Are you in favor of a pitch clock?

pitch clock?

  • No, tradition for s important

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Yes, the game needs to speed up

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters
I think I'd be OK with a pitch clock, as long as it wasn't restrictive. In other words, give them enough time, but not to the point where it's obvious they're stalling. And I get that stalling is part of the game too. We can be stalling while another pitcher is warming up, we can be stalling to piss off the hitter or get in their head etc., which is why I don't want it to be too restrictive, just enough to keep the game moving while not messing with the mojo.

I am pretty much a traditionalist when it comes to baseball. I don't like this talk of DH in the national league, the idea of moving the mound is flat stupid, IMO.

I understand that the game takes longer, I understand that the shift and stats have changed it radically, however, I love baseball. More than basketball, which I don't watch at all any more and probably more than football. It's my game and I'd rather they don't fuck with it. October baseball is still October baseball and there's no charge greater than a park full of insane fans watching their team scrap to advance. Stats, slowness, boredom, yada, yada, fucking yada, when that electricity is in the air there's nothing like it.
Yes,yes, yes

10 seconds from when the catcher throws you the ball
Yes,yes, yes

10 seconds from when the catcher throws you the ball

10 seconds?? Now that’s making a mockery of the sport.

Just think of watching a game with a ten second clock. No posturing, no posing, no games

Just boom, boom, boom
Next batter

Games would last an hour and a half

Be fun to watch

It wouldn’t be baseball
Yes or no question
Going to the bull pen so often and instant replay is what is making the games take so long. Baseball is dying like many other sports because ticket prices are much heftier than when we were young. If you can not afford to take your kids to a game you lose a generation of fans.
Yes or no question
Going to the bull pen so often and instant replay is what is making the games take so long. Baseball is dying like many other sports because ticket prices are much heftier than when we were young. If you can not afford to take your kids to a game you lose a generation of fans.

Baseball is dying because of poor promotion. Other sports have incorporated replay and it has brought another dynamic to their respective sports. I think the problem would be solved with more home runs. Juice the damn ball
I think I'd be OK with a pitch clock, as long as it wasn't restrictive. In other words, give them enough time, but not to the point where it's obvious they're stalling. And I get that stalling is part of the game too. We can be stalling while another pitcher is warming up, we can be stalling to piss off the hitter or get in their head etc., which is why I don't want it to be too restrictive, just enough to keep the game moving while not messing with the mojo.

I am pretty much a traditionalist when it comes to baseball. I don't like this talk of DH in the national league, the idea of moving the mound is flat stupid, IMO.

I understand that the game takes longer, I understand that the shift and stats have changed it radically, however, I love baseball. More than basketball, which I don't watch at all any more and probably more than football. It's my game and I'd rather they don't fuck with it. October baseball is still October baseball and there's no charge greater than a park full of insane fans watching their team scrap to advance. Stats, slowness, boredom, yada, yada, fucking yada, when that electricity is in the air there's nothing like it.
Some times the pitcher also takes some extra time getting his head together on the mound. Believe it or not that position is pretty stress full. You have a mechanic off or are elevating the ball you want to take a few seconds to think where you are going wrong. Taking this away from the guy on the mound will lead to more pitching changes and more time taken on the game. Also a pitcher will take a little more time when his arm is sore between pitches remove that and it will lead to more injuries. Finally there is the loss of control when your brain and arm is tired and will lead to more been balls. I was slightly wild and my been balls certainly would have went up with out time to compose.
Yes or no question
Going to the bull pen so often and instant replay is what is making the games take so long. Baseball is dying like many other sports because ticket prices are much heftier than when we were young. If you can not afford to take your kids to a game you lose a generation of fans.

Baseball is dying because of poor promotion. Other sports have incorporated replay and it has brought another dynamic to their respective sports. I think the problem would be solved with more home runs. Juice the damn ball
I was a pitcher and am against it. I wanna move the walls back and raise the mound again. As a good friend of mine named Mike once said if the walls had been where they are now while I was playing I would have had at least one hundred more home runs. He is more than right! He would have made more money and bought me more steaks over the years. So I am right with him.
PS. He feels fucked and so do I over the changes.
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Yes or no question
Going to the bull pen so often and instant replay is what is making the games take so long. Baseball is dying like many other sports because ticket prices are much heftier than when we were young. If you can not afford to take your kids to a game you lose a generation of fans.

Bingo. If you can't go to the park it's not going to get into your blood.

I remember going to Comiskey when I was a fairly small kid. 5-6 years old and I would go with my dad a few times a year then later we split season passes.

THAT is what made me a fan, going to the ballpark, getting the experience with friends, not watching from the couch. And it's gotten too expensive. I went twice last year and I can afford it just fine, it just seems absurd to go to the park and drop 2-300 bucks on decent seats and beer at 10 bucks a pop. The greed has turned me off quite a bit. That's where the decay in the fanbase is, you are 100% correct, if the kids aren't going they're never going to give a shit.
Yes or no question
Going to the bull pen so often and instant replay is what is making the games take so long. Baseball is dying like many other sports because ticket prices are much heftier than when we were young. If you can not afford to take your kids to a game you lose a generation of fans.

Baseball is dying because of poor promotion. Other sports have incorporated replay and it has brought another dynamic to their respective sports. I think the problem would be solved with more home runs. Juice the damn ball

"More home runs" isn't baseball, it's sensationalism. It's reducing the nuances of the game to the macro.

There's WAY too much emphasis on home runs already. We should not be hearing sports reporters say "Cespedes hit his 15th" and not have to ask "his 15th what?". It's supposed to be a strategy game, not a home run derby.
Yes or no question
Going to the bull pen so often and instant replay is what is making the games take so long. Baseball is dying like many other sports because ticket prices are much heftier than when we were young. If you can not afford to take your kids to a game you lose a generation of fans.

Baseball is dying because of poor promotion. Other sports have incorporated replay and it has brought another dynamic to their respective sports. I think the problem would be solved with more home runs. Juice the damn ball

"More home runs" isn't baseball, it's sensationalism. It's reducing the nuances of the game to the macro.

There's WAY too much emphasis on home runs already. We should not be hearing sports reporters say "Cespedes hit his 15th" and not have to ask "his 15th what?". It's supposed to be a strategy game, not a home run derby.

Maybe to the ultimate purists. To me home runs are what makes baseball exciting. To me the golden age was the steroid era, when Sosa and McGuire were neck and neck, breaking records. I’m not saying baseball should turn a blind eye to steroids again, but what I do believe is lacking is more home runs.
Yes or no question
Going to the bull pen so often and instant replay is what is making the games take so long. Baseball is dying like many other sports because ticket prices are much heftier than when we were young. If you can not afford to take your kids to a game you lose a generation of fans.

Baseball is dying because of poor promotion. Other sports have incorporated replay and it has brought another dynamic to their respective sports. I think the problem would be solved with more home runs. Juice the damn ball

"More home runs" isn't baseball, it's sensationalism. It's reducing the nuances of the game to the macro.

There's WAY too much emphasis on home runs already. We should not be hearing sports reporters say "Cespedes hit his 15th" and not have to ask "his 15th what?". It's supposed to be a strategy game, not a home run derby.

Maybe to the ultimate purists. To me home runs are what makes baseball exciting. To me the golden age was the steroid era, when Sosa and McGuire were neck and neck, breaking records. I’m not saying baseball should turn a blind eye to steroids again, but what I do believe is lacking is more home runs.
Yep, I am old and a purist. I am one of those old grey hairs I am even still bowling. There is a place you see nothing but grey hairs running around except for the bar tender. I bet that hot little number makes some good tips out of us old men. I hope it will not become as bad at the ball park as it is at the bowling alley. The good news is I have a place in Columbus Ohio and we have a minor leage team here that is filled with young people. Cheap tickets and sweat potato fries keep that place filled so there is hope!
Yes or no question
Going to the bull pen so often and instant replay is what is making the games take so long. Baseball is dying like many other sports because ticket prices are much heftier than when we were young. If you can not afford to take your kids to a game you lose a generation of fans.

Baseball is dying because of poor promotion. Other sports have incorporated replay and it has brought another dynamic to their respective sports. I think the problem would be solved with more home runs. Juice the damn ball

"More home runs" isn't baseball, it's sensationalism. It's reducing the nuances of the game to the macro.

There's WAY too much emphasis on home runs already. We should not be hearing sports reporters say "Cespedes hit his 15th" and not have to ask "his 15th what?". It's supposed to be a strategy game, not a home run derby.

Maybe to the ultimate purists. To me home runs are what makes baseball exciting. To me the golden age was the steroid era, when Sosa and McGuire were neck and neck, breaking records. I’m not saying baseball should turn a blind eye to steroids again, but what I do believe is lacking is more home runs.

I understand the appeal, although home runs aren't in short supply. There were more HR's last year than in '98. The record for most HR's was in 2017 @ 6105. Last year there were 5585, which isn't too bad, historically speaking.

I'm thinking evenflo hit the nail on the head.

could the game be more exciting? sure, although I stopped watching the NBA when it was turned into a streetball circus played by arrogant pricks, and likely wouldn't be much different here if they drift too far off the strategic elements of the game in an effort to boost the fanbase, when they're ignoring the basic fact that they're turning people off, or not acquiring those fans of the future, because they can't afford to come to the ballpark.
Yes,yes, yes

10 seconds from when the catcher throws you the ball
Yes,yes, yes

10 seconds from when the catcher throws you the ball

10 seconds?? Now that’s making a mockery of the sport.

Just think of watching a game with a ten second clock. No posturing, no posing, no games

Just boom, boom, boom
Next batter

Games would last an hour and a half

Be fun to watch

It wouldn’t be baseball

Be just like being in a batting cage
No time for fooling around
Yes. Even when I used to live somewhere I could go to games, it was like, "Come on and throw the damned ball already". I haven't gone or watched in several years.
No, but not for either of the reasons in the poll. More along the lines of "if it ain't broke".

The idea that the Game needs "speeding up" completely misses the whole point of Baseball. By its very rules it ain't about 'speeding up the game". All that is is blatant advertiser-massaging. It makes as much sense as "speeding up" a game of chess.
Chess matches use a clock.
If you cut baseball salaries to 10% of what they are now the game will return to normal. Is that likely to happen?
Yes or no question

I voted yes. With ZERO research I'll say I think they tried this in the minors or at least once in little league and it seemed to work out. I hope they did anyway.

I say wait 3-4 years to implement, but warn the players NOW about it, and in a year or two have the clock running as an indicator for them.
Yes, with an exception for when the mound is wet after rain.

The premise is that having a pitch clock will attract new fans to the game. The average age of baseball fans are something like 57. It’s a major problem, no doubt. But I don’t think the issue is the pitch clock is the answer. Baseball needs to start juicing balls again imo.
Make steroids mandatory, switch to aluminum bats, don't make the runners stick to a straight line between bases (that was real back in the late 1800s) add your silly pitch clock, that will all speed up the game and probably make it more entertaining to short attention span morons.

But if you wanna play baseball leave it alone.
Yes. Even when I used to live somewhere I could go to games, it was like, "Come on and throw the damned ball already". I haven't gone or watched in several years.

Much of it comes down to bad habits of both the pitcher and the batter

Those habits can be changed

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