Are we fully engaged in a passive civil war right now?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Lets be honest and call it what it really is….Republicans and Democrats / Left and Right…..We HATE eachother and view eachother as enemies / adversaries.
The Right believes the Left is America’s greatest threat, an existential threat, our worst enemy.
Does ‘civil war‘ really require gun fire and deaths?
We are in the Cold War phase now. The elites behind the NWO reset wouldn't mind if it went hot at all.
America has to go down for their plans to work.
At this point, it's really only a matter of time unless America First takes over & that's not going to happen. Even the coming calamities before next election won't be enough to wake up enough of the sheeple.
The Uniparty only does what they are told by the puppet masters
Lets be honest and call it what it really is….Republicans and Democrats / Left and Right…..We HATE eachother and view eachother as enemies / adversaries.
The Right believes the Left is America’s greatest threat, an existential threat, our worst enemy.
Does ‘civil war‘ really require gun fire and deaths?
Yes. It does require organized mutual violence. However… When you look at the times leading up to various civil wars; what we see in the country today looks very much like a common preface.
Thank you Obama for creating such a divisive America.
The ineffectiveness of “Change America” is rearing its ugly head….America’s Keepers have finally woke up.
Lets be honest and call it what it really is….Republicans and Democrats / Left and Right…..We HATE eachother and view eachother as enemies / adversaries.
The Right believes the Left is America’s greatest threat, an existential threat, our worst enemy.
Does ‘civil war‘ really require gun fire and deaths?

It's not a civil war. It's just republicans and democrats arguing the stupid stuff. The political violence (physical) is only there because our police have been hamstrung from retarded city councils, mayors & lazy prosecutors. Punishment is too lenient. Everyone get's away with way too much now a days.


No need to shout, Gandalf, we're all right here and most of us don't need a hearing aid..yet. :)

You've managed to bunch your robe in a knot over things that don't really matter in the grander scheme of things. But these are culture war nuggets that sit on a hill that you would gladly die over. Is conservatism really that DEVOID of anything new or fresh? Is division pimping the only real thing you have left in the arsenal? Sad.
The Trumpsters are. No one else is.

Just like we told the Jihadis after 9/11. They were "at war" all that time. Who knew!
You Lefties have passively declared war on America’s institutions, principles, core value systems, culture, traditions and history…essentially declaring war against American Patriots….Have you not?
No need to shout, Gandalf, we're all right here and most of us don't need a hearing aid..yet. :)

You've managed to bunch your robe in a knot over things that don't really matter in the grander scheme of things. But these are culture war nuggets that sit on a hill that you would gladly die over. Is conservatism really that DEVOID of anything new or fresh? Is division pimping the only real thing you have left in the arsenal? Sad.

Not getting the 1984 reference, are ya slick?

Your side is the one taking a winner take all position on the culture war, and these issues flow from the primary issue of SJW's thinking their side is the only valid side, and thus the only side that needs to be allowed.

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