Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad?- The US Embassy?

By what I see yes we are ready.

All the left wing pundits seem to be armed with the reasons the fall is all GWB's fault.

All the left wing posters seem to have all their talking points in line.

All that is still needed is to lob a few more meaningless bombs and fold up camp.

Yes, it is G W Bush's fault. He was the decider, he made the case for war

Bush told us we needed to attack immediately or else risk a mushroom cloud. He told us not to worry about post war Iraq because we would be treated as liberators

He never said anything about having to stay for over ten years to keep the peace or about losing 5000 dead to stabilize his blunder of a conquest

Your future would-be President Hillary made the same case for that war. But hey, she's a (D)-bagger, so she gets a pass.
Apparently there are some folks here with a poor grasp of world history. Guess what happens when the invaders finally leave?
Of course Baghdad will "fall." It is inevitable; it isn't a U.S. possession. It's only a matter of time, politics, and expendable U.S. resources.
Perhaps, but they haven't been able to take the small city, usually called a town, of Kobani. The only thing making them difficult in Anbar is the fact they can hide in the populated towns and hence are difficult to target with air strikes and artillery without inflicting large numbers of collateral civilian casualties. In areas where the civilians have mostly fled and left them in the open or vacated towns they are being defeated and pushed back. When and if the Shiite militias begin taking control of artillery and heavy weapons you can be sure they will not care about the Sunni population being used as human shields by ISIS. They will not hesitate to turn those towns into piles of rubble.
By what I see yes we are ready.

All the left wing pundits seem to be armed with the reasons the fall is all GWB's fault.

All the left wing posters seem to have all their talking points in line.

All that is still needed is to lob a few more meaningless bombs and fold up camp.

Yes, it is G W Bush's fault. He was the decider, he made the case for war

Bush told us we needed to attack immediately or else risk a mushroom cloud. He told us not to worry about post war Iraq because we would be treated as liberators

He never said anything about having to stay for over ten years to keep the peace or about losing 5000 dead to stabilize his blunder of a conquest

Your future would-be President Hillary made the same case for that war. But hey, she's a (D)-bagger, so she gets a pass.
The case for war was made with 935 lies, not Hillary Clinton.
Finding the truth in 935 lies about war with Iraq Center for Public Integrity
By what I see yes we are ready.

All the left wing pundits seem to be armed with the reasons the fall is all GWB's fault.

All the left wing posters seem to have all their talking points in line.

All that is still needed is to lob a few more meaningless bombs and fold up camp.

Yes, it is G W Bush's fault. He was the decider, he made the case for war

Bush told us we needed to attack immediately or else risk a mushroom cloud. He told us not to worry about post war Iraq because we would be treated as liberators

He never said anything about having to stay for over ten years to keep the peace or about losing 5000 dead to stabilize his blunder of a conquest

Your future would-be President Hillary made the same case for that war. But hey, she's a (D)-bagger, so she gets a pass.

Hillary is not the one who requested authority to invade. She was not given decision authority to invade or not invade

That was Bush "The decider"

He was asked by the UN to hold off his invasion until more facts came in. Bush invaded because he knew the facts would not be in his favor
Obama abandoned Iraq so he could claim "Victory" for his 2012 reelection.

A real American President would have made sure that US supplied the ISF with the logistics and continued training they so desperately needed. Instead, Obama turned yet another country over to his friends in AQ and Jihad.

It takes 15 years of training before the US Army will give a commander control of a single division, Obama decided the ISF was ready for full country over the entire Army after only a few years. He broke it, he bought it
Ya, like the Iraqi Army didn't have enough military vehicles, munitions and hardware to abandon to ISIS. If they only had more rows of those vehicles and bunkers full of ammo and bombs they would never have dropped their weapons, torn off their uniforms and fled. Of course 8 or 10 years of training, a history of warfare, and all the practice they got fighting Americans just wasn't enough to teach them not to do that drop the weapons and flee thing. That would have taken another 5 or 10 years and maybe another trillion dollars. Certainly we could have taught the Shiite to love the Sunni enough to fight and die for and the Sunni to fight and die for Shiite's. Especially when the Shiite are asked to fight and die for Sunni's when they are being attacked by other Sunni's. All they needed was a little more training and more weapons.
By what I see yes we are ready.

All the left wing pundits seem to be armed with the reasons the fall is all GWB's fault.

All the left wing posters seem to have all their talking points in line.

All that is still needed is to lob a few more meaningless bombs and fold up camp.

Yes, it is G W Bush's fault. He was the decider, he made the case for war

Bush told us we needed to attack immediately or else risk a mushroom cloud. He told us not to worry about post war Iraq because we would be treated as liberators

He never said anything about having to stay for over ten years to keep the peace or about losing 5000 dead to stabilize his blunder of a conquest

Your future would-be President Hillary made the same case for that war. But hey, she's a (D)-bagger, so she gets a pass.

Hillary is not the one who requested authority to invade. She was not given decision authority to invade or not invade

That was Bush "The decider"

He was asked by the UN to hold off his invasion until more facts came in. Bush invaded because he knew the facts would not be in his favor

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Hillary is just as much a war hawk as Bush was. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and now you have to vote for the war hawk. What a laugher. Hillary aided and abetted GWBs decision. She said yes, he said OK.
By what I see yes we are ready.

All the left wing pundits seem to be armed with the reasons the fall is all GWB's fault.

All the left wing posters seem to have all their talking points in line.

All that is still needed is to lob a few more meaningless bombs and fold up camp.

Yes, it is G W Bush's fault. He was the decider, he made the case for war

Bush told us we needed to attack immediately or else risk a mushroom cloud. He told us not to worry about post war Iraq because we would be treated as liberators

He never said anything about having to stay for over ten years to keep the peace or about losing 5000 dead to stabilize his blunder of a conquest

Your future would-be President Hillary made the same case for that war. But hey, she's a (D)-bagger, so she gets a pass.
The case for war was made with 935 lies, not Hillary Clinton.
Finding the truth in 935 lies about war with Iraq Center for Public Integrity

Hillary should have known the truth if there were so many lies, why did she vote for war????????? And don't try and pretend she did not.
HRC voted for war.

She later said she would not have if she had realized the real deal.

In my mind, that does not excuse her for being a neo-con.
A siege of the Green Zone and American embassy will likely then take place and the US will be forced to destroy by air the Sunni neighborhoods surrounding the area from the zone west to the airport at a minimum resulting in heavy Sunni civilian causalities. Once again, more bad PR for the United States.
I don't think they will siege the American embassy, till they have taken over the rest of city, probably Shiite and Sunni refuges would be attempting to climb the gates or get into the compound to escape ISIS. As to whether they siege it or not is a 50/50 chance, they might well want international legitimacy and leave it alone.
Eventually, the US may well be forced to close the embassy and withdraw from the Green Zone, which will result in videos that remind the American public of the Saigon collapse back on April 30, 1975. This would be a tremendous PR victory for the extremists, resulting in more fighter recruits.
Doubt it would be as chaotic as the exit from Saigon, it would be big PR victory, though western countries would keep bombing militants in Iraq and Syria even if IS wins.
Finally, if the US is forced to withdraw from their fortified embassy then, of course, ISIS will take over America's largest embassy in the world. Note, this embassy compound can hold 35,000 American personnel and is basically a small city-state within Baghdad that is massively defended.
Probably it would be bombed eventually and be reduced to rubble, so IS would probably avoid it, let it erode and turn what remains into a museum.
ISIS ISIL does not have the military might and does not have the average city dwellers' loyalties.
By what I see yes we are ready.

All the left wing pundits seem to be armed with the reasons the fall is all GWB's fault.

All the left wing posters seem to have all their talking points in line.

All that is still needed is to lob a few more meaningless bombs and fold up camp.

Yes, it is G W Bush's fault. He was the decider, he made the case for war

Bush told us we needed to attack immediately or else risk a mushroom cloud. He told us not to worry about post war Iraq because we would be treated as liberators

He never said anything about having to stay for over ten years to keep the peace or about losing 5000 dead to stabilize his blunder of a conquest

Your future would-be President Hillary made the same case for that war. But hey, she's a (D)-bagger, so she gets a pass.

Hillary is not the one who requested authority to invade. She was not given decision authority to invade or not invade

That was Bush "The decider"

He was asked by the UN to hold off his invasion until more facts came in. Bush invaded because he knew the facts would not be in his favor

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Hillary is just as much a war hawk as Bush was. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and now you have to vote for the war hawk. What a laugher. Hillary aided and abetted GWBs decision. She said yes, he said OK.
She voted for it and it cost her the presidency
Bush pulled the trigger and it cost him his legacy
Baghdad will not fall.

I suspect some eating of ones own words will be the order of the day in a very short time.

Nope. Why do you think tactical nukes have been deployed to fleet carriers.

The anti ISIS ISIL folks, Christian and Muslim alike, will rain hell fire on them before letting Baghdad fall.
Jake stop pretending to be taking your meds, you lost your tenuous grip on reality

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Crusader, quit being mental.

I am for Christie, you are for Paul, and I am praying neither are going to continue the conflict in the ME.

We have issues here we need to take care of.
I served in Vietnam with 1st Cavalry AC/AM '67-'68. My recollection of Saigon was watching a Buddhist set himself on fire to protest something or other. We watched him burn while finishing our sandwiches and beers and headed back to our transport to An Khe. Baghdad will not fall....too many shia militias and government troops protecting their own homes for that. Plus if ISIS began to stage for that kind of invasion, US air power would tear them to ribbons. ISIS is slowly being strangled financially in Syria and have sustained heavy losses in and around Kobani. They'll be a footnote in history by Memorial Day. :eusa_whistle:

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