Are Trump And Tucker Carlson Socialists??? Glenn Greenwald Thinks So


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Glenn Greenwald considers the Donald Trump of 2016 along with Steve Bannon and Tucker Carlson to be authentic socialists, unlike the center left, which is “about nothing more than trying to sandpaper the edges off neoliberalism.' Greenwald comes out of a tradition of progressive journalism that focused primarily on attacking liberals and the Democratic Party from the left. Greenwald took this impulse even further by positioning himself as a frequent guest on Fox News, where he would reliably bash the Democrats from the standpoint of the “good progressive.”

But yes, if you consider demagogic attacks on immigrants and the “transnational, global, corporatist elite” combined with substance-free promises to “take better care of our own working class” to be “socialism,” then you can describe Carlson’s brand of demagogic hate-mongering as socialist. In place of a redistribution of wealth, it offers working-class people the chance to direct their resentment at cosmopolitan elites and various brown-skinned people."

There is a growing trend among disgruntled so-called progressives aligning themselves with not just Fox News personalities; but outright fascists -- just to get an audience...but it is the ultimate gaslighting campaign to try to call the likes of Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon progressives/socialists....Especially when you keep having self described Nazis and crypto fascists continuing to run for office as Republicans.....let's not forget, it was just in 2017 when a bunch of white supremacists had a rally in Charlottesville....they didn't call their rally "Unite The Right" for nothing...if these folks were on the left as conservatives try to claim -- why didn't they call their rally Unite The Left??

So no, Neo-Nazis, fascists and white nationalists are not "progressives" -- they do not advocate for progressive policies....they parrot progressive complaints like the undue influence of corporate power and wealth inequality -- but the solutions they are offer is nothing more than whining like bitches about Dr Seuss; fearmongering over brown people, obsessing over where trannies go to the bathroom and other culture war BS that doesn't address a single substantive problem they profess to have.
Tucker....a socialist.....lmao

Projection is a powerful argument- not

The US is a socialist Country, with an unhealthy dose of fascism thrown in for good measure and has been since at least 1913- the degree keeps getting larger and larger and subscribed to by BOTH sides- of course there are the stupid people who call the US a capitalist society, which is only partially correct- in that we exchange currency for products and services-
Projection is a powerful argument- not

The US is a socialist Country, with an unhealthy dose of fascism thrown in for good measure and has been since at least 1913- the degree keeps getting larger and larger and subscribed to by BOTH sides- of course there are the stupid people who call the US a capitalist society, which is only partially correct- in that we exchange currency for products and services-
What was the country in 1913??

Seems like you are wishing for the days of robber barons......

Thought you guys hated monopolistic companies like Facebook, Amazon, etc
I don't think they are socialist, but Trump is middle of the road, left leaning

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