Are you going to the "support chick fil a day" today?

"You should have the right to say your opinion without being penalized," said Lillian Somers, 78, at a Chick-fil-A in Birmingham, Alabama. "I am tired of people trying to force their beliefs on me and people being blasted for Christian beliefs."

The general manager of New Hampshire's only Chick-fil-A franchise reacted to the controversy by becoming a sponsor of the state's gay pride festival slated for Aug. 11.

The restaurant in a Nashua shopping mall "has gay employees and serves gay customers with honor, dignity and respect," general manager Anthony Picolia said in a statement released by the organizers of New Hampshire Pride Fest.

"I would challenge people to come have a conversation with me before they make assumptions or boycott my restaurant," he said.

In Chick-fil-A's corporate hometown of Atlanta, 42-year-old government worker Hackwin Devoe said he "does not find Biblical support" for gay marriage but does not oppose it.

He said one of the things that makes the United States a great nation is that Americans respect one another for their opinions.

UPDATE 2-Same-sex marriage foes flock to Chick-fil-A chain | Reuters

Interesting that this was not a boycott day....people know that, right?

I suppose the people who showed up know that... :lol:
A large portion of America just spoke loudly today with it's wallet.:clap2:
Stop being so silly Rebecca...a large portion of the RW just spoke loudly today with their wallet.

It wouldn't take much of any group to fill any singular fast food joint on any given today. Exaggerate much?

There are three Chic fil a with in 5 miles of where I live all three had close to the same numbers Lines at the drive through lines inside standing room only. Marcy try again

Ya kinda knew it was coming.
What was coming? Drama from the drama queen?
A large portion of America just spoke loudly today with it's wallet.:clap2:
Stop being so silly Rebecca...a large portion of the RW just spoke loudly today with their wallet.

It wouldn't take much of any group to fill any singular fast food joint on any given today. Exaggerate much?

Could you imagine if the president of Copenhagen, Truck Nuts, Red Man, said what he CEO of Chik Fil A said? We'd have 24 hour gridlock.

We may spend our way out of the recession yet.

Chic fil a doing there part to help better the failed obama economy. You obama drones should be thankful.

Way to go, PC police. Lines around the block, millions of new customers, publicity that couldn't be bought at any price.

The predictable result of PC's hyper-sensitivity. Making a big deal of some guy's words, not letting him open his doors, calling him every name in the book for his personal opinion.

You folks just aren't going to learn, are ya?

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I've been to CFA on many occasions, the food's pretty decent.

Not today though.

A Christian knows it's not our place to force our beliefs, interpretations and/or understanding on others. Only the Holy Spirit can change hearts. We are to present the truth to non-believers in love and let the Holy Spirit handle the rest.

What we're have here with this campaign is RW Gangster Christianity...not Christlike at all.

P.S. - I meant to post this message the day of the OP but I think I had to shut my PC down before I got around to it.
I've been to CFA on many occasions, the food's pretty decent.

Not today though.

A Christian knows it's not our place to force our beliefs, interpretations and/or understanding on others. Only the Holy Spirit can change hearts. We are to present the truth to non-believers in love and let the Holy Spirit handle the rest.

What we're have here with this campaign is RW Gangster Christianity...not Christlike at all.

P.S. - I meant to post this message the day of the OP but I think I had to shut my PC down before I got around to it.

Sorry, Marc, I didn't see any 'force', is speaking your mind, i.e. freedom of speech now considered 'forcing' your views on others?
I've been to CFA on many occasions, the food's pretty decent.

Not today though.

A Christian knows it's not our place to force our beliefs, interpretations and/or understanding on others. Only the Holy Spirit can change hearts. We are to present the truth to non-believers in love and let the Holy Spirit handle the rest.

What we're have here with this campaign is RW Gangster Christianity...not Christlike at all.

P.S. - I meant to post this message the day of the OP but I think I had to shut my PC down before I got around to it.

Sorry, Marc, I didn't see any 'force', is speaking your mind, i.e. freedom of speech now considered 'forcing' your views on others?
He's a drama queen
I've been to CFA on many occasions, the food's pretty decent.

Not today though.

A Christian knows it's not our place to force our beliefs, interpretations and/or understanding on others. Only the Holy Spirit can change hearts. We are to present the truth to non-believers in love and let the Holy Spirit handle the rest.

What we're have here with this campaign is RW Gangster Christianity...not Christlike at all.

P.S. - I meant to post this message the day of the OP but I think I had to shut my PC down before I got around to it.

I'm not a believer and I went. There was no message of Christ offered in any fashion.

Dunno what you are talking about .

Way to go, PC police. Lines around the block, millions of new customers, publicity that couldn't be bought at any price.

The predictable result of PC's hyper-sensitivity. Making a big deal of some guy's words, not letting him open his doors, calling him every name in the book for his personal opinion.

You folks just aren't going to learn, are ya?


You do realize that it isn't just his words, but the companies actions that people are protesting, right? The organization donated millions of dollars to groups that equate gays with pedophiles among others.
Absolutely! I had a Classic Chick-fil-A sandwich today (place was PACKED!) and going to get another tonight! Consider this a giant flip of the Gadfly's Dirty Digit to all you wacked-out , intolerant, PC loons on the Left, for making an issue of this in the first place! Enjoy the blowback. God, it's fun to watch you liberals make complete fools of yourselves yet again!

Freaking hour and a half wait for me, on Wednesday night. There were even ACLU people there, I guess they WILL stand up for free speech in a pinch.

Way to go, PC police. Lines around the block, millions of new customers, publicity that couldn't be bought at any price.

The predictable result of PC's hyper-sensitivity. Making a big deal of some guy's words, not letting him open his doors, calling him every name in the book for his personal opinion.

You folks just aren't going to learn, are ya?


You do realize that it isn't just his words, but the companies actions that people are protesting, right? The organization donated millions of dollars to groups that equate gays with pedophiles among others.

You do realize a mayor threatened to keep a business out of his city just based on the organization's beliefs?

I don't eat fast food, I don't go to Chick-fil-a, have not participated in the recent eat, make out or whatever.

If the public wants to boycott, fine in my book, I am behind you 100%, do what you think you need to do.

Government is to remain neutral, stay out of it, when they get involved, then the people need to put them back into their place.
Just another figment of your imagination.

{Long lines were seen outside Chick-fil-A restaurants nationwide, and many customers documented their visits on social media sites and shared their reasons for eating at the chain.

Many said they showed up because they agreed with the position of Chick-fil-A’s president on same-sex marriage, while others said they wanted to support freedom of expression for business owners.}

Chick-fil-A Draws Huge Crowds for Appreciation Day -

Try again.

Your Kristalnacht went kristalpffffft.

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