As The U.S. Travels Back Through Time...


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

As The U.S. Travels Back Through Time...

The impeached president trump’s botched handling of the COVID-19 crisis coupled with his constant encouragement to local police forces to commit needless violence against African-Americans, is rapidly taking America back through time.

After months ignoring warnings from intelligence and medical experts, the impeached president trump made mistake after mistake when he finally got off his fat a$$ to form a response to the COVID-19 threat. In fact, the mess the impeached president trump made of the federal government’s every move could not have been worse if he had planned to kill over 105,000 people in the first wave.

So, the impeached president trump has, essentially, taken the country over a century back in time, Like the 1918 pandemic, there is NO vaccine to protect against this viral infection. And just as in 1918, only non-pharmaceutical methods are available, which include interventions such as isolation, quarantine, good personal hygiene, use of disinfectants, and limitations of public gatherings. Today, these few options are being applied unevenly, which is no different than 102 years ago.

With 105,000 deaths already under his belt and no viable vaccine expected for at least another year-and-a-half, another 570,000 deaths to the impeached president trump’s credit is a strong possibility.

As some states restore restrictions on public gatherings and again require self-isolation actions by the public, the number of COVID-19 deaths will rise and fall as wave after wave occur as restrictions are lifted and reinstated. The 1918 death toll of 675,000 dead will likely fall short of the tens-of-thousands killed by the impeached president trump’s COVID-19 disease.

In the same way the impeached president trump’s incompetence is responsible for the many already dead and those who COVID-19 will inevitably kill, the number of unemployed Americans nears forty million, or, twenty-five percent of the workforce, which matches the twenty-five percent unemployment rate of the Great Depression.

Couple these with the current race riots caused by the impeached president trump’s Nazi rhetoric, the impeached president trump has taken the nation back to 1918, 1929, and mid 1960s. Apparently, these are considered the “good old days” by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, when America was great. After all, this has been the direction he has taken the United States since January, 2017, and all the while his devoted fanatics were bragging about the great job being done by their beloved hero.

Also, as the congressional Republicans stand by watching the impeached president trump’s abuse of power, the drool running from the corners of their mouths prove they have no idea how to stop the impeached president trump’s stupidity, or reverse the massive damage they’ve helped the impeached president trump cause over the past three-plus years.

But, that won’t stop Moscow Mitch from blocking all attempts being made by others to begin making the necessary repairs.

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Time Machine.jpg

There was a time when people were smart enough to stay in their own neighborhoods.

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