As Trump Surges Again in the Polls - Hillary Looks More Dogged and Pitiful Than Usual

Of course I have. And nuking a couple of cities in a small country is exactly like bombing the holiest city of 1.5 billion people. Surely, that will bring an end to everything.

If it does bring an end to everything - I'm spiritually ready. Sounds like you're not.

I'm spiritually responsible.

Yeah - but are you ready?

For the end times? Nope. That's for psychopaths, serial killers and morons.
As Trump Surges Again in the Polls - Hillary Looks More Dogged and Pitiful Than Usual

Consistently picturing yourself in an orange jumpsuit can do that to a person.
As Trump Surges Again in the Polls - Hillary Looks More Dogged and Pitiful Than Usual

Consistently picturing yourself in an orange jumpsuit can do that to a person.

Funny, when you say orange, Clinton is not the first person to come to mind.
Of course I have. And nuking a couple of cities in a small country is exactly like bombing the holiest city of 1.5 billion people. Surely, that will bring an end to everything.

If it does bring an end to everything - I'm spiritually ready. Sounds like you're not.

I'm spiritually responsible.

Yeah - but are you ready?

For the end times? Nope. That's for psychopaths, serial killers and morons.

Well then, you should be onboard! In all seriousness - that's what our founding father's believed and they did a pretty decent job putting things together. But, you are free to decide/choose whatever you wish. You have that right - because of them.
This from Hilly's campaign....

The former secretary of state's speech addressed proactive steps for capping Islamic State recruitment in the U.S., especially online, and for stopping potential jihadists from training overseas. Her campaign billed the speech as a "360-degree strategy to keep America safe.


Anyone see something here that doesn't make sense?
This from Hilly's campaign....

The former secretary of state's speech addressed proactive steps for capping Islamic State recruitment in the U.S., especially online, and for stopping potential jihadists from training overseas. Her campaign billed the speech as a "360-degree strategy to keep America safe.


Anyone see something here that doesn't make sense?

Yes. Hillary
Next time I find myself going the wrong way I'm gonna do a 360.....
Well no I won't...

But I wonder how many of her supporters agree with this statement.
Of course I have. And nuking a couple of cities in a small country is exactly like bombing the holiest city of 1.5 billion people. Surely, that will bring an end to everything.

If it does bring an end to everything - I'm spiritually ready. Sounds like you're not.

I'm spiritually responsible.

Yeah - but are you ready?

For the end times? Nope. That's for psychopaths, serial killers and morons.

Well then, you should be onboard! In all seriousness - that's what our founding father's believed and they did a pretty decent job putting things together. But, you are free to decide/choose whatever you wish. You have that right - because of them.

Trump chooses makeup

Hillary looks how?
How about this for a Hillary slogan....

Vote for Hillary.....

She's not afraid to turn around 360 degrees to get this country going in a new and bold direction....
how about this hillary slogan

i gave the Russians an overcharge button

and i have one for you too

How many wars does this Warmongering Chickhawk Obama have us involved in now? Anyone got a good count?
Trump will end those too - in addition to the one in Iraq that Obama stopped once, but he's back into again, up to his fucking eyeballs.

not bad for a guy who got

the peace prize before he even started

How many Lib talk show hosts will go after her over this....
Like they did for weeks when Romney made that 47% comment.
Or binders full of women.....

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