Asians Win One For The Gipper!

Far be it from I to advance stereotypes....but there are those who claim that Asian are the smartest folks....

And analysis of exit polls after the stomping of Obama and his policies found Asian-Americans in the forefront of ethnic groups shifting toward the GOP.

1. "....shift was multiplied by the fact that voters across the board were more likely to support Republicans than in past elections. The graph below compares the margin of support among demographic groups for Republican candidates in 2014 with support in 2012 for Mitt Romney and in 2010 for House candidates, according to exit polls."
The 2014 electorate wasn 8217 t just older and whiter than 2012. It also voted more Republican. - The Washington Post

2. "The Washington Post looked at a comparison between 2012 and 2014 and discovered that all demographics shifted toward the GOP, especially Asian-American voters..."

3. ....that shift was multiplied by the fact that voters across the board were more likely to support Republicans than in past elections.

And when we say all, we mean all: Support for Democrats was down slightly among black voters.

4. Republicans picked up double-digit percentage gains in the 18-29YO demo and the Latino demo, and eight points among African-Americans. Asian-Americans moved significantly to the GOP over 2012, and even over 2010. Republicans even improved 10% among those earning under $50K, which should have Democrats very worried, and among women, independents, seniors, and so on."
Exit polls show all demographics shifted to GOP after 2012 Hot Air

5. "Americans remain deeply pessimistic, especially about the economy: Exit polls, which are conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool partnership of ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC and the Associated Press, ask a number of questions designed to measure the national mood. And Tuesday's results were almost unrelentingly glum, as they have been in polling throughout the year. Sixty-five percent of voters said the country is on the wrong track, 78 percent were at least somewhat worried about the direction of the economy, and 59 percent said they think the economy is either poor and not improving, or getting even worse. A new high of 48 percent said they think life will be worse for the next generation of Americans.

6. Democrats' base voters went missing, while independents trended right...

7. Democrats' base voters went missing, while independents trended right..."
5 Things The Exit Polls Tell Us About Tuesday s Elections

Notice how the above post drones on and on to say something that could have been clearly and concisely summed up in 2 sentences?

PoliticalChic came to mind the other day when I happened upon this quote from Benjamin Disraeli, speaking of his contemporary William Gladstone:

"...a sophistical rhetorician, inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity..."
The guy wrote exactly three sentences and quoted six points of an article.
Far be it from I to advance stereotypes....but there are those who claim that Asian are the smartest folks....

And analysis of exit polls after the stomping of Obama and his policies found Asian-Americans in the forefront of ethnic groups shifting toward the GOP.

1. "....shift was multiplied by the fact that voters across the board were more likely to support Republicans than in past elections. The graph below compares the margin of support among demographic groups for Republican candidates in 2014 with support in 2012 for Mitt Romney and in 2010 for House candidates, according to exit polls."
The 2014 electorate wasn 8217 t just older and whiter than 2012. It also voted more Republican. - The Washington Post

2. "The Washington Post looked at a comparison between 2012 and 2014 and discovered that all demographics shifted toward the GOP, especially Asian-American voters..."

3. ....that shift was multiplied by the fact that voters across the board were more likely to support Republicans than in past elections.

And when we say all, we mean all: Support for Democrats was down slightly among black voters.

4. Republicans picked up double-digit percentage gains in the 18-29YO demo and the Latino demo, and eight points among African-Americans. Asian-Americans moved significantly to the GOP over 2012, and even over 2010. Republicans even improved 10% among those earning under $50K, which should have Democrats very worried, and among women, independents, seniors, and so on."
Exit polls show all demographics shifted to GOP after 2012 Hot Air

5. "Americans remain deeply pessimistic, especially about the economy: Exit polls, which are conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool partnership of ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC and the Associated Press, ask a number of questions designed to measure the national mood. And Tuesday's results were almost unrelentingly glum, as they have been in polling throughout the year. Sixty-five percent of voters said the country is on the wrong track, 78 percent were at least somewhat worried about the direction of the economy, and 59 percent said they think the economy is either poor and not improving, or getting even worse. A new high of 48 percent said they think life will be worse for the next generation of Americans.

6. Democrats' base voters went missing, while independents trended right...

7. Democrats' base voters went missing, while independents trended right..."
5 Things The Exit Polls Tell Us About Tuesday s Elections

Notice how the above post drones on and on to say something that could have been clearly and concisely summed up in 2 sentences?

PoliticalChic came to mind the other day when I happened upon this quote from Benjamin Disraeli, speaking of his contemporary William Gladstone:

"...a sophistical rhetorician, inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity..."
The guy wrote exactly three sentences and quoted six points of an article.

And yet, oddly, never manages to simply state the Asian vote shift in numbers, which supposedly was the point of the thread.

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