As a matter of Homeland Security, the Democratic Party should be outlawed.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The attempted execution of two sheriff's deputies in the Compton section of Los Angeles California is a bridge too far and it has become clear that Democratic Party in the US has become a terrorist orgnization. When a political party devolves into a coup to overthrow a functioning democracy, emergency measures must be enacted to save the country.

The presidential election must be called off and Trump should be made acting president due to an emergency more dangerous than the Covid-19 pandemic. There is too much at stake and when a party encourages citizens to attack innocent police in the service of local communities that is the definition of party-incited anarchy.

The Democratic Party is trying to last long enough to install a stooge in the White House by imposing violence onto the streets of cities. This is plain for all to see. We are at a crossroads that will decide the fate of America.

The drug-addled, college-indoctrinated brownshirts of US society are in the process tearing the country into pieces and it must be met by Supreme Court action to save democracy. The election must be called off due to the civil war imposed on the country by the Democratic Party.

This is a neccessary step to save democracy.

The attempted execution of two sheriff's deputies in the Compton section of Los Angeles California is a bridge too far and it has become clear that Democratic Party in the US has become a terrorist orgnization. When a political party devolves into a coup to overthrow a functioning democracy, emergency measures must be enacted to save the country.

The presidential election must be called off and Trump should be made acting president due to an emergency more dangerous than the Covid-19 pandemic. There is too much at stake and when a party encourages citizens to attack innocent police in the service of local communities that is the definition of party-incited anarchy.

The Democratic Party is trying to last long enough to install a stooge in the White House by imposing violence onto the streets of cities. This is plain for all to see. We are at a crossroads that will decide the fate of America.

The drug-addled, college-indoctrinated brownshirts of US society are in the process tearing the country into pieces and it must be met by Supreme Court action to save democracy. The election must be called off due to the civil war imposed on the country by the Democratic Party.

This is a neccessary step to save democracy.

Oh, no, I can't repond to this. Someone who actually says what is really going on is dangerous. I must go to my safe space and drink my hot chocolate. I must shiver in fear and be quiet. Yeah, that is what I will do.
The attempted execution of two sheriff's deputies in the Compton section of Los Angeles California is a bridge too far and it has become clear that Democratic Party in the US has become a terrorist orgnization.

You have yet to prove the shooter was an elected member or a voter of any position as a Democrat...In yer haste to try and put guilt without proof only proves your sinister motives..Misinformation and projection is not any form of proof and you misspelled organization in yer rush to falsely accuse and convict innocent people.
The attempted execution of two sheriff's deputies in the Compton section of Los Angeles California is a bridge too far and it has become clear that Democratic Party in the US has become a terrorist orgnization. When a political party devolves into a coup to overthrow a functioning democracy, emergency measures must be enacted to save the country.

The presidential election must be called off and Trump should be made acting president due to an emergency more dangerous than the Covid-19 pandemic. There is too much at stake and when a party encourages citizens to attack innocent police in the service of local communities that is the definition of party-incited anarchy.

The Democratic Party is trying to last long enough to install a stooge in the White House by imposing violence onto the streets of cities. This is plain for all to see. We are at a crossroads that will decide the fate of America.

The drug-addled, college-indoctrinated brownshirts of US society are in the process tearing the country into pieces and it must be met by Supreme Court action to save democracy. The election must be called off due to the civil war imposed on the country by the Democratic Party.

This is a neccessary step to save democracy.

You could be right, Ray, but trying to call off the election is the very thing democrats have been saying Trump would try for months. Perhaps they are forcing the issue WANTING him to try, as yet another justification for calling him a dictator with delusions of godhood.

DEMOCRATS: the LOSE-LOSE of American politics. We lose if we try to stop an illegal election, we lose if we allow the appointment of crazed brownshirts lead by another foreigner as president.
The election will not be called off and there is no grave danger that is stopping it. This is all hype because your leader Trump is all hype and you guys bought a first class ticket on is manipulative train ride where you are the pasty for Trump to wield your soul as he demands. The Democrats think they have a winner because they have an old fart like Trump running so all we get is two equal parts of the old regime refusing to let go of power.
The election will not be called off and there is no grave danger that is stopping it. This is all hype because your leader Trump is all hype and you guys bought a first class ticket on is manipulative train ride where you are the pasty for Trump to wield your soul as he demands. The Democrats think they have a winner because they have an old fart like Trump running so all we get is two equal parts of the old regime refusing to let go of power.
I am pretty good at predicting outcomes and the outcome in this election is going to be chaos. I am optimistic that Trump is going to get in by a landslide despite inacurate polls that are mostly diguised propaganda. But the opposition is so entrenched that it will not be accepted.

Obviously we cannot outlaw a party even if that party is guilty of everything I have pointed out. The elites have gotten too rich from the status quo to go quietly some risk repercussions that could lead to prison.

Independents are going to decide this election and they are leaning to Trump as by far, the lesser evil.
The election will not be called off and there is no grave danger that is stopping it. This is all hype because your leader Trump is all hype and you guys bought a first class ticket on is manipulative train ride where you are the pasty for Trump to wield your soul as he demands. The Democrats think they have a winner because they have an old fart like Trump running so all we get is two equal parts of the old regime refusing to let go of power.
this coming from the dog groomer

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