Army Orders Court-Martial in WikiLeaks Case

This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance.

The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort.

Traitor? Yes.

Who did he go to war against? Who was he aiding or comforting? Is the US at war with Julian Assange? Is it possible to declare war on a person?

Traitor? No, not even by your own definition...

How about you let the US decide, its Military decide what charges are appropriate.

So now any subject on this board to do with law and order should not be discussed?
It's about frigging time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An Army officer ordered a court-martial Friday for a low-ranking intelligence analyst charged in the biggest leak of classified information in U.S. history. Military District of Washington commander Maj. Gen. Michael Linnington referred all charges against Pfc. Bradley Manning to a general court-martial, the Army said in a statement.
The referral means Manning will stand trial for allegedly giving more than 700,000 secret U.S. documents and classified combat video to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks for publication.

I hope they fry his ass......

Not really. I mean, all you contribute are snarky one liners, or the odd sentence that doesn't make sense, or ad hom attacks.

I can't think of any posts where you've go in-depth into a subject.

I believe this is either for one of two reasons or both for this:
1) You are generally a troll
2) You are incapable of doing so.

I'm leaning towards the latter..

Like all leftists, you see what you want to see.

Reality, however, refuses to conform itself to your demands.

I've made my views on Manning quite clear. He violated the agreements he signed and revealed information that was defined as causing grave damage to national security if revealed to those unauthorized to see it.

That in-depth enough for you? Not that I care...

List the damage he has caused...

Interesting Idea. But did you not stop to think that this information is probably classified? And by the way, while there are many different levels of classifications; Super Classified isn't one of them....
Like all leftists, you see what you want to see.

Reality, however, refuses to conform itself to your demands.

I've made my views on Manning quite clear. He violated the agreements he signed and revealed information that was defined as causing grave damage to national security if revealed to those unauthorized to see it.

That in-depth enough for you? Not that I care...

List the damage he has caused...

Interesting Idea. But did you not stop to think that this information is probably classified? And by the way, while there are many different levels of classifications; Super Classified isn't one of them....

Well he didn't release your nuke codes, or where your different naval fleets are at one time etc (not that Russians or Chinese don't know the latter anyway)

Well, I've seen a lot of the stuff that was leaked and I'm wondering why it was classified....shrug...
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And he had no Idea that wikileaks would publish secrets of the United states so that our enemies could read all about them? Giving all of our enemies secret material of which he was entrusted amounts to aiding the enemy, in fact aiding all our enemies.

I'm so sorry that you think him a hero. He is scum, not worthy of clinging to the bottom of my boot.

Hmmm. I don't see him as a hero. And the stuff he leaked was not super classified.
You don't get to decide what US classified information may be released. It's ludicrous that you think you can.

Here are the levels of classification used by the US government:

Top Secret (TS)
The highest level of classification of material on a national level. Such material would cause "exceptionally grave damage" to national security if made publicly available.
Such material would cause "grave damage" to national security if it were publicly available.
Such material would cause "damage" or be "prejudicial" to national security if publicly available.
Such material would cause "undesirable effects" if publicly available. Some countries do not have such a classification.
Technically not a classification level, but is used for government documents that do not have a classification listed above. Such documents can sometimes be viewed by those without security clearance.

Manning had access to Secret and Top Secret information. To reiterate: Top Secret is material that would cause "exceptionally grave damage" to national security if made publicly available.

He did not do a good thing.
Who did he go to war against? Who was he aiding or comforting? Is the US at war with Julian Assange? Is it possible to declare war on a person?

Traitor? No, not even by your own definition...

How about you let the US decide, its Military decide what charges are appropriate.

So now any subject on this board to do with law and order should not be discussed?

No, I'm just reminding you that - whatever you state - the decision is one for our military... who happen to have a lot more information about what, if anything, Manning did. You can rant all you want... but it is meaningless... the military will try him, they will (probably) convict him... and he will (probably) do serious time. That's fine by me. Little shit deserves whatever happens to him.
Not really. I mean, all you contribute are snarky one liners, or the odd sentence that doesn't make sense, or ad hom attacks.

I can't think of any posts where you've go in-depth into a subject.

I believe this is either for one of two reasons or both for this:
1) You are generally a troll
2) You are incapable of doing so.

I'm leaning towards the latter..

Like all leftists, you see what you want to see.

Reality, however, refuses to conform itself to your demands.

I've made my views on Manning quite clear. He violated the agreements he signed and revealed information that was defined as causing grave damage to national security if revealed to those unauthorized to see it.

That in-depth enough for you? Not that I care...

List the damage he has caused...
He doesn't even have to have caused any damage to be found guilty of breaking the law.

From the Standard Form 312 that he signed TWICE (once for his Secret clearance and once for his TS):
4. I have been advised that any breach of this Agreement may result in the termination of any security clearances I hold;
removal from any position of special confidence and trust requiring such clearances; or the termination of my employment or
other relationships with the Departments or Agencies that granted my security clearance or clearances. In addition, I have
been advised that any unauthorized disclosure of classified information by me may constitute a violation, or violations, of
United States criminal laws, including the provisions of Sections 641, 793, 794, 798, *952 and 1924, Title 18, United States
Code, * the provisions of Section 783(b), Title 50, United States Code, and the provisions of the Intelligence Identities
Protection Act of 1982.
I recognize that nothing in this Agreement constitutes a waiver by the United States of the right to
prosecute me for any statutory violation.​

It's pretty obvious he broke the law, and did so purposefully.
List the damage he has caused...

Interesting Idea. But did you not stop to think that this information is probably classified? And by the way, while there are many different levels of classifications; Super Classified isn't one of them....

Well he didn't release your nuke codes, or where your different naval fleets are at one time etc (not that Russians or Chinese don't know that latter anyway)

Well, I've seen a lot of the stuff that was leaked and I'm wondering why it was classified....shrug...
You don't get a say. Tough shit.
And he had no Idea that wikileaks would publish secrets of the United states so that our enemies could read all about them? Giving all of our enemies secret material of which he was entrusted amounts to aiding the enemy, in fact aiding all our enemies.

I'm so sorry that you think him a hero. He is scum, not worthy of clinging to the bottom of my boot.

Hmmm. I don't see him as a hero. And the stuff he leaked was not super classified.
You don't get to decide what US classified information may be released. It's ludicrous that you think you can.

Here are the levels of classification used by the US government:

Top Secret (TS)
The highest level of classification of material on a national level. Such material would cause "exceptionally grave damage" to national security if made publicly available.
Such material would cause "grave damage" to national security if it were publicly available.
Such material would cause "damage" or be "prejudicial" to national security if publicly available.
Such material would cause "undesirable effects" if publicly available. Some countries do not have such a classification.
Technically not a classification level, but is used for government documents that do not have a classification listed above. Such documents can sometimes be viewed by those without security clearance.

Manning had access to Secret and Top Secret information. To reiterate: Top Secret is material that would cause "exceptionally grave damage" to national security if made publicly available.

He did not do a good thing.

I actually agree that he should not have done it, only because he signed an agreement that he wouldn't do it when he signed up.

In saying that, there are people known as whistle blowers, and I don't hold the military in as high esteem as most Americans - especially those that have served - but that doesn't mean highly classified information should not be kept as such.

As stated, if these leaks have been so bad, what have they been?
No, I'm just reminding you that - whatever you state - the decision is one for our military... who happen to have a lot more information about what, if anything, Manning did. You can rant all you want... but it is meaningless... the military will try him, they will (probably) convict him... and he will (probably) do serious time. That's fine by me. Little shit deserves whatever happens to him.

I realise this, but if we took that attitude about everything there would be not posts, threads or boards...
Hmmm. I don't see him as a hero. And the stuff he leaked was not super classified.
You don't get to decide what US classified information may be released. It's ludicrous that you think you can.

Here are the levels of classification used by the US government:

Top Secret (TS)
The highest level of classification of material on a national level. Such material would cause "exceptionally grave damage" to national security if made publicly available.
Such material would cause "grave damage" to national security if it were publicly available.
Such material would cause "damage" or be "prejudicial" to national security if publicly available.
Such material would cause "undesirable effects" if publicly available. Some countries do not have such a classification.
Technically not a classification level, but is used for government documents that do not have a classification listed above. Such documents can sometimes be viewed by those without security clearance.

Manning had access to Secret and Top Secret information. To reiterate: Top Secret is material that would cause "exceptionally grave damage" to national security if made publicly available.

He did not do a good thing.

I actually agree that he should not have done it, only because he signed an agreement that he wouldn't do it when he signed up.

In saying that, there are people known as whistle blowers, and I don't hold the military in as high esteem as most Americans - especially those that have served - but that doesn't mean highly classified information should not be kept as such.

As stated, if these leaks have been so bad, what have they been?
The trial will bring that out -- without revealing classified.
Interesting Idea. But did you not stop to think that this information is probably classified? And by the way, while there are many different levels of classifications; Super Classified isn't one of them....

Well he didn't release your nuke codes, or where your different naval fleets are at one time etc (not that Russians or Chinese don't know that latter anyway)

Well, I've seen a lot of the stuff that was leaked and I'm wondering why it was classified....shrug...
You don't get a say. Tough shit.

Of course I don't get a say. Just next time you tell me you live in the Land of the Free, and your country is more 'free' that others, or that your second amendment is sacrosanct because it makes your more 'free' than other countries (I could go on but you get the point) - remember this convo. If you want to be Sheeple that is up to you...
Well he didn't release your nuke codes, or where your different naval fleets are at one time etc (not that Russians or Chinese don't know that latter anyway)

Well, I've seen a lot of the stuff that was leaked and I'm wondering why it was classified....shrug...
You don't get a say. Tough shit.

Of course I don't get a say. Just next time you tell me you live in the Land of the Free, and your country is more 'free' that others, or that your second amendment is sacrosanct because it makes your more 'free' than other countries (I could go on but you get the point) - remember this convo. If you want to be Sheeple that is up to you...
Because, of course, your nation conducts ALL its business out in the open. :lol:

Face it: You just hate America, and cheer anything and anybody that damages it.

I would guess that 70% of everything I did during my 22 years on active duty was actually classified, Much of it was indeed Top Secret, and heavily compartmentalized. Which is why I don't tell many "war stories". It's a secret.............. And yes I'll keep it as such......

I actually agree that he should not have done it, only because he signed an agreement that he wouldn't do it when he signed up.

In saying that, there are people known as whistle blowers, and I don't hold the military in as high esteem as most Americans - especially those that have served - but that doesn't mean highly classified information should not be kept as such.

As stated, if these leaks have been so bad, what have they been?
The trial will bring that out -- without revealing classified.

Oh, it was partially rhetorical. I've read a few and there doesn't seem to be much there.

I remember when CG was screaming blue murder when it first came out about how it was going to compromise this, and compromise that, and even cause deaths etc. Here we are, the best part of a year later, and nada.

Bit like WMDs really. Some great classified material right there, eh? Even sent your nation to war. Got some folk killed, too.

Can you say "baaaaa" Dave?
You don't get a say. Tough shit.

Of course I don't get a say. Just next time you tell me you live in the Land of the Free, and your country is more 'free' that others, or that your second amendment is sacrosanct because it makes your more 'free' than other countries (I could go on but you get the point) - remember this convo. If you want to be Sheeple that is up to you...
Because, of course, your nation conducts ALL its business out in the open. :lol:

Face it: You just hate America, and cheer anything and anybody that damages it.


I don't hate or love America. I think it an Ok place..

Don't expect all your business is conducted in the open. I would say for every piece of info leaked by Manning, there were hundreds, if not thousands, of pieces that weren't. Much of the real stuff - the stuff that matters - he would never had access to anyway.

Uber righties love a good drama, and this is such...
The trial will bring that out -- without revealing classified.

Oh, it was partially rhetorical. I've read a few and there doesn't seem to be much there.
Your opinion is utterly meaningless. Just so's you know.
I remember when CG was screaming blue murder when it first came out about how it was going to compromise this, and compromise that, and even cause deaths etc. Here we are, the best part of a year later, and nada.
So, unless the media spoon-feeds it to you, it never happened.

Have you ever even tried thinking for yourself?
Bit like WMDs really. Some great classified material right there, eh? Even sent your nation to war. Got some folk killed, too.

Can you say "baaaaa" Dave?
Australia deployed 2,000 troops for the invasion if Iraq. New Zealand deployed 61.

If I'm a sheep, so are you.

Meanwhile, I'll remind you that your pathetic opinions on US national security matters are worth nothing, no matter how much you pout.
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Of course I don't get a say. Just next time you tell me you live in the Land of the Free, and your country is more 'free' that others, or that your second amendment is sacrosanct because it makes your more 'free' than other countries (I could go on but you get the point) - remember this convo. If you want to be Sheeple that is up to you...
Because, of course, your nation conducts ALL its business out in the open. :lol:

Face it: You just hate America, and cheer anything and anybody that damages it.


I don't hate or love America. I think it an Ok place..

Don't expect all your business is conducted in the open. I would say for every piece of info leaked by Manning, there were hundreds, if not thousands, of pieces that weren't. Much of the real stuff - the stuff that matters - he would never had access to anyway.

Uber righties love a good drama, and this is such...
You have no idea what he had access to.

Perhaps you should stop speaking authoritatively of things of which you're profoundly ignorant.
The trial will bring that out -- without revealing classified.

Oh, it was partially rhetorical. I've read a few and there doesn't seem to be much there.
Your opinion is utterly meaningless. Just so's you know.
I remember when CG was screaming blue murder when it first came out about how it was going to compromise this, and compromise that, and even cause deaths etc. Here we are, the best part of a year later, and nada.
So, unless the media spoon-feeds it to you, it never happened.

Have you ever even tried thinking for yourself?
Bit like WMDs really. Some great classified material right there, eh? Even sent your nation to war. Got some folk killed, too.

Can you say "baaaaa" Dave?
Australia deployed 2,000 troops for the invasion if Iraq. New Zealand deployed 61.

If I'm a sheep, so are you.

Meanwhile, I'll remind you that your pathetic opinions on US national security matters are worth nothing, no matter how much you pout.

What Australia does is its business.
And those 61 people deployed did not go with the blessing of its people, and the govt wouldn't tell us where or when they went (they were SAS).

I didn't support them going.

For your second answer, what are you rambling about? If it didn't happen? What didn't happen? What am I being spoon-fed? I know of no correlation between anything that Manning gave Wikileaks and anybody being killed or harmed. If you can link to any such incident, please do so....

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