Arizona Democrats Panic Over Upcoming Election Audit Results, Issue Preemptive Rebuttal

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Trade For Profit ^ | 08/20/2021 | Tyler Durden
Posted on 8/20/2021, 11:35:53 PM by SeekAndFind

Democratic officials in Arizona are sweating over the upcoming results of the 2020 election audit, and have launched a pair of preemptive strikes against a report that could come as soon as next week according to Politico.

In a Thursday rebuttal, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D) tried to poke as many holes as possible in the audit - while also trying to reassure people that ballot equipment was tested before and after the election.

Hobbs called the GOP Senate-led effort "secretive and disorganized," and claimed that they routinely failed to follow best practices for an audit.

"All credible audits are characterized by controls, access, and transparency that allow for the processes and procedures to be replicated, if necessary," reads the rebuttal. "As this report has described, the review conducted by the Senate’s contractors has consistently lacked all three of these factors."

One Republican, Maricopa County recorder Stephen Richer, joined Hobbs with a lengthy rebuttal of his own - an open letter to state Republicans casting doubt on the credentials of the auditors, while also defending his own reputation.

"I will keep fighting for conservatism, and there are many things I would do for the Republican candidate for President, but I won’t lie about the election, and I will not unjustifiably turn my back on the employees of the Board of Supervisors, Recorder’s Office, and Elections Department — my colleagues and friends," he wrote.

Since late April, contractors hired by the Republican-controlled state Senate have been reviewing all the ballots cast in Maricopa County, which President Joe Biden won en route to flipping the state, along with examining election equipment.
The process was initially supposed to take 60 days, but has stretched on well past that. Julie Fischer, a “deputy Senate liaison” for the effort, told POLITICO that the contractors’ report — the firm leading the effort is called Cyber Ninjas — is expected to be submitted to the state Senate on Monday, and a hearing will be scheduled after that.
Election officials in the state have opposed it nearly every step of the way, including Richer, Hobbs and the GOP-controlled Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. -Politico
"The only thing that has been consistent about this endeavor has been missed deadlines and having to walk back statements," said Richer at a Thursday presser, adding "Please look into it before taking whatever the Cyber Ninjas produce as gospel."


A lot of anti-Trump Bush league and CCP connected republicans are in the hot seat. If the AG has any hair on his balls at all; they will be looking at felony charges.

Every single county in the USA should be forensically audited. The massive fraud is so deep and wide; there needs to be a reckoning for all those who participated in this major crime of treason.
Trade For Profit ^ | 08/20/2021 | Tyler Durden
Posted on 8/20/2021, 11:35:53 PM by SeekAndFind

Democratic officials in Arizona are sweating over the upcoming results of the 2020 election audit, and have launched a pair of preemptive strikes against a report that could come as soon as next week according to Politico.

In a Thursday rebuttal, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D) tried to poke as many holes as possible in the audit - while also trying to reassure people that ballot equipment was tested before and after the election.

Hobbs called the GOP Senate-led effort "secretive and disorganized," and claimed that they routinely failed to follow best practices for an audit.

"All credible audits are characterized by controls, access, and transparency that allow for the processes and procedures to be replicated, if necessary," reads the rebuttal. "As this report has described, the review conducted by the Senate’s contractors has consistently lacked all three of these factors."

One Republican, Maricopa County recorder Stephen Richer, joined Hobbs with a lengthy rebuttal of his own - an open letter to state Republicans casting doubt on the credentials of the auditors, while also defending his own reputation.

"I will keep fighting for conservatism, and there are many things I would do for the Republican candidate for President, but I won’t lie about the election, and I will not unjustifiably turn my back on the employees of the Board of Supervisors, Recorder’s Office, and Elections Department — my colleagues and friends," he wrote.

"The only thing that has been consistent about this endeavor has been missed deadlines and having to walk back statements," said Richer at a Thursday presser, adding "Please look into it before taking whatever the Cyber Ninjas produce as gospel."


A lot of anti-Trump Bush league and CCP connected republicans are in the hot seat. If the AG has any hair on his balls at all; they will be looking at felony charges.

Every single county in the USA should be forensically audited. The massive fraud is so deep and wide; there needs to be a reckoning for all those who participated in this major crime of treason.

Nobody is worried about this audit. Only the violence that blobbers cause whenever they don't get their way.
Nobody is worried about this audit. Only the violence that blobbers cause whenever they don't get their way.
CandyPorn STILL trying to make sense of this one!
With the power given our County Board of Supervisors to oversee our elections, this has been a Republican versus Republican fight.

Yes, it is patriotic fiscally conservative authentic republicans vs big spending Zionist traitors who love W.

Pre 1998 GOP vs post 1998 GOP

Patriotism vs treason
Every day, Mossad candy is here to shout down, lie, and censor truth about

The steal
Zionist fascism
Simon Elliot aka Baghdadi
Col Tim osman aka "Osama"
Who offed pat Tillman and why

What time is it in Israel right now?
You have never met sanity and only have known it evil twin insanity all your life!!!

Anyhoo, when this audit come out the reality is Biden will still be President until 2025 or 2029…
You have never met sanity and only have known it evil twin insanity all your life!!!

Anyhoo, when this audit come out the reality is Biden will still be President until 2025 or 2029…

That assumes you cocksucking Zionist cowards get your way.

America is really beginning to see Zionism for what it is, the worst enemy of America by 100 fold....
With the power given our County Board of Supervisors to oversee our elections, this has been a Republican versus Republican fight.
Half of the “Republicans” in Arizona are liberals and some are even former Democrats. They are so fucking worthless.
"I will keep fighting for conservatism, and there are many things I would do for the Republican candidate for President, but I won’t lie about the election, and I will not unjustifiably turn my back on the employees of the Board of Supervisors, Recorder’s Office, and Elections Department — my colleagues and friends," he wrote.
Richer wasn’t in office during the election. Funny how down ballot unknown (R)s like him won in Maricopa County yet the most popular Republican lost. He has zero experience in government and elected office. He did not cooperate with the audit. It’s not his job to protect his “friends” and employees, it’s his job to ensure that elections are transparent and fair. No one is asking him to lie, all he and his office have been asked is to explain the numbers that they provided to the auditors.
Trade For Profit ^ | 08/20/2021 | Tyler Durden
Posted on 8/20/2021, 11:35:53 PM by SeekAndFind

Democratic officials in Arizona are sweating over the upcoming results of the 2020 election audit, and have launched a pair of preemptive strikes against a report that could come as soon as next week according to Politico.

In a Thursday rebuttal, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D) tried to poke as many holes as possible in the audit - while also trying to reassure people that ballot equipment was tested before and after the election.

Hobbs called the GOP Senate-led effort "secretive and disorganized," and claimed that they routinely failed to follow best practices for an audit.

"All credible audits are characterized by controls, access, and transparency that allow for the processes and procedures to be replicated, if necessary," reads the rebuttal. "As this report has described, the review conducted by the Senate’s contractors has consistently lacked all three of these factors."

One Republican, Maricopa County recorder Stephen Richer, joined Hobbs with a lengthy rebuttal of his own - an open letter to state Republicans casting doubt on the credentials of the auditors, while also defending his own reputation.

"I will keep fighting for conservatism, and there are many things I would do for the Republican candidate for President, but I won’t lie about the election, and I will not unjustifiably turn my back on the employees of the Board of Supervisors, Recorder’s Office, and Elections Department — my colleagues and friends," he wrote.

"The only thing that has been consistent about this endeavor has been missed deadlines and having to walk back statements," said Richer at a Thursday presser, adding "Please look into it before taking whatever the Cyber Ninjas produce as gospel."


A lot of anti-Trump Bush league and CCP connected republicans are in the hot seat. If the AG has any hair on his balls at all; they will be looking at felony charges.

Every single county in the USA should be forensically audited. The massive fraud is so deep and wide; there needs to be a reckoning for all those who participated in this major crime of treason.
The ballot charade is still going on???

Man, you suckers just love being played for fools.

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