Are we starting to wake up to the dangers of “hate speech”?


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Lord I hope so. Hate Speech as it is used these days, is merely the right of the people to not be offended by anything anyone else says. It is nonsense. It is bullshit, and it really has always been. But the drive to eliminate “hate speech” is unrelenting, because people believe they have a right not to be offended. I’ve always opposed Hate Speech nonsense. I’ve also opposed Hate Crime nonsense, but that is another topic.

Opinion | If We Silence Hate Speech, Will We Silence Resistance?

Hate Speech legislation has to be vaguely worded, and at least on paper, equally applied to all. There be the rub. Because just think of all the users on here who would object if you said Black Pride. They would immediately rush out and decry this as an attack on Whites, and start their nonsense about how the Whites are the real victims. But this is the rub. They could be right by law if the Hate Speech nonsense gets going. If they are offended or threatened, then that makes whatever you say hate speech. And let’s face it, there are plenty of people who are perpetually offended. Not just the racists, but the members of pretty much every group. These are the ones who want to ban Guns and Roses because Guns are bad. They’re the ones who in Canada banned Money for Nothing by Dire Straits. Because the song said the word “Faggot”. The Horror.

I watched a video yesterday that made me laugh, and sigh. It was children reacting to Queen. The girls were all very uncomfortable by the song “Fat Bottomed Girls”. Counting down before that song is considered Hate Speech.

This is the problem when you want to ban anything you don’t like. Eventually it is turned on you. It is best described by the old Book Banning folks. They wanted books they didn’t like prohibited. Especially from children. Inevitably Ray Bradbury is on the list, and that should set off the irony alarms in anyone. You are going to ban a book, that is about banning books. Frankly, it is the only thing that keeps the book relevant. It is not a very good book. It would fall by the wayside on it’s own, ignored by the people. But tell people they are not supposed to read it, and whamo it is a best seller. How many school kids would go out and read Huckleberry Finn? None if we didn’t tell them to. The idea is to let them see a Master Author at work. But all the sensitive can see is the horrible name of the escaped slave. Yet, nobody sees it in context, the word is a speed bump that they can’t get over. It is a road block that they can’t get around. They don’t see Finn helping the Black man find freedom. Nope. All they see is the horrid word.

That book is a perfect example. Find the actions, not the words, and you’ll find the truth. Deal with the actions, and not the words, and you will be victorious. If you are in favor of banning hate speech, just wonder how long it will be before you are banned for saying something someone else finds offensive. It is starting already, and soon we will all be in the net. This is what we were warned about in 1984. In our effort to expose and eliminate Fascists, we are becoming far more Facist. That is why there is the old warning. Be careful of what you hate, because you will become that which you hate in time.

We’ve seen it so often in history, but we never learn. We think we can do it this time, but it never works.
Damn! I hate speeches

There's no such thing as "Hate Speech". It's a term constructed by those inspired by Orwell's "Newspeak", which destroys words in order to destroy the thoughts they express.

I am in a position wherein I answer to no one for my words, therefore I write and say what I please. The people I do business with largely feel the same way, but should any feel the need to break away, they can go fuck themselves. I'll just do business with someone else. I refuse to tailor my use of language to the whims of others.

I suspect the Left would go all Fahrenheit 451 on my rather extensive library as well. :auiqs.jpg:

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