Army's 100 Years Of Honoring The Confederacy Ends

I posted an article in another thread sometime ago that talked about Washington sending emissaries to all the southern states because their citizens wouldn't join the military. States were told that bases would be named after Confederat heroes if states would provide men. The states made a big push to get men enlisted and the drive was successful. Now, that very same government, in the name of political correctness is reneging on their promise.
Meh. The people who made that promise are as dead as the people they made it to. The name of the bases isn’t driving recruitment and is likely having the opposite effect, so I fail to see the benefit of leaving them named as they were.

What we shouldn't do is make the same mistake we made in the first place by naming them after people, as they have flaws. All of them. Who knows what type of behavior people 50 years from now will find abhorrent that we find mundane in our time.
The problem with the rempant re-naming of these posts is that history changes the view of previous behaviors. What was once acceptable is no longer viewed that way years later. Eisenhower, it is reported, cheated on his wife. Should we honor him?

I get that you don't want to "honor" the rebs with naming bases after them but anytime you name anything after someone; you open yourself up to the same interpretation downrange.

Fort Liberty is great. It isn't named after someone whose actions can be viewed differently in 20-80 years. I say just leave it as it is if you're going to just pick another historical figure to honor.
We don't want to honor traitor slavers.

I don't think that's going to change.
Meh. The people who made that promise are as dead as the people they made it to. The name of the bases isn’t driving recruitment and is likely having the opposite effect, so I fail to see the benefit of leaving them named as they were.

What we shouldn't do is make the same mistake we made in the first place by naming them after people, as they have flaws. All of them. Who knows what type of behavior people 50 years from now will find abhorrent that we find mundane in our time.
I think changing the names now is as dumb as changing the names of sports teams. Just let it lie.
We don't want to honor traitor slavers.

I don't think that's going to change.
And 100 years from now some thing or behavior that we find mundane in this age they will find abhorrent in that age and will wonder why we named a base after a person who participated in that thing or behavior. Hence candycorn 's point.
Nobody wants to change history, just quit celebrating and honoring those that took up arms against the US.

Might as well have a Navy base named after Togo Heihachiro or an Army base named after Erwin Rommel
Why are you such a dumb ace ???

How many times do you have to be told that this nation honors history, and that means all of it ??

So do you think that White's should be running around tearing down black statue's when black thug's are killing like mad in the inner cities (each other mostly), and then trashing or making history regret the rights that were given them when they see that kind of behavior that contributes to so much negativity in life ???

Two groups in question can play these games equally, so be careful what you wish for, then what ??
Why are you such a dumb ace ???

How many times do you have to be told that this nation honors history, and that means all of it ??

So do you think that White's should be running around tearing down black statue's when black thug's are killing like mad in the inner cities (each other mostly), and then trashing or making history regret the rights that were given them when they see that kind of behavior that contributes to so much negativity in life ???

Two groups in question can play these games equally, so be careful what you wish for, then what ??

Are these "blacks" you speak of taking ups arms and declaring war on the United States?

Why do we honor people that freely choose to take up arms against the United States?
Meh. The people who made that promise are as dead as the people they made it to. The name of the bases isn’t driving recruitment and is likely having the opposite effect, so I fail to see the benefit of leaving them named as they were.

What we shouldn't do is make the same mistake we made in the first place by naming them after people, as they have flaws. All of them. Who knows what type of behavior people 50 years from now will find abhorrent that we find mundane in our time.
Fair and reasonable point. However history is history, and without it the abhorrent and flawed nature of men that are born into sin would be lost. It all comes down to how history is taught and viewed in the right ways, and not instead viewed in the wrong ways.
And 100 years from now some thing or behavior that we find mundane in this age they will find abhorrent in that age and will wonder why we named a base after a person who participated in that thing or behavior. Hence candycorn 's point.
Couchpotato , jbrownson0831

If we think changing Army base names is O.K. then what's to keep them from changing other names, based on political correctness?

Well, what have we here! Seems like someone has been reading my mind.

Dozens of birds, including ones named after white supremacists, are being renamed​

Dozens of bird species in the United States and Canada will get "imaginative" new names that reflect their traits and habitats rather than the names of people, the American Ornithological Society announced Wednesday.

The society plans to remove all human names from the common names for birds within its jurisdiction, to create a more inclusive environment for people of diverse backgrounds interested in bird-watching and ornithology. The public process, yet to be fully defined, will include 70 to 80 birds in the U.S. and Canada, the society stated.

Following years of controversy over bird names linked to people with racist and genocidal histories, the society's decision thrills ornithologists and scientists who supported a campaign to name birds for themselves.

Are these "blacks" you speak of taking ups arms and declaring war on the United States?

Why do we honor people that freely choose to take up arms against the United States?
Because the South had a right leave the union if it wanted to
Fair and reasonable point. However history is history, and without it the abhorrent and flawed nature of men that are born into sin would be lost. It all comes down to how history is taught and viewed in the right ways, and not instead viewed in the wrong ways.
I can agree with that. I don’t agree with melting them all down nor the castigation of these men and their views using todays standards. Put them in a museum or in a park with a different plaque explaining what they thought, why, why it was wrong and how men get to those places in their minds. It doesn’t make sense to just erase them. Lessons can and should be learned.
Couchpotato , jbrownson0831

If we think changing Army base names is O.K. then what's to keep them from changing other names, based on political correctness?

Well, what have we here! Seems like someone has been reading my mind.

Dozens of birds, including ones named after white supremacists, are being renamed​

Dozens of bird species in the United States and Canada will get "imaginative" new names that reflect their traits and habitats rather than the names of people, the American Ornithological Society announced Wednesday.

The society plans to remove all human names from the common names for birds within its jurisdiction, to create a more inclusive environment for people of diverse backgrounds interested in bird-watching and ornithology. The public process, yet to be fully defined, will include 70 to 80 birds in the U.S. and Canada, the society stated.

Following years of controversy over bird names linked to people with racist and genocidal histories, the society's decision thrills ornithologists and scientists who supported a campaign to name birds for themselves.

Because I don’t give a shit what the ornithological society names birds? Seriously. Is this something we really need to be concerned about?
I can agree with that. I don’t agree with melting them all down nor the castigation of these men and their views using todays standards. Put them in a museum or in a park with a different plaque explaining what they thought, why, why it was wrong and how men get to those places in their minds. It doesn’t make sense to just erase them. Lessons can and should be learned.
Libs prefer to control the message that the public is exposed to

So they spew mindless hate toward the south and great historical figures like Robert E Lee who would have fought for the Union if Virginia had not joined the Confederacy
Like everything else there is a process to secede. In the United States the Constitution makes NO provision for secession, it's counterproductive to the entire format of being United States ( Unconstitutional ) therefore it is TREASON ergo the southerners were TRAITORS.
Anything not prohibited in the Constitution is a legal right

Including secession
Because I don’t give a shit what the ornithological society names birds? Seriously. Is this something we really need to be concerned about?
I wasn't chastising you. I just tagged you for information. What's sick to me is liberal pukes wanting to change a name because a guy 150 years ago was in the Confederacy and they want to punish him.
I guess if people can remove statues of Stalin and Lenin in the former Sovjet and satellite states then it's ok to do the same in the US. I was stationed at Sandia Base which was later changed to Kirkland for whatever reason I do not know. I was also stationed at Fort Sam Houston but if you ask me it ought to be changed to Fort Santa Anna. I did basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, in the state of Missouri and I don't even know who he was. We used to call it Fort Lost in the Woods in the state of Misery and I think that's a much better name for it anyway.
... What's sick to me is liberal pukes wanting to change a name because a guy 150 years ago was in the Confederacy and they want to punish him.
An excellent point. :eusa_clap:

I LOVE!!! your signature photo!

We don't want to honor traitor slavers.

I don't think that's going to change.
This is my point and thanks for making it. The behavior that was acceptable (or at least overlooked) when the base/camp/ship/street/library/building X was named changes with what becomes acceptable later on. Today we’re disavowing traitor slaves. Is the line going to stop there? Likely not. There is a movement afoot to change the name of Columbus Day. The carrier John C. Stennis should have a name change according to one sailor--the US Navy published his commentary below.

Why? Because he opposed civil rights. As stated earlier, Eisenhower likely cheated on his wife. Will that become so taboo one day that we have to re-think that one?

I got into an argument with someone on this board the other day--I don’t recall who--about the town of Richmond California and their city council passing a resolution condemning Israel. Now, I support Israel in this war that they didn’t invite, they didn’t start, and they certainly didn’t provoke. So I am against the resolution but I’m also against the idiot politics that put the resolution onto the calendar for the city council. Either position you take, supporting or not, you are going to likely piss off 1/2 the population or a good portion of it anyway. And of course the fortunes of war could always change and the “team” you supported could do something completely beyond the pale and you look bad for supporting them. Its not a fight where the sons of Richmond, CA are fighting. Feel free to piss off 1/2 the world when you are speaking for yourself but as an elected representative of the should put a leash on that puppy. What is worse in my view is that nobody forced Richmond to take this vote. They did it to themselves. Maybe untold riches will pour their way because of it but it could have just as easily have backfired.

My point then (and now) is this. If you’re going to re-name things...fine. Great. But if you endorse someone via this name change or resolution, be on guard that you may have to revisit that. But why not just name the place, “Fort Georgia” or “Fort Resolute” or something you don’t have to worry about changing down the road? Why leave yourself open to the cultural shifts that always seem to come down the pike?
This is my point and thanks for making it. The behavior that was acceptable (or at least overlooked) when the base/camp/ship/street/library/building X was named changes with what becomes acceptable later on. Today we’re disavowing traitor slaves. Is the line going to stop there? Likely not. There is a movement afoot to change the name of Columbus Day. The carrier John C. Stennis should have a name change according to one sailor--the US Navy published his commentary below.

Why? Because he opposed civil rights. As stated earlier, Eisenhower likely cheated on his wife. Will that become so taboo one day that we have to re-think that one?

I got into an argument with someone on this board the other day--I don’t recall who--about the town of Richmond California and their city council passing a resolution condemning Israel. Now, I support Israel in this war that they didn’t invite, they didn’t start, and they certainly didn’t provoke. So I am against the resolution but I’m also against the idiot politics that put the resolution onto the calendar for the city council. Either position you take, supporting or not, you are going to likely piss off 1/2 the population or a good portion of it anyway. And of course the fortunes of war could always change and the “team” you supported could do something completely beyond the pale and you look bad for supporting them. Its not a fight where the sons of Richmond, CA are fighting. Feel free to piss off 1/2 the world when you are speaking for yourself but as an elected representative of the should put a leash on that puppy. What is worse in my view is that nobody forced Richmond to take this vote. They did it to themselves. Maybe untold riches will pour their way because of it but it could have just as easily have backfired.

My point then (and now) is this. If you’re going to re-name things...fine. Great. But if you endorse someone via this name change or resolution, be on guard that you may have to revisit that. But why not just name the place, “Fort Georgia” or “Fort Resolute” or something you don’t have to worry about changing down the road? Why leave yourself open to the cultural shifts that always seem to come down the pike?
Yea. That's called democracy you Dipshit. It doesn't stop happening.

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