In 1969, after examining Head Start for only a few years, Arthur Jensen declared that the program would fail to improve the cognitive capabilities of its subjects. And he was roundly criticized and publicly threatened for his expert advice. Now, 45 years after Head Start's inception, and 100 billion dollars poured down the rabbit hole, will we finally accept that the program is a massive failure? not likely and the media won't point out the flaws and failures either because that would be racist, or at least unkind.
Obama declared that only proven govt programs would get funding but somehow he has decided that Head Start should get another 10 billion to work with. couldn't he at least try to find a better experiment to use the money on, rather than one with 45 years of data showing NO lasting benefits?
Obama declared that only proven govt programs would get funding but somehow he has decided that Head Start should get another 10 billion to work with. couldn't he at least try to find a better experiment to use the money on, rather than one with 45 years of data showing NO lasting benefits?