As of today the Walker criminal investigation....

Hey Chris if anyone needs to be investigated it's obama. I will wait on your thread with your findings. OH hell I doubt you will care about that so here you go.

Here are 79 examples of Barack Obama’s corruption, lying, lawbreaking, and cronyism. « Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog
1) In April 2009, antiwar activists who helped elect Obama accused him of using the same “off the books” funding as his predecessor George W. Bush when Obama requested an additional $83.4 billion from Congress for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – a provision which Obama had voted against when he was a Senator.

2) In May 2010, it was reported that the Obama administration had selected KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, for a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through 2011 for military support services in Iraq, just hours after the Justice Department had said it would pursue a lawsuit accusing the Houston-based company of taking kickbacks from two subcontractors on Iraq-related work.

3) While running for President, Obama had promised that he would not have any lobbyists working in his administration. However, by February 2010, he had more than 40 lobbyists working in his administration.

4) Although Obama claims to support the Occupy Wall St. movement, the truth is that he has raised more money from Wall St. than any other candidate during the last 20 years.

5) Under President Obama, abuse of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay became even worse than it had been under President Bush
Exclusive: Lawyer says Guantanamo abuse worse since Obama | Reuters
Someone alert Code Pink.
One question what has Walker been charged with? Now don't tell me about other people who have been charged or convicted of whatever don't tell me about possible charges or investigations. What has Walker been charged with?

In the real world... nothing.

In the fantasy world of the OP... everything short of feeding baby ducks to Cthulhu.
You do realize that since Walker isnt being investigated for any crimes, everything you've just said is an absolute lie, right?

Recall failed, so you need to try to create a scandal. Do you have any shame whatsoever?

Walker has hired high-powered criminal defense lawyers and is using a portion of his $30 million campaign finance war chest to pay legal bills being run up by his campaign attorneys and his personal criminal defense attorneys, over $320,000 combined so far. The use of a campaign war chest to pay legal fees is only permitted under Wisconsin statutes when a person or their "agent" acting on their behalf are "under investigation for, charged with, or convicted of a criminal violation" under campaign finance and election laws. Walker announced he was starting a criminal defense fund in March 2012.

Mary Bottari: Will Scott Walker Be Given a Pink Slip, an Orange Jumpsuit or a Second Chance?

I wonder if Kochs are still financing him. They will probably get off scott free. Laws were not written for people with that much money.
You do realize that since Walker isnt being investigated for any crimes, everything you've just said is an absolute lie, right?

Recall failed, so you need to try to create a scandal. Do you have any shame whatsoever?

Walker has hired high-powered criminal defense lawyers and is using a portion of his $30 million campaign finance war chest to pay legal bills being run up by his campaign attorneys and his personal criminal defense attorneys, over $320,000 combined so far. The use of a campaign war chest to pay legal fees is only permitted under Wisconsin statutes when a person or their "agent" acting on their behalf are "under investigation for, charged with, or convicted of a criminal violation" under campaign finance and election laws. Walker announced he was starting a criminal defense fund in March 2012.

Mary Bottari: Will Scott Walker Be Given a Pink Slip, an Orange Jumpsuit or a Second Chance?

I wonder if Kochs are still financing him. They will probably get off scott free. Laws were not written for people with that much money.

Laws are written for those who have access to the legal system.
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You do realize that since Walker isnt being investigated for any crimes, everything you've just said is an absolute lie, right?

Recall failed, so you need to try to create a scandal. Do you have any shame whatsoever?

Walker has hired high-powered criminal defense lawyers and is using a portion of his $30 million campaign finance war chest to pay legal bills being run up by his campaign attorneys and his personal criminal defense attorneys, over $320,000 combined so far. The use of a campaign war chest to pay legal fees is only permitted under Wisconsin statutes when a person or their "agent" acting on their behalf are "under investigation for, charged with, or convicted of a criminal violation" under campaign finance and election laws. Walker announced he was starting a criminal defense fund in March 2012.

Mary Bottari: Will Scott Walker Be Given a Pink Slip, an Orange Jumpsuit or a Second Chance?

I wonder if Kochs are still financing him. They will probably get off scott free. Laws were not written for people with that much money.
Conspiratorial thinking. Frees the small mind to say stupidass shit and think they do not then have any accountability to prove anything they say or believe any proof otherwise.

Go play with your lincoln logs sonny, adults are insulting here and you're liable to start crying.
Oh... and I forgot to say...


well Shit! At every turn something fucks up for them in WI, what do they try?


I mean it's damn silly.

Yeah? Well they're behind it all!

Fine, where's the money trail?

Ummmmm like I care to show you?

Well you're making the claim they're doing this. Where's the proof?

I don't have to. The accusation is enough and you're questioning me on my motives is proof the Koch Brothers are influencing you too.

Well Fuckin A! Why doesn't my bank account show that?


Yeah... like I said. BoogaboogaKochbros. Fullashit and twice as stupid.

For those who speak only libberish... this is called a rhetorical predictive conversation. You don't have to say 'no it's not'. We don't believe you anyway.
No more laughter. They laughed when Chrissy predicted the Walker loss in the recall election.

Are they laughing now?


They are?

Oh yeah.

Well, then. Carry on.
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