Are you ready for your COVID Vaccine Bracelet?


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
I told you so!

If only Dems controlled every state, then we wouldn’t have a choice in the matter.


Maybe people should just be branded with a number that identifies them in a central database. That way everyone will know who they are and they can't sneak a bracelet out or buy one on the black market.
I won't ever wear one of those.

At worst I'll buy a fake one. Kind of like my fake vaccine card I keep "just in case". But I won't ever wear that shit day to day.

I've said it before covid won't go away because covid makes money, a lot of money. There is an entire industry built around it. And people will push any shit they have to in order to make more of it. We will be neck deep in false narratives created by companies wanting to sell a product for it.

I hope whoever came up with this idea dies of dissentary
I told you so!

If only Dems controlled every state, then we wouldn’t have a choice in the matter.


I’d gladly wear one. It could be a new trendy fashion movement. It’s also a good way to identify all of the conspiracy theorists.
it's a great way to tag the sheep.

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