Army bars the unvaccinated from promotions and reenlistment


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
The Army is playing hardball and won’t tolerate those who put other service members at risk

In a memo dated November 16, Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said soldiers who refuse the vaccine would be "flagged," preventing them from "reenlistment, reassignment, promotion, appearance before a semi-centralized promotion board, issuance of awards and decorations" and more.
Oh, this is gonna' be bad.

First, it'll have an adverse impact on manning. Senior people who refuse to get it don't just get replaced. A senior person, say a Navy Master Chief or an Army Sergeant Major, who refuses to get it is someone who has 18-20 years experience (at a minimum), not to mention a king's ransom invested in him for training. You just don't call up Personnel and requisition another one.

The article also mentioned payment of bonuses. When someone re-enlists, let's say they get a $16,000 SRB (selective re-enlistment bonus). When I was in, the service member would be paid 1/2 of that, with the remaining half paid in installments on the anniversary of the re-enlistment. If someone re-enlisted two years ago, before any of this shit surfaced, the military will have a difficult time justifying non-payment of the remaining bonus.

Joe Biden's military isn't a military I'd want to be a part of. It's a mere shell of its former self...
and won’t tolerate those who put other service members at risk

Yeah they don't tolerate it in 118% vaccinate Gibraltar EITHER!

The unvaccinated are obviously to blame here!

“The drastic increase in the numbers of people testing positive for COVID-19 in recent days is a stark reminder that the virus is still very prevalent in our community and that it is the responsibility of us all to take every reasonable precaution to protect ourselves and our loved ones,” Health Minister Samantha Sacramento said.
More than 118% of Gibraltar’s population are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, with this figure stretching beyond 100% due to doses given to Spaniards who cross the border to work or visit the territory every day. Gibraltar’s entire adult population has been fully vaccinated since March, and masks are still required in shops and on public transport.

The Army is playing hardball and won’t tolerate those who put other service members at risk

In a memo dated November 16, Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said soldiers who refuse the vaccine would be "flagged," preventing them from "reenlistment, reassignment, promotion, appearance before a semi-centralized promotion board, issuance of awards and decorations" and more.
What else could they do? They are non-deployable personnel and a potential liability with people living close together, if shipped out to an area already in conflict. Armies have always been sensitive to that sort of thing. Non-vaccinated have a greater chance of contracting it, and possibly causing an increased burden on medical assets in a foreign theater. Unchecked, a disease running rampant can and has devastated readiness. It's as simple as that.
I was offered an Article 15 General Discharge if I didn't want to be vaxxed ...

The Military Mission always comes first ... having a division come down with the flu or yellow fever interferes with that military mission ... if someone don't like it, get out ... plenty of people waiting in line to get in who will be more than happy to be vaxxed up ...

Yeah, that yellow fever vax is nasty ... burns like fire for days ... I hear they have a better one now ... so man up and don't be a pussy ... 1/4" square needle in the left nut ... you signed up to die for your country, why are you crying over a needle? ...
I was offered an Article 15 General Discharge if I didn't want to be vaxxed ...

The Military Mission always comes first ... having a division come down with the flu or yellow fever interferes with that military mission ... if someone don't like it, get out ... plenty of people waiting in line to get in who will be more than happy to be vaxxed up ...

Yeah, that yellow fever vax is nasty ... burns like fire for days ... I hear they have a better one now ... so man up and don't be a pussy ... 1/4" square needle in the left nut ... you signed up to die for your country, why are you crying over a needle? ...
Bubonic Plague vaccine sucked really bad, too.

The Army is playing hardball and won’t tolerate those who put other service members at risk

In a memo dated November 16, Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said soldiers who refuse the vaccine would be "flagged," preventing them from "reenlistment, reassignment, promotion, appearance before a semi-centralized promotion board, issuance of awards and decorations" and more.
This is noting more than shit stirring.

The military can compel you to get a vaccine. If you refuse, they can kick you out.

There would be no need to tie promotions to an act that has already been discharged or enforced.

Try to wake the fuck up.
Unlawful order from the Money Launderer N Chief. Denies the Studies on Natural Immunity. Those who have had it

These are experimental vaccines. And THEY DON'T FUCKING WORK.

FUCK JOE BIDEN. and those assholes want to Frag those refusing.
Yellow-bellied cowardice to be afraid of a little needle ... whad'da gonna do when you're pinned down in a fox-hole with 88mm's exploding all around you? ...

These posts clearly divides the veterans from the little girls ...

Lead poisoning is a bigger problem in the military ... at 1,600 feet per second and 2,000 rounds per minute ...

There I was ... Sandinestas coming at me from the left flank ... Sandinestas coming at me form the right flank ... Sandinestas coming up the center ... just me and a couple of M-60's ...

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