Are We Nearing The End Of The World?

dilloduck said:
What a shock it would be to discover that everyone ended up forgiven,cleansed and together!

How AWESOME would that be...really... I'd be SOO happy to see things turn out that way. I mean, not only would I have an eternity in paradise, but I'd have had the opportunity to expeirence the love of Christ in my life here on Earth, too. And my non-believing friends would be there too! God (nor I) am willing/wanting that ANY should perrish.

Non-believers sometimes just can't grasp how much easier, better, more blessed their lives could be by simply aknowledging their Maker...It's pretty cool when I see God work in my life, and the lives of my friends and family. :)
-=d=- said:
How AWESOME would that be...really... I'd be SOO happy to see things turn out that way. I mean, not only would I have an eternity in paradise, but I'd have had the opportunity to expeirence the love of Christ in my life here on Earth, too. And my non-believing friends would be there too! God (nor I) am willing/wanting that ANY should perrish.

Non-believers sometimes just can't grasp how much easier, better, more blessed their lives could be by simply aknowledging their Maker...It's pretty cool when I see God work in my life, and the lives of my friends and family. :)

Great huh!!!! ( i assume you mean "different" believers ? )
Bonnie said:
In light of all that is going on in the world, do you believe we are living in the last decade or century?

No, I believe the world will go on much as it has for the past several thousand years, with people running about killing each other for one reason or another. Although I think we are about due for a great plague.
Zhukov said:
No, I believe the world will go on much as it has for the past several thousand years, with people running about killing each other for one reason or another. Although I think we are about due for a great plague.
my how apocolyptic of you.....maybe prophetic also, considering that we've just come up with the most dangerous influenza bug since the one that decimated half the world so long ago. :tinfoil:
wade said:
But don't only about 2 million sons of Abraham get into heaven when this happens? Arn't these "His people"?

What the heck are you talking about?
dilloduck said:
With all due respect to the Christians, what benefit can it be to them to know the exact moment of the end? The "end" is a process that is constantly unfolding. If a Christian knew when the "end" was, would he do anything different with his life?

The purpose of knowing the signs of the time is for hope. We are about to face incredibly tough times. we already have started to.. The faith of many are failing as the gentile fulness has come in and they are rejecting the Gospel. people will dispear and the hearts of many will fail them. We have seen that daily. We see huge segments of the population whose hearts are failing them, they refuse to rise to the responsibilities to fight evil in their day. They do not have the heart to wage war if necessary, and because of that many shall be destroyed. But there is hoping. because The Lord will deliver those who have faith in Him.

All of othe Prophets have looked forward to the day when the Saints will triumph over their advesaries. And the Saints will triumph because Christ will come with power. There is power in hope:)
Avatar4321 said:
The purpose of knowing the signs of the time is for hope. We are about to face incredibly tough times. we already have started to.. The faith of many are failing as the gentile fulness has come in and they are rejecting the Gospel. people will dispear and the hearts of many will fail them. We have seen that daily. We see huge segments of the population whose hearts are failing them, they refuse to rise to the responsibilities to fight evil in their day. They do not have the heart to wage war if necessary, and because of that many shall be destroyed. But there is hoping. because The Lord will deliver those who have faith in Him.

All of othe Prophets have looked forward to the day when the Saints will triumph over their advesaries. And the Saints will triumph because Christ will come with power. There is power in hope:)

I guess some people need to be reminded of what they profess to believe in---(what's gentile fulness)
No I do not believe that we are in the last century or decade.

Doomsday theories have been rampant for at least a thousand years. Why should the Christian theories be any different?

If I’m wrong and the Christians are right then I imagine that I'll be in to much pain to care.

The world will end only when the human race has made one mistake to many with technology not when a story out of a book tells us it is going to end.
techhead said:
The world will end only when the human race has made one mistake to many with technology not when a story out of a book tells us it is going to end.

WW III will be fought with super weapons, WW IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

cant remember where I heard that but it popped into my head when I read your post.
Deaddude I hope your WW III & WW IV scenarios are right, cuase I interpet that to mean WW III hasn't started yet, & I'm not ready for the end times.
Again, there is a good argument to be made for the core of the Earth being a huge uranium breeder reactor that is nearing the end of its ability to sustain fission. If this is true, life on this planet could vanish in as little as 100 years, though the most widely held figure under this theory is 2 billion years.

Avatar4321 said:
We are definately approaching the end game. People tend to dwell on the death and destruction part. The Second Coming and the time proceeding it will be a time of hope for the Saints. the time when the Lord shall pour out His Spirit upon His people stronger than any time in history.

We may have some tough times, but these are the days to live in. time for the new greatest generation to arise:)

I agree with that Avatar, but there will be some very hard times before the hope comes.........Catholics believe in the second coming, the chastisement ,and the mark of the beast, other christians believe in the rapture in which those who are saved just dissappear from loved ones. Of course the final outcome is one in which there is eutpoia on earth, no disease, hunger, war etc........
Nobody knows for sure when the return of Jesus will occur. Signs do point to the fact that we are in the End Times. But, we also do not know how long the End Times will last and when the start of the tribulation period will begin, which lasts seven years. It talks in the Bible about God's view of time. To him a thousand years is like one second, or something along those lines is what is spoken, I believe. Thus, although signs of the End Times are apparent, does that mean his return is a matter of years away, or a matter of 100 years away, or even 1000 years away. We don't know this answer. We don't know what God's view of time is, and what "soon" means. We also cannot be sure that our calendar year, etc., is the calender year that God would follow. After all, the whole world does not follow the same calendar system. So, we cannot be sure that one year = 365 days, etc. So it is pointless to try to calculate a year or time, as many try to do. Many have been trying to do this for a long time and have been incorrect, obviously, for each time. I am sure those during WWI and WWII thought it was the End Times. I've heard that 1984 was a year many believed to be the last day, 2000, 2001, I've heard 2008, 2011, 2018, etc ... Nobody knows, and nobody will know until that day actually comes.
It may be a end for zelots, but we are at the dawn of a new age for freedom, democracy and U.S. capitalism.
White knight said:
It may be a end for zelots, but we are at the dawn of a new age for freedom, democracy and U.S. capitalism.

Not if John Kerry wins.
What does it matter which silver spooned, Yale, Ivy League graduate gets into office. The true power in the world will continue to advance the agenda regardless.
Don’t let the smoke and mirrors fool you. Capitalism is the driving force of America as it is for the entire world.
The only obstacle would be if some libertarian, who’s only interest is to look out for the average Joe, and masses of consumers, someone like Nader, gets into office.
Unrestricted capitalism is dangerous too. And with the Dominionists in power, it is damn right scary - use it (the envrionment) or loose it (when judgement day comes).
wade said:
Unrestricted capitalism is dangerous too. And with the Dominionists in power, it is damn right scary - use it (the envrionment) or loose it (when judgement day comes).

What is restricted capitalism? Do you think our current form is restriced enough? If not, what restrictions do you think need to be in place. And by "restriction" do you mean excessive taxation?

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