As much as I despise the GOP and ultimately think they are poison in comparison to democrats...

...Iā€™ll give them credit for one thing.

They donā€™t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but thereā€™s still a small chance he wonā€™t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those ā€œsuperdelegatesā€ who worship the DNCā€™s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldnā€™t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.

Those Super-Delegates will cost Bloomburg a million dollars a pop---which he will pay, of course---but the Young Brainwashed Bernie Bolsheviks will be so pissed, they'll stay home for the general election, or even vote for the Bad Orange Man.

It's a lose-lose situation because Democrats are so dumb they couldn't see that Uncle Joe Biden is in early stage dementia or Alzheimer's. (A few real dumb-asses still don't.)

Democrats are going to have to work the "Russia Hacked the Election" scam yet again. They'll be filing law suits all over the day after the election.

What else have they got?

Yesterday Biden stated that "Bernie's health care plan would cost 34 MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dollars!!!!!!!!!".
That's right a whopping 34 MILLION dollars.
And there are people who are going to vote for this joke.

Did Slow Joe say million? The figure is $34 TRILLION in additional spending over 10 years.
I'd say he's an embarrassment but he's about the best the Democrat Socialist Party has to offer. Very sad.
...Iā€™ll give them credit for one thing.

They donā€™t have a superdelegate system.

Bernie will likely be the democratic nominee, but thereā€™s still a small chance he wonā€™t get the majority of delegates needed to be the winner and a contested convention would then occur. Those ā€œsuperdelegatesā€ who worship the DNCā€™s narrative might go for Bloomberg because they believe he can win against Trump, but they shouldnā€™t get the chance to decide. Bloomberg and those like him on the right represent all that is wrong with American politics. The people need to decide the election - not the billionaires.

What is it with you and your love for a Communist like Bernie Sanders?

He praised Cuba, Venezuela and the former Soviet Union and has no answer to cost of his programs he want to implement!

Also that Medicare for all is not Medicare but Universal Healthcare and do you believe Swing State voters are going to vote for Sanders when he is pledging to take their private insurance from them and replace it with a VA type system?
How about this? Which Party is really Anti-Woman? Look up Weinstein ,Ted Kennedy ,and Bill Clinton.

Who the fuck is "Weinstein"?
A Hollywood Democrat Doner guilty of rape. Anything NEW?

And he hold or held --- what office?
Hollywood Mogul. It is only filthy Dems who pander to Hollywood.

I don't know of an elected office called "Hollywood mogul". :dunno:
I don't know of one who does NOT finance some dirty LIB.

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