Ask the Agnostic


Senior Member
Apr 27, 2004
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These seem popular so I thought I would do a sort of send up

Here is the agnostic answer to every single existential/metaphysical question you can ask, are you ready? Here it is

I don't know

deaddude said:
These seem popular so I thought I would do a sort of send up

Here is the agnostic answer to every single existential/metaphysical question you can ask, are you ready? Here it is

I don't know

Wow man, that's deep. :poke:
It was a joke, not supposed to be very deep, just supposed to be humorous.
Hey if you do not wear your religion on your sleeve; bash gays; and be for GW; you are are commie. Welcome to the new world.
Said1 said:
IknowyouwerekiddingIwastryingtobehumoroustoo. :thup:

My apologies then, I was unsure about the nature of the :poke:
deaddude said:
These seem popular so I thought I would do a sort of send up

Here is the agnostic answer to every single existential/metaphysical question you can ask, are you ready? Here it is

I don't know


Actually sums it up quite nicely. Who is pretentious enough to claim s/he does know?
MJDuncan1982 said:
Actually sums it up quite nicely. Who is pretentious enough to claim s/he does know?

rtwngAvngr said:
'tis true, oh damaged one. To say they know there is no god, they MUST know all. That's pretty pretentious.

To say there *is* a God, you must know all. That's pretty pretentious.
Shattered said:
To say there *is* a God, you must know all. That's pretty pretentious.

No. not really.

Look who judges the most. Look at the extent to which atheists deride and belittle people of faith. Who are they REALLY trying to convince. It's sad the've fallen pray to the Satanic mind. Go sacrifice babies on your New Age satanic altar.
rtwngAvngr said:
No. not really.

Look who judges the most. Look at the extent to which atheists deride and belittle people of faith. Who are they REALLY trying to convince. It's sad the've fallen pray to the Satanic mind. Go sacrifice babies on your New Age satanic altar.

Perhaps a bit of reading is necessary for your comprehension skills... An Athiest, while not believing in God, does not believe in Satan, either. Nor do they practice anything even remotely related to sacrificing anything. A true Athiest does not tell people their religion is a crock of shit. They merely have their own belief system, and prefer not to discuss it. The foot stompers that tell you that you're off your rocker are the equivalent of your bible thumpers.

You're pretty judgemental for someone who accuses others of being judgemental.
Shattered said:
Perhaps a bit of reading is necessary for your comprehension skills... An Athiest, while not believing in God, does not believe in Satan, either. Nor do they practice anything even remotely related to sacrificing anything. A true Athiest does not tell people their religion is a crock of shit. They merely have their own belief system, and prefer not to discuss it. The foot stompers that tell you that you're off your rocker are the equivalent of your bible thumpers.

You're pretty judgemental for someone who accuses others of being judgemental.

Are you an atheist? Or do you just play one on the internet?
rtwngAvngr said:
Are you an atheist? Or do you just play one on the internet?

I'm sure it's been made abundantly clear in the past that I'm an Athiest.

I don't need saving, however, so spare yourself. :)
Shattered said:
I'm sure it's been made abundantly clear in the past that I'm an Athiest.

I don't need saving, however, so spare yourself. :)

That's fine as long as you don't inadvertantly serve satan through your ignorance.

Satan's biggest success was convincing people he doesn't exist.
rtwngAvngr said:
That's fine as long as you don't inadvertantly serve satan through your ignorance.

Satan's biggest success was convincing people he doesn't exist.

I have the distinct feeling you "serve Satan" more than I do. :)
Shattered said:
I have the distinct feeling you "serve Satan" more than I do. :)

Satan exists and he espouses liberalism. You need look no further than the evil hypocrisy of libs holding candlelight vigils to save mass murderers from the chair, and yet refusing to acknowledge the very existence of life in innocent babies.

I came to god through process of eliminating what was obviously evil.
rtwngAvngr said:
Satan exists and he espouses liberalism. You need look no further than the evil hypocrisy of libs holding candlelight vigils to save mass murderers from the chair, and yet refusing to acknowledge the very existence of life in innocent babies.

I came to god through process of eliminating what was obviously evil.

Well.. I'm 100% against abortion, unless the mothers, or childs life is in danger, and I'm all for the death penalty, and I still don't believe in God, or Satan. Now what?
Shattered said:
Well.. I'm 100% against abortion, unless the mothers, or childs life is in danger, and I'm all for the death penalty, and I still don't believe in God, or Satan. Now what?

umm. You get a cookie?
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