Arizona is getting it's first shipment of Afghan refugees. They are getting the red carpet treatment. Meanwhile I see lots of homeless veterans.....


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Just saw it on the local news. The first busload of Afghan refugees has arrived and according to the report they will be given "full resettlement services" help in finding a job, job training, health care, day care for their kids....Golly aren't we wonderful?

But what about those guys I see on the street corner wearing dirty beat up old military clothes? Aren't they American citizens who served our country? Why aren't they getting the red carpet treatment? They don't get any treatment at all that I can see.
The Dems want to change Arizona and make it another blue hell hole like New Mexico and Colorado
Just saw it on the local news. The first busload of Afghan refugees has arrived and according to the report they will be given "full resettlement services" help in finding a job, job training, health care, day care for their kids....Golly aren't we wonderful?

But what about those guys I see on the street corner wearing dirty beat up old military clothes? Aren't they American citizens who served our country? Why aren't they getting the red carpet treatment? They don't get any treatment at all that I can see.

I was wondering how long it would take you to go from "Oh, those Poor Afghans" to "Those Dirty stinking Muslims".

Didn't even take a month, did it?

Not that all those guys in beat up military clothes you see on the corner are actual vets....

Most of them are there because they have substance abuse problems and begging for money is easier than holding down a job.

Just saw it on the local news. The first busload of Afghan refugees has arrived and according to the report they will be given "full resettlement services" help in finding a job, job training, health care, day care for their kids....Golly aren't we wonderful?

But what about those guys I see on the street corner wearing dirty beat up old military clothes? Aren't they American citizens who served our country? Why aren't they getting the red carpet treatment? They don't get any treatment at all that I can see.

There are services for veterans.. Why are they homeless? Do you know?
European nations took in many Afghans and all they got was huge increases in violent crimes
Of all middle eastern peoples the Afghans are the most violent of rapists. Our military personnel have been disciplined for speaking out against the rape of boys in Afghanistan.

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