalize an agreement with British authorities during his trip to London on Friday ostensibly for a world disabilities summit. Greenwald said Moreno also notably plans to travel to Madrid during his trip.

Greenwald quoted an unidentified source close to the Ecuadoran Foreign Ministry and the president's office as confirming that Moreno is close to a deal as early as this week. Greenwald, former reporter for The Guardian, is a journalist and author who writes extensively about national security issues. He published a series of articles about U.S. and British global surveillance programs based in part on classified documents disclosed by Edward Snowden, a one-time U.S. contractor for the National Security Agency, who fled the country and found refuge in Russia.

Ecuador may be close to ejecting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from its London embassy
Dick Cheney's Signed Waterboard Kit Purportedly for Sale on eBay
Assange fills the role that the derelict media is supposed to be doing.

If he isn't a political prisoner I don't know who is.

Yeah, he dared to tell the truth. I'm actually surprised he isn't dead yet. And there is no credible Journalism anymore. Truth is 'Treason' these days.

He is a fence that deals in stolen information and then doles it out on his time line and only what he decides the world needs to know. He paints himself as some crusader for the truth and you sheep fall for it every time.
It's sad to find out that DC was as corrupt as it was. Beyond my wildest dreams with the corruption.
We would have still been in the dark if not for Assange.
As stated above, the MSM was complicit with covering up what would have been exposed by them just 50 years ago.
He if he is guilty of a crime, then I say there is exceptions to every rule.

He did let us know about some things that we needed to know about, but he went about it in the wrong way and he became a power hungry megalomaniac. If all he wanted to do was let us know then he would just release stuff as it comes in, but he holds and waits and threatens and builds up the drama.

I have no use for the man at all.

You'd rather your Government continue to lie to you 24/7? Personally, i think a Wikileaks is vital to our Democracy's survival. Our Media certainly isn't credible. It's all owned by just a handful of Corporations. And they're in bed with Government. So you won't get much truth from them. Wikileaks is a miracle. People all over the world should be thanking Assange. Without him, there would only be Government lies.
Nah, he's a Hero. He dared to tell the world the truth. Their Governments are doing awful things. I truly hope the man stays safe.
A hero?


Without Wikileaks, there would only be Government lies. We don't have credible 'Watchdog Journalism' anymore. The Media's a sham. It's all owned by just a handful of Corporations. And they're in bed with Government.

Our Democratic Republic desperately needs a Wikileaks. No one should count on their Government and Media to tell them the truth. Only an outside independent watchdog like Wikileaks will do it. So yeah, i do think of Assange as a hero. I truly he hopes he survives.
Assange fills the role that the derelict media is supposed to be doing.

If he isn't a political prisoner I don't know who is.

Yeah, he dared to tell the truth. I'm actually surprised he isn't dead yet. And there is no credible Journalism anymore. Truth is 'Treason' these days.

He is a fence that deals in stolen information and then doles it out on his time line and only what he decides the world needs to know. He paints himself as some crusader for the truth and you sheep fall for it every time.
It's sad to find out that DC was as corrupt as it was. Beyond my wildest dreams with the corruption.
We would have still been in the dark if not for Assange.
As stated above, the MSM was complicit with covering up what would have been exposed by them just 50 years ago.
He if he is guilty of a crime, then I say there is exceptions to every rule.

He did let us know about some things that we needed to know about, but he went about it in the wrong way and he became a power hungry megalomaniac. If all he wanted to do was let us know then he would just release stuff as it comes in, but he holds and waits and threatens and builds up the drama.

I have no use for the man at all.

You'd rather your Government continue to lie to you 24/7? Personally, i think a Wikileaks is vital to our Democracy's survival. Our Media certainly isn't credible. It's all owned by just a handful of Corporations. And they're in bed with Government. So you won't get much truth from them. Wikileaks is a miracle. People all over the world should be thanking Assange. Without him, there would only be Government lies.

The government tells us a 1000 lie and Assange let’s is in on one of them and keeps the rest to himself, and for that you bow down and worship him.


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Yeah, he dared to tell the truth. I'm actually surprised he isn't dead yet. And there is no credible Journalism anymore. Truth is 'Treason' these days.

Sure. Except that he only told half of the truth if that’s how you want to put it. He released only what would be damaging to the Clinton campaign. Obviously, someone was pulling his strings — presumably Russia.

You're only focusing on Wikileaks exposing Clinton and Wasserman-Schultz rigging the Democratic Primaries. And that was the truth. But did you really expect the Democratic Party itself, to tell you what it did? Wikileaks has been around a long time. It's been exposing Government lies from all around the world for years. So it isn't only about the US Democratic Party.

The reality is, Without Assange and Wikileaks, you would only have Government lies as your 'information.' Credible Journalism is dead. There are no more 'Watchdog Journalists.' So it's vital to our Democratic Republic's survival, that we have outside independent groups like Wikileaks serving as watchdogs. People really should be hailing Assange a hero.
Last edited:
Here's the suggestion from this camp: The Donald should grant Assange a pardon for any crimes in connection with the 2016 election, IN EXCHANGE FOR his willingness to sit before a House Committee and answer questions, truthfully of course, about the emails that his organization published.

This would tend to elucidate reality about "Russian Interference," while at the same time demonstrate Trump's willingness to expose all facts, whether or not they might be to his detriment.
Why does Assange have to answer questions about the emails he published?

It's more like Hillary Clinton should come before the American people and explain what more she knows about the Saudi governments role in funding ISIS and the purpose of the largest ever American arms sale to them.

These people in government have proven they are not entitled to State secrets. Every American should be demanding accountability.

Donald Trumps comment about shooting someone on 5th avenue doesn't only apply to the right. Hillary Clinton should have never had a chance to win the last election.
Yeah, he dared to tell the truth. I'm actually surprised he isn't dead yet. And there is no credible Journalism anymore. Truth is 'Treason' these days.

He is a fence that deals in stolen information and then doles it out on his time line and only what he decides the world needs to know. He paints himself as some crusader for the truth and you sheep fall for it every time.
It's sad to find out that DC was as corrupt as it was. Beyond my wildest dreams with the corruption.
We would have still been in the dark if not for Assange.
As stated above, the MSM was complicit with covering up what would have been exposed by them just 50 years ago.
He if he is guilty of a crime, then I say there is exceptions to every rule.

He did let us know about some things that we needed to know about, but he went about it in the wrong way and he became a power hungry megalomaniac. If all he wanted to do was let us know then he would just release stuff as it comes in, but he holds and waits and threatens and builds up the drama.

I have no use for the man at all.

You'd rather your Government continue to lie to you 24/7? Personally, i think a Wikileaks is vital to our Democracy's survival. Our Media certainly isn't credible. It's all owned by just a handful of Corporations. And they're in bed with Government. So you won't get much truth from them. Wikileaks is a miracle. People all over the world should be thanking Assange. Without him, there would only be Government lies.

The government tells us a 1000 lie and Assange let’s is in on one of them and keeps the rest to himself, and for that you bow down and worship him.


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Yeah i admit it, i don't like being lied to. And that's what Governments do 24/7. Without a Wikileaks, we would never get any truth. Today's 'Journalism' = a small handful of large Corporations owning and attempting to control all media information folks receive. The days of a 'Watchdog Press' are long gone. We desperately need outside independent groups like Wikileaks. Otherwise, lies are all we would have as our 'Information.'
Last edited:
Here's the suggestion from this camp: The Donald should grant Assange a pardon for any crimes in connection with the 2016 election, IN EXCHANGE FOR his willingness to sit before a House Committee and answer questions, truthfully of course, about the emails that his organization published.

This would tend to elucidate reality about "Russian Interference," while at the same time demonstrate Trump's willingness to expose all facts, whether or not they might be to his detriment.
Why does Assange have to answer questions about the emails he published?

It's more like Hillary Clinton should come before the American people and explain what more she knows about the Saudi governments role in funding ISIS and the purpose of the largest ever American arms sale to them.

These people in government have proven they are not entitled to State secrets. Every American should be demanding accountability.

Donald Trumps comment about shooting someone on 5th avenue doesn't only apply to the right. Hillary Clinton should have never had a chance to win the last election.

Some are only focusing on Wikileaks exposing Democratic Party corruption. But Wikileaks has been around a long time. It's been exposing Government lies all around the world, for years. I mean, do folks really believe the DNC itself, was ever gonna fess up to Clinton and Wasserman-Schultz rigging the Primaries? Without Wikileaks, no one would have ever known about the corruption. Our supposed 'Watchdog Media' wasn't gonna report it. We all owe quite a bit to Assange and Wikileaks.
He is a fence that deals in stolen information and then doles it out on his time line and only what he decides the world needs to know. He paints himself as some crusader for the truth and you sheep fall for it every time.
It's sad to find out that DC was as corrupt as it was. Beyond my wildest dreams with the corruption.
We would have still been in the dark if not for Assange.
As stated above, the MSM was complicit with covering up what would have been exposed by them just 50 years ago.
He if he is guilty of a crime, then I say there is exceptions to every rule.

He did let us know about some things that we needed to know about, but he went about it in the wrong way and he became a power hungry megalomaniac. If all he wanted to do was let us know then he would just release stuff as it comes in, but he holds and waits and threatens and builds up the drama.

I have no use for the man at all.

You'd rather your Government continue to lie to you 24/7? Personally, i think a Wikileaks is vital to our Democracy's survival. Our Media certainly isn't credible. It's all owned by just a handful of Corporations. And they're in bed with Government. So you won't get much truth from them. Wikileaks is a miracle. People all over the world should be thanking Assange. Without him, there would only be Government lies.

The government tells us a 1000 lie and Assange let’s is in on one of them and keeps the rest to himself, and for that you bow down and worship him.


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Yeah i admit it, i don't like being lied to. And that's what Governments do 24/7. Without a Wikileaks, we would never get any truth. Today's 'Journalism' = a small handful of large Corporations owning and attempting to control all media information folks receive. The days of a 'Watchdog Press' are long gone. We desperately need outside independent groups like Wikileaks. Otherwise, lies is we would have as our 'Information.'

You are still being lied to and Assange is lying to you when he tells you he wants the truth to be known and then only gives you a small tiny fraction of the truth

Sent from my iPhone using
It's sad to find out that DC was as corrupt as it was. Beyond my wildest dreams with the corruption.
We would have still been in the dark if not for Assange.
As stated above, the MSM was complicit with covering up what would have been exposed by them just 50 years ago.
He if he is guilty of a crime, then I say there is exceptions to every rule.

He did let us know about some things that we needed to know about, but he went about it in the wrong way and he became a power hungry megalomaniac. If all he wanted to do was let us know then he would just release stuff as it comes in, but he holds and waits and threatens and builds up the drama.

I have no use for the man at all.

You'd rather your Government continue to lie to you 24/7? Personally, i think a Wikileaks is vital to our Democracy's survival. Our Media certainly isn't credible. It's all owned by just a handful of Corporations. And they're in bed with Government. So you won't get much truth from them. Wikileaks is a miracle. People all over the world should be thanking Assange. Without him, there would only be Government lies.

The government tells us a 1000 lie and Assange let’s is in on one of them and keeps the rest to himself, and for that you bow down and worship him.


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Yeah i admit it, i don't like being lied to. And that's what Governments do 24/7. Without a Wikileaks, we would never get any truth. Today's 'Journalism' = a small handful of large Corporations owning and attempting to control all media information folks receive. The days of a 'Watchdog Press' are long gone. We desperately need outside independent groups like Wikileaks. Otherwise, lies is we would have as our 'Information.'

You are still being lied to and Assange is lying to you when he tells you he wants the truth to be known and then only gives you a small tiny fraction of the truth

Sent from my iPhone using

He exposes your Government's never-ending lies. You just need to stop focusing on Wikileaks exposing your Democratic Party's corruption. You're obviously very bitter about it. But you were simply given the truth about your Party. So you should stop hating Assange, and instead start holding your Party's leaders accountable. Direct that hate and anger at the actual culprits.
Dis cat hath got to go...

Ecuador may be close to ejecting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from its London embassy
July 21, 2018 - Ecuador appears to be finalizing plans to withdraw its asylum protection for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange as early as next week, eject him from its London embassy and turn him over to British authorities, according to media reports.
Assange, 47, has been holed up in the embassy since 2012, after taking refuge to avoid extradition to Sweden where he was wanted for questioning over allegations of sexual assault and rape. Although Sweden has since dropped its investigation into the rape accusation, Assange has chosen not to leave the embassy out of concern that the U.S. would immediately seek his arrest and extradition over the leaking of classified documents to WikiLeaks by Chelsea Manning. WikiLeaks is also the focus of the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections by distributing hacked materials.

Ecuador has grown increasingly unhappy with the asylum arrangement in recent months. In March, Ecuador barred Assange from using the Internet from the embassy for violating an agreement he signed at the end of 2017 not to use his communiques to interfere in the affairs of other states. Ecuador has toughened its stance following the election in May of President Lenin Moreno, who has described Assange as a “hacker,” an “inherited problem” and a “stone in the shoe.” Assange, an Australian computer programmer, particularly drew the ire of Ecuador by angering the Spanish government with his support for separatist leaders in Spain's Catalonia region who sought to secede last year.


The Times of London reported last week that British ministers and senior Foreign Office officials were "locked in discussions over the fate of Assange." In addition, RT, the Russian news outlet, quoted unidentified sources as saying Ecuador is ready to hand over Assange to the British authorities "in coming weeks or even days." Glen Greenwald, editor of the The Intercept, reported Saturday that he expects Moreno to finalize an agreement with British authorities during his trip to London on Friday ostensibly for a world disabilities summit. Greenwald said Moreno also notably plans to travel to Madrid during his trip.

Greenwald quoted an unidentified source close to the Ecuadoran Foreign Ministry and the president's office as confirming that Moreno is close to a deal as early as this week. Greenwald, former reporter for The Guardian, is a journalist and author who writes extensively about national security issues. He published a series of articles about U.S. and British global surveillance programs based in part on classified documents disclosed by Edward Snowden, a one-time U.S. contractor for the National Security Agency, who fled the country and found refuge in Russia.

Ecuador may be close to ejecting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from its London embassy

What would be hilarious is if they went in to detain him and could not find him.
It's sad to find out that DC was as corrupt as it was. Beyond my wildest dreams with the corruption.
We would have still been in the dark if not for Assange.
As stated above, the MSM was complicit with covering up what would have been exposed by them just 50 years ago.
He if he is guilty of a crime, then I say there is exceptions to every rule.

He did let us know about some things that we needed to know about, but he went about it in the wrong way and he became a power hungry megalomaniac. If all he wanted to do was let us know then he would just release stuff as it comes in, but he holds and waits and threatens and builds up the drama.

I have no use for the man at all.

You'd rather your Government continue to lie to you 24/7? Personally, i think a Wikileaks is vital to our Democracy's survival. Our Media certainly isn't credible. It's all owned by just a handful of Corporations. And they're in bed with Government. So you won't get much truth from them. Wikileaks is a miracle. People all over the world should be thanking Assange. Without him, there would only be Government lies.

The government tells us a 1000 lie and Assange let’s is in on one of them and keeps the rest to himself, and for that you bow down and worship him.


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Yeah i admit it, i don't like being lied to. And that's what Governments do 24/7. Without a Wikileaks, we would never get any truth. Today's 'Journalism' = a small handful of large Corporations owning and attempting to control all media information folks receive. The days of a 'Watchdog Press' are long gone. We desperately need outside independent groups like Wikileaks. Otherwise, lies is we would have as our 'Information.'

You are still being lied to and Assange is lying to you when he tells you he wants the truth to be known and then only gives you a small tiny fraction of the truth

Sent from my iPhone using
The media is more than happy to dig up the dirt on Trump, even fabricate it at times.
They weren't forthcoming with the dirt on Hillary, even hiding it.

Assange evened the playing field IMO.

You may think he's a criminal, but, I think it's equally criminal when the MSM hides the truth. After all, that's what they're here for,
not to sway an election as they tried to do.
He did let us know about some things that we needed to know about, but he went about it in the wrong way and he became a power hungry megalomaniac. If all he wanted to do was let us know then he would just release stuff as it comes in, but he holds and waits and threatens and builds up the drama.

I have no use for the man at all.

You'd rather your Government continue to lie to you 24/7? Personally, i think a Wikileaks is vital to our Democracy's survival. Our Media certainly isn't credible. It's all owned by just a handful of Corporations. And they're in bed with Government. So you won't get much truth from them. Wikileaks is a miracle. People all over the world should be thanking Assange. Without him, there would only be Government lies.

The government tells us a 1000 lie and Assange let’s is in on one of them and keeps the rest to himself, and for that you bow down and worship him.


Sent from my iPhone using

Yeah i admit it, i don't like being lied to. And that's what Governments do 24/7. Without a Wikileaks, we would never get any truth. Today's 'Journalism' = a small handful of large Corporations owning and attempting to control all media information folks receive. The days of a 'Watchdog Press' are long gone. We desperately need outside independent groups like Wikileaks. Otherwise, lies is we would have as our 'Information.'

You are still being lied to and Assange is lying to you when he tells you he wants the truth to be known and then only gives you a small tiny fraction of the truth

Sent from my iPhone using

He exposes your Government's never-ending lies. You just need to stop focusing on Wikileaks exposing your Democratic Party's corruption. You're obviously very bitter about it. But you were simply given the truth about your Party. So you should stop hating Assange, and instead start holding your Party's leaders accountable. Direct that hate and anger at the actual culprits.

I am not a Dem and never have been. But I did give my party leaders a lot of grief about nominating Johnson again.

As for Assange, he does not expose never ending lies, he exposed a few and keeps the rest to himself. When was the last thing he exposed? Or do you think the government quit lying to us?

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He did let us know about some things that we needed to know about, but he went about it in the wrong way and he became a power hungry megalomaniac. If all he wanted to do was let us know then he would just release stuff as it comes in, but he holds and waits and threatens and builds up the drama.

I have no use for the man at all.

You'd rather your Government continue to lie to you 24/7? Personally, i think a Wikileaks is vital to our Democracy's survival. Our Media certainly isn't credible. It's all owned by just a handful of Corporations. And they're in bed with Government. So you won't get much truth from them. Wikileaks is a miracle. People all over the world should be thanking Assange. Without him, there would only be Government lies.

The government tells us a 1000 lie and Assange let’s is in on one of them and keeps the rest to himself, and for that you bow down and worship him.


Sent from my iPhone using

Yeah i admit it, i don't like being lied to. And that's what Governments do 24/7. Without a Wikileaks, we would never get any truth. Today's 'Journalism' = a small handful of large Corporations owning and attempting to control all media information folks receive. The days of a 'Watchdog Press' are long gone. We desperately need outside independent groups like Wikileaks. Otherwise, lies is we would have as our 'Information.'

You are still being lied to and Assange is lying to you when he tells you he wants the truth to be known and then only gives you a small tiny fraction of the truth

Sent from my iPhone using
The media is more than happy to dig up the dirt on Trump, even fabricate it at times.
They weren't forthcoming with the dirt on Hillary, even hiding it.

Assange evened the playing field IMO.

You may think he's a criminal, but, I think it's equally criminal when the MSM hides the truth. After all, that's what they're here for,
not to sway an election as they tried to do.

A credible 'Watchdog Press' is just a myth now. If it did ever exist, it certainly doesn't anymore. Democrat 'Journalists' knew all about the rampant DNC corruption. They were even a part of it. They covered it all up. They weren't 'Watchdogs', they were Lapdogs.

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