ASSange Chickens Out...

He didn't chicken-out. It was a gimmick to market wiki-leaks. Gimmicks work with idiots.

Uh, you don't "market" the fact you're either a fake or a coward or both. I believe he got the word the embassy he's hiding in would toss him out under pressure from the WH. We forget sometimes how deceitful and cunning these people are behind the scenes. If I were him I'd apply for asylum in Russia the way Snowden did and throw everything and the kitchen sink at the murderous bitch.
As opposed to "sophisticated" left wingers who want a larger government check from Prez Hillary....
Maybe Clinton drone struck him... or maybe the dems, since they don't believe in death penalty performed the only alternative - killed him illegally, banana-republic style.

Personally I think the release is still coming, remains to be seen whether she will be able to dodge the sniper fire this time.

personally, I don't believe he had anything to begin with.

dumbasses ...

Why did they have to fire people from the DNC then?


I agree.

Some you win some you lose.

The fact that half of DNC had to resign when the first wikileaks was released, is no small feast.

Even if nothing more comes out of this, that alone could be a winner! :thup:
'Chickened Out'?

Assange exposed:

- RNC Emails exposing them as a bunch or racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites

- How the RNC rigged the Democratic Primaries to ensure Hillary would win, to include the anti-Semitic attacks planned on Bernie's religion

- Hillary's 'Tick Tock' emails and her internal 'brag sheet' of how she was the person behind the Libya disaster
("The “internal brag sheet” compiled and sent by Jake Sullivan (printed out by Cheryl Mills) was circulated to Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and Victoria Nuland with a special request for those ‘in the know’ to add on to the list of Hillary’s Libya “accomplishments.”)

- It was a murdered DNC Staffer that was providing him with some of the 'dirt' on Hillary

- Hillary Clinton was a director of, and received over $100,000 from, French industrial giant Lafarge, which was 'recently' exposed as secretly sponsoring the Islamic State for profit.

- Hillary armed Jihadists

...and a lot more scandal, 'treason', and crime.

It is not that Assange has failed to deliver enough to force any other candidate out of a Presidential election (especially and Republican) it is that the media has acted to protect Hillary and liberals quite frankly don't care what she has done. Assange could have a video tape of Hillary on the steps of the Vatican shooting the Pope in the head and it would make absolutely NO difference to her supporters.

As far as his being afraid, he'd be bloody well stupid NOT to be afraid at this point.
- His 'mole' who was providing him with quite a bit of information / emails / facts - a DNC Staffer - was murdered...I'm sorry - 'had an accident'

- His lawyer 'committed suicide' by pushing himself in front of a train

- Someone attempted to get to him where he is staying but was thwarted by security guards

- Not related, however, a UN rep who was connected to Hillary and was supposed to testify before the UN regarding corruption 'died of natural' causes - a dumbbell was dropped on his throat and crushed his wind pipe - before he could testify.

People who are connected to the Clintons that could potentially bring them down or are close to those who can do so don't tend to live long happy lives.


Outrage at Julian Assange for implicating murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich in leak | Daily Mail Online

WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary's Stunning Connection to ISIS -- Mainstream Media Blackout Ensues

WikiLeaks: Hacked Emails Prove Hillary ARMED JIHADISTS In Syria - Including ISIS

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