Are You Tired of Being the Only Adult in the Room?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Now that the Dems have won reelection by promising candy to their childish supporters, they are turning to the GOP to bail them out of their idiotic campaign promises. Why not let them reap what they have sown? Let them pass their version of fiscal/tax reform and let them take credit for the results. Since we will NEVER pay off the National Debt, what's a few trillion dollars more? Maybe when inflation and interest rates hit 10% the voters will wake up, but not before then. Why not just sit back and watch the show?
Now that the Dems have won reelection by promising candy to their childish supporters, they are turning to the GOP to bail them out of their idiotic campaign promises. Why not let them reap what they have sown? Let them pass their version of fiscal/tax reform and let them take credit for the results. Since we will NEVER pay off the National Debt, what's a few trillion dollars more? Maybe when inflation and interest rates hit 10% the voters will wake up, but not before then. Why not just sit back and watch the show?

Seems like you have no faith in the free market system. All we need to do is show we're addressing the problem. By instilling confidence in the future and the system will take care of itself, as more people go to work and more revenues come in.
Now that the Dems have won reelection by promising candy to their childish supporters, they are turning to the GOP to bail them out of their idiotic campaign promises. Why not let them reap what they have sown? Let them pass their version of fiscal/tax reform and let them take credit for the results. Since we will NEVER pay off the National Debt, what's a few trillion dollars more? Maybe when inflation and interest rates hit 10% the voters will wake up, but not before then. Why not just sit back and watch the show?

Yes, good idea. I will personally be very happy when their support of socialism hits them upside the head. Something needs to make them stop and think about our limited resources and how lack of jobs leads to lack of revenue and how lack of revenue will stop their entitlements and checks, or those of their family and friends.

It is quite amazing how the election went down. There is just no figuring it out, really, other than the takers are a higher percentage of the makers. And liberty to them, means the freedom to take and feed off the taxpayers income without reprisal.

One of the strangest aspects of Election 2012 is that voters are demanding change but didn't change politicians. They left Republicans in charge of the House, elected an even more Democratic Senate and re-elected President Obama. They're unhappy with the status quo in the country but left the political status quo in place. :cuckoo:
Now that the Dems have won reelection by promising candy to their childish supporters, they are turning to the GOP to bail them out of their idiotic campaign promises. Why not let them reap what they have sown? Let them pass their version of fiscal/tax reform and let them take credit for the results. Since we will NEVER pay off the National Debt, what's a few trillion dollars more? Maybe when inflation and interest rates hit 10% the voters will wake up, but not before then. Why not just sit back and watch the show?

Seems like you have no faith in the free market system. All we need to do is show we're addressing the problem. By instilling confidence in the future and the system will take care of itself, as more people go to work and more revenues come in.

You can't have businesses that hire people want to hire people if the President HATES profits!
Why would ANY of us business people WANT to expand if by expanding all we are doing is paying for more free phones... more money to vietnam prostitutes, chinese prostitute training on how to drink socially! Or for all the billions wasted on Solyndra

I mean austerity is not the issue.. common sense! And common sense says don't bite the hand that feeds you!
Now that the Dems have won reelection by promising candy to their childish supporters, they are turning to the GOP to bail them out of their idiotic campaign promises. Why not let them reap what they have sown? Let them pass their version of fiscal/tax reform and let them take credit for the results. Since we will NEVER pay off the National Debt, what's a few trillion dollars more? Maybe when inflation and interest rates hit 10% the voters will wake up, but not before then. Why not just sit back and watch the show?

Seems like you have no faith in the free market system. All we need to do is show we're addressing the problem. By instilling confidence in the future and the system will take care of itself, as more people go to work and more revenues come in.

Who is "we" and how do we "show we're addressing the problem?" The People have spoken, and they want bread and circuses. Why should the GOP assist in maintaining this farce by helping kick the can down the road a few more feet?
Going to be an interesting four years. People should be very careful what they ask for because sometimes you get it. Who is going to pay the fiddler when this dance is over? You have half the country not paying taxes demanding that the other half pay more taxes. Where is the fairness in that? Do the math. It won't work. Sooner, more so than later, the teat on the cash cow is going to run dry.
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Now that the Dems have won reelection by promising candy to their childish supporters, they are turning to the GOP to bail them out of their idiotic campaign promises. Why not let them reap what they have sown? Let them pass their version of fiscal/tax reform and let them take credit for the results. Since we will NEVER pay off the National Debt, what's a few trillion dollars more? Maybe when inflation and interest rates hit 10% the voters will wake up, but not before then. Why not just sit back and watch the show?

Seems like you have no faith in the free market system. All we need to do is show we're addressing the problem. By instilling confidence in the future and the system will take care of itself, as more people go to work and more revenues come in.

The problem here is that Obama and his merry band of minions don't want a free market system and everyone knows it. The way that confidence would have been instilled, would have been an Obama defeat.
Now that the Dems have won reelection by promising candy to their childish supporters, they are turning to the GOP to bail them out of their idiotic campaign promises. Why not let them reap what they have sown? Let them pass their version of fiscal/tax reform and let them take credit for the results. Since we will NEVER pay off the National Debt, what's a few trillion dollars more? Maybe when inflation and interest rates hit 10% the voters will wake up, but not before then. Why not just sit back and watch the show?

Seems like you have no faith in the free market system. All we need to do is show we're addressing the problem. By instilling confidence in the future and the system will take care of itself, as more people go to work and more revenues come in.

Only a moonbat would say that in reference to what we have. :lmao:

And they wonder why we constantly ridicule the shit out of them.

I agree with jwoodie. it's time to stop trying to stop them adn let them have their plans put into effect. it's the best way to show that LOLberalism is a fucking mental disorder. Let them have their ideas put in place.

it will be interesting to hear what new "ideas" they have once "tax the rich fair share" gets implimented. We've heard this mantra for so long im willing to bet the LOLberals dont even have a follow up plan. Just:

1. Tax the rich fair share
2. Sit back adnd watch
3. ??????
4. Profit?
I'm with the OP. Talk is cheap and they don't listen anyway. So the only solution is for folks who gave Barry another term to start feeling the pain. Six-plus million fewer people voted for Barry this time than in '08. That's a good start but clearly not enough have felt that pain yet. And it'll hurt even more when they realize it's self-inflicted.
They'll still blame someone else. that is generally what children do.

Seriously, let them have their tax increases. it's the only thing they've been bitching about and it solve less than nothing. But they need to see it for themselves...even if they are fuckign with peoples lives. Let them have it.

They will blame Bush or Romney anyway.
Now that the Dems have won reelection by promising candy to their childish supporters, they are turning to the GOP to bail them out of their idiotic campaign promises. Why not let them reap what they have sown? Let them pass their version of fiscal/tax reform and let them take credit for the results. Since we will NEVER pay off the National Debt, what's a few trillion dollars more? Maybe when inflation and interest rates hit 10% the voters will wake up, but not before then. Why not just sit back and watch the show?

In 1794, when Congress appropriated $15,000 for relief of French refugees who fled from insurrection in San Domingo to Baltimore and Philadelphia, James Madison stood on the floor of the House to object saying, “I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.” -James Madison, 4 Annals of congress 179 (1794)
Now that the Dems have won reelection by promising candy to their childish supporters, they are turning to the GOP to bail them out of their idiotic campaign promises. Why not let them reap what they have sown? Let them pass their version of fiscal/tax reform and let them take credit for the results. Since we will NEVER pay off the National Debt, what's a few trillion dollars more? Maybe when inflation and interest rates hit 10% the voters will wake up, but not before then. Why not just sit back and watch the show?

People forget that we got to the sequestration by the Leftists making compromise with the tea party like Republicans to solve the spending issue, one way of the other.

Those players were largely re-elected.

Boehner cannot get the votes for raising taxes, and Obama will have to cave on his veto pledge to raise them if he wants to stave off the fiscal cliff for a tad longer.

I say fuck it. Give America what they voted for and let it kick in.
Republicans, no one is interesting in talking about your retarded fantasies concerning what the dirty liberals really think. Yes, you're all the masters of refuting the cartoon liberals of your imagination. That's nice. But the grownups are talking now. Go have a juicebox and watch some SpongeBob.
Now that the Dems have won reelection by promising candy to their childish supporters, they are turning to the GOP to bail them out of their idiotic campaign promises. Why not let them reap what they have sown? Let them pass their version of fiscal/tax reform and let them take credit for the results. Since we will NEVER pay off the National Debt, what's a few trillion dollars more? Maybe when inflation and interest rates hit 10% the voters will wake up, but not before then. Why not just sit back and watch the show?

Because I have a business to run and a family I care about.
I'm with the OP. Talk is cheap and they don't listen anyway. So the only solution is for folks who gave Barry another term to start feeling the pain. Six-plus million fewer people voted for Barry this time than in '08. That's a good start but clearly not enough have felt that pain yet. And it'll hurt even more when they realize it's self-inflicted.

That's the issue. Liberals will never realize it's self-inflicted. It will always be the rich white man's fault.
Now that the Dems have won reelection by promising candy to their childish supporters, they are turning to the GOP to bail them out of their idiotic campaign promises. Why not let them reap what they have sown? Let them pass their version of fiscal/tax reform and let them take credit for the results. Since we will NEVER pay off the National Debt, what's a few trillion dollars more? Maybe when inflation and interest rates hit 10% the voters will wake up, but not before then. Why not just sit back and watch the show?

What candy did the Democrats promise?

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