Aren't the Samaritans really the true Israelites?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
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29 And it shall come to pass, when the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, that thou shalt set the blessing upon mount Gerizim, and the curse upon mount Ebal.

There are only around 700-800 left I've read. The continue to have the Levite Priesthood, and also they never really left when Rome destroyed and fought the Judeans.

So how are the Samaritans treated, as they always fought in the OT. The Samaritans live in the West Bank with the Palestinians who they get along with right? I image many became Christians and Muslims over the years.
29 And it shall come to pass, when the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, that thou shalt set the blessing upon mount Gerizim, and the curse upon mount Ebal.

There are only around 700-800 left I've read. The continue to have the Levite Priesthood, and also they never really left when Rome destroyed and fought the Judeans.

So how are the Samaritans treated, as they always fought in the OT. The Samaritans live in the West Bank with the Palestinians who they get along with right? I image many became Christians and Muslims over the years.

So, how have they been treating you on the funny farm?
29 And it shall come to pass, when the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, that thou shalt set the blessing upon mount Gerizim, and the curse upon mount Ebal.

There are only around 700-800 left I've read. The continue to have the Levite Priesthood, and also they never really left when Rome destroyed and fought the Judeans.

So how are the Samaritans treated, as they always fought in the OT. The Samaritans live in the West Bank with the Palestinians who they get along with right? I image many became Christians and Muslims over the years.

So, how have they been treating you on the funny farm?

Just great thank you. Was listening to a lecture by Dr. William J. Neidinger. Since your unable to answer the question, why bother responding.
29 And it shall come to pass, when the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, that thou shalt set the blessing upon mount Gerizim, and the curse upon mount Ebal.

There are only around 700-800 left I've read. The continue to have the Levite Priesthood, and also they never really left when Rome destroyed and fought the Judeans.

So how are the Samaritans treated, as they always fought in the OT. The Samaritans live in the West Bank with the Palestinians who they get along with right? I image many became Christians and Muslims over the years.
Might take a while for answers to start rolling in. Never heard of it quite put in this context.
29 And it shall come to pass, when the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, that thou shalt set the blessing upon mount Gerizim, and the curse upon mount Ebal.

There are only around 700-800 left I've read. The continue to have the Levite Priesthood, and also they never really left when Rome destroyed and fought the Judeans.

So how are the Samaritans treated, as they always fought in the OT. The Samaritans live in the West Bank with the Palestinians who they get along with right? I image many became Christians and Muslims over the years.

Interesting video, we know from history the Israelites and Judean were always at odds, I do believe that when the Judeans were exiled to Babylon they did stick together (some of them and did not assimilate into the Babylon society), as before the exile they intermarried and did worship other pagan gods. of course only around a handful returned to Judea. When Ezra came back he was shocked to see the Israelites intermarried although they always had. The prior video I watched by the Dr. said the Israelites didn't change but the returning Judeans did, I believe that. Samaritans are Israelites and do not consider themselves jews according to this video.

You are really some sort of Looney idiot. On one hand you call the bible a bunch of bs fairy tales and now here you are quoting it??
You are really some sort of Looney idiot. On one hand you call the bible a bunch of bs fairy tales and now here you are quoting it??

Most of it is fable and most myths from Egypt in the OT, and then after the exile Persian myths were added, but we know there were people there and for Jews to use it as an excuse that they own all the land is faulty, as the Samaritans are Israelites , not the Jews who only are those who came from the line of Judah and Jerusalem, big difference. its so faulty to think that Jews is a race and most of those who say they are jews have nothing to do with the original Israelite religion from the fake Moses . What I'm also saying is the Palestinians have just as much right to live there as the Zionist. We also know that it was wrote after the exile. I tire of them saying they have a divine right to he land when its just not so, and also most do not believe it.

Not only that you have to use their ammo to prove them wrong.
So, basically you are just doing what you folks do best. Cherry pick and choose to fit your twisted narrative.
So, basically you are just doing what you folks do best. Cherry pick and choose to fit your twisted narrative.

No playing the same game Zionist play. Since they use the OT to state their case the land is theirs, I can use the OT to tell them its not.
I would ask for Links to Penelope's "Biblical" analysis, but her history of such has proven 100% of the time to be a complete waste of time.
So, basically you are just doing what you folks do best. Cherry pick and choose to fit your twisted narrative.

No playing the same game Zionist play. Since they use the OT to state their case the land is theirs, I can use the OT to tell them its not.

BUT the Zionists don't make that claim, it is the islamonazi morons that make the claim like you are doing here.

What they do say is that the International laws after the trouncing of the Ottomans and arab muslims in 1917 the land became Jewish for their NATIONal home
I would ask for Links to Penelope's "Biblical" analysis, but her history of such has proven 100% of the time to be a complete waste of time.
a lecture by Dr. William J. Neidinger

We know Judea and Israel did not get along at all. This is so funny , because....... Israelites are not Jews. :lmao::rofl::lmao:yet they say Israel is a Jewish country.
What I'm also saying is the Palestinians have just as much right to live there as the Zionist.

Whoah. Wait. What?

Penny is saying that the Jewish people have just as much right to live there are the Palestinians?
I would ask for Links to Penelope's "Biblical" analysis, but her history of such has proven 100% of the time to be a complete waste of time.
a lecture by Dr. William J. Neidinger

We know Judea and Israel did not get along at all. This is so funny , because....... Israelites are not Jews. :lmao::rofl::lmao:yet they say Israel is a Jewish country.

Who says ?
What I'm also saying is the Palestinians have just as much right to live there as the Zionist.

Whoah. Wait. What?

Penny is saying that the Jewish people have just as much right to live there are the Palestinians?

Only the people that never left the area, which are the Palestinians, of course some of them are Jews and also some jews never left the area, but the Zionist born and raised in Eurasia, no. They are immigrants and should treat those who lived there with respect, just like we expect immigrants to.
What I'm also saying is the Palestinians have just as much right to live there as the Zionist.

Whoah. Wait. What?

Penny is saying that the Jewish people have just as much right to live there are the Palestinians?

Only the people that never left the area, which are the Palestinians, of course some of them are Jews and also some jews never left the area, but the Zionist born and raised in Eurasia, no. They are immigrants and should treat those who lived there with respect, just like we expect immigrants to.

And the arab muslims are also immigrants from arabia, the name gives it away. So they should be respectful to the sovereign owners and stop being violent. But seeing as the arab muslims were never invited by the Ottomans or the LoN this makes them illegal immigrants
What I'm also saying is the Palestinians have just as much right to live there as the Zionist.

Whoah. Wait. What?

Penny is saying that the Jewish people have just as much right to live there are the Palestinians?

Only the people that never left the area, which are the Palestinians, of course some of them are Jews and also some jews never left the area, but the Zionist born and raised in Eurasia, no. They are immigrants and should treat those who lived there with respect, just like we expect immigrants to.

Out of curiosity, what criteria would you use to determine who is an immigrant to Israel/Palestine and who is not? Are you willing to apply it to both groups equally?
What I'm also saying is the Palestinians have just as much right to live there as the Zionist.

Whoah. Wait. What?

Penny is saying that the Jewish people have just as much right to live there are the Palestinians?

Only the people that never left the area, which are the Palestinians, of course some of them are Jews and also some jews never left the area, but the Zionist born and raised in Eurasia, no. They are immigrants and should treat those who lived there with respect, just like we expect immigrants to.

Out of curiosity, what criteria would you use to determine who is an immigrant to Israel/Palestine and who is not? Are you willing to apply it to both groups equally?

Anyone who have moved there since the 1900 who had no relation there and no ties to the land, those who are the Zionist and those who say they are returning the land of their ancestors and think they have to a right to uproot those who are and have lived there for generations.

Even thought many Zionist are first generation, meaning born there, their ancestors were not.

Also one does not more into a religious land among religious people when your secular and expect them to become secular.

As you might be aware , the maj of Zionist are secular.
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