As fires destroy parts of LA, California lawmakers start special session to prepare for Donald Trump

It can't be anything but a mental defect to be a Cali Democrat. There is a " special legislative session" where these turds are going to appropriate $25 million dollars in an attempt to block / interrupt Trump policies.

As the place burns and Biden believes he can rob taxpayers to cover 100% of the fire damage, democrats are left to this.

As wildfires continued to ravage parts of Los Angeles on Thursday, California lawmakers in Sacramento officially began a special legislative session to prepare the state for President-elect Donald Trump.

That session is meant to quickly provide the California Department of Justice an extra $25 million to prepare for legal battles with the Trump administration. A special session is not required to do this, because budget-related legislation goes into effect immediately with approval anyway in California.
They've been preparing for that since Skippy was elected.
This isn't really news.
Thread summary:

Most Trump cultists are incapable of walking and chewing gum at the same time.

Thus, they assume everyone else has to be just as mentally deficient.

Thus, they're raging about anyone not focusing 100% on a situation that they can only help ... by staying out of the way. Which is what the normal people are doing.
Democrats are starting fires and looting their fellow Democrats as the flee.

Soon democrats will partake in the Maui style land grab
Republicans laugh at people suffering if they don’t vote Republican
California receives a significant share of federal funding through the state budget, with $153 billion in federal funds included in the enacted state budget for 2024-25

So, IMHO Trump and the gop congress, should tell CA they need to make do with what they get.

When they start to go on about having to suspend services like Fire. EMT, & Police just say, "well, isn't that what you wanted?"

Let's just see what the CA politicians decide to prioritize and have them live with their decisions.
Democrats choose to be reckless and create fire danger, Americans shouldn't have to foot the bill.

These fires are set up as part of the intentional collapse of America.

America is under attack

Democrats = traitors
Democrats are far worse then Republicans because they actually set these events up to happen.

Maui 2.0


Cutting the water and stopping standard fire maintenance is all done on purpose as an attack on America and Americans by democrats.

Democrats = traitors
It can't be anything but a mental defect to be a Cali Democrat. There is a " special legislative session" where these turds are going to appropriate $25 million dollars in an attempt to block / interrupt Trump policies.

As the place burns and Biden believes he can rob taxpayers to cover 100% of the fire damage, democrats are left to this.

As wildfires continued to ravage parts of Los Angeles on Thursday, California lawmakers in Sacramento officially began a special legislative session to prepare the state for President-elect Donald Trump.

That session is meant to quickly provide the California Department of Justice an extra $25 million to prepare for legal battles with the Trump administration. A special session is not required to do this, because budget-related legislation goes into effect immediately with approval anyway in California.
Messed up priorities.
The gaslighting that the fires are due to climate change and there is nothing local officials could have done to stem the damage is RIDICULOUS.

Why do you lefties buy this shit?

There are a myriad of reasons for the fires. Wildfires in California have been going on since the Spanish explorer Cabrillo traveled there in 1542.

These fires this week are THE FAULT OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENTS.

Insurance companies refused to insure thousands of homes BECAUSE OF THE MISMANAGEMENT.

Newsom even sued to block a Trump Federal initiative to get water to central and southern California.

in 2019, Trump signed new federal regulations allowing water to flow from Northern California into the Central Valley.

Limitations on water imported from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta to the Central Valley were designed to protect diminishing smelt and salmon populations.

Newsom announced a lawsuit in response, as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra sued, requesting the decision to be delayed citing federal environmental violations.

The California lawsuit stated: "California has a sovereign and statutorily mandated interest in protecting species and their habitat within the state from harm.
Well, he sure didn't do that human species or any others any favors, at all.
I'm not so sure about that. Aside from Biden blaming " climate change" for the fire damage, California democrats made obviously stupid choices; ignoring budget requirements and stripping money away from preventative measures that caused the damage to be much worse.

Pelosi's nephew, Newsome, will get bailed out by taxpayers despite his incompetence.
So i'll just throw this out here.......maybe Cali could consider joining the USofA .......? ~S~
So i'll just throw this out here.......maybe Cali could consider joining the USofA .......? ~S~
Did you see that Democrat politician's admission that there's a million illegals in CA?
He knows it.

"Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco. "We have a new administration that has vowed to target this state to eliminate healthcare access, that has vowed to target this state around education funding, that has vowed to deport more than one million California residents,"

^That's not going away. Electoral votes and illegals and reps from California are.
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It's the issue of priorities. As people are dying, leftist politicians are more concerned with protecting illegals.
Yeah..kinda like Ted Cruz was when he went to Cancun and most of Texas was in the dark and freezing???....bunch of wimps. :)
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