Are these people NUTS?????


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Jack Ma: Wars start when trade stops
Every time there's an election, people start to criticize China. They criticize this, they criticize that," Ma told CNN's Andrew Stevens. "[But] how can you stop global trade? How can you build a wall to stop the trade?
Jack Ma: Wars start when trade stops

Where do you idiots like this billionaire come off criticizing Trump and millions of Americans like ME that want TRADE with the World? Do these idiots think Trump are stupid?

What Trump and us millions want is once again the adjective is being left off!! "FAIR" Trade!
Not lopsided trade! Not where the USA has a trade deficit of:
$365,694,500,000: U.S. Merchandise Trade Deficit With China Hit Record in 2015

But once again the biased MSM and idiots all think Trump and millions of us want NO trade!
"Trump trade war" Google search shows 10,500 false claims about Trump wanting a Trade WAR!
How f...king stupid are you people that believe that!

What Trump and those of us smart enough to know what he wants is a FAIR TRADE with the world.
The above idiots who think Trump doesn't want to TRADE with the world are just plain idiots and believe
again what the vast majority of MSM spews out in false stories!

Trump wants to do several things to bring BALANCE to world trade.
1) Lower corporate taxes in USA and bring back nearly $2 trillion in offshore accounts.
2) Doing so allows USA based companies then to hire at higher salaries more people.
3) More people working at higher
salaries means MORE tax revenue to the USA!

Oh and as far a Jack Ma??? China has been screwing with Apple who employs over 700,000 Chinese!
Apple has hit a new snag in China: Beijing's intellectual property agency has ruled that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus violate a design patent by one of China's own smartphone-makers.

Authorities found that this older generation of iPhones looks too similar to a phone, the 100C, made by a company called Shenzhen Baili. As a result, Apple was ordered to stop selling the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus in Beijing.

However, Apple says it appealed the order and the ruling has been stayed for the duration of the appeal — meaning that for now, the sales will continue.
Beijing Says Apple's iPhone 6 Violates Chinese Design Patent
You're talking about regressive libturds.

There's no way to quantify how stupid these people are. I would guess it you could measure it on a linear scale it would slice the universe deeply.

Just the usual "regulation is the enemy" stuff ain't it? Ma's position?

And this bullshit right here;

"But once again the biased MSM ....."

Jesus, look, Clinton deregulated the FCC, so now ~90% of what americans are fed - what they see, hear, and read - is in the hands of 6 major multinational corporations. That's down from 50 some odd companies involved in the us media machine back in the 1980s. Your biased MSM is just concentrated corporate power and wealth leveraged toward a distorted perceptual reality propaganda effort.

If Trump can't handle criticism and pushback then he can't handle the gig, it's that simple.
This is the same tactic the Left uses with Muslim immigration. They change the key word "Temporary" to "Permanent" so they can launch their deceptive attacks on Trump as a Racist.
This is the same tactic the Left uses with Muslim immigration. They change the key word "Temporary" to "Permanent" so they can launch their deceptive attacks on Trump as a Racist.

Oh yes, I heard about them, the Left.
Not lopsided trade! Not where the USA has a trade deficit of:
$365,694,500,000: U.S. Merchandise Trade Deficit With China Hit Record in 2015

PFAAAWWW!!! That's nothing, a drop in the bucket; try totaling the trade deficits since 1980. That's a number that will really wow you. But don't let that bother you, since the real problem according to right wingers is that dumbass lazy Americans just won't do the right thing and work 140 hour weeks for 25 cents an hour to keep Wall Street happy n stuff. Or something like that; this 'laziness' never seems to apply to them personally for some reason, so they never any examples of their contributions to their big ideas to show us. they all claim to be wealthy speculators of some sort n stuff, and don't have to.
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the biased MSM and idiots all think Trump and millions of us want NO trade!

Has anyone actually said or written that? I haven't seen it. What I have seen is that Trump does not adhere to or want the U.S. to espouse/apply the principles of free trade.

1) Lower corporate taxes in USA and bring back nearly $2 trillion in offshore accounts.

How low do you suppose corporate tax rates must go in order to attract corporate profits (accounts) back to the U.S?

2) Doing so allows USA based companies then to hire at higher salaries more people.

Oh, yes, how ever could we forget that is what all companies want to do, so much so they are begging the government and unions to let they pay higher wages. Pay higher labor costs because doing so is a boon to their bottom line. NOT!!!
Just the usual "regulation is the enemy" stuff ain't it? Ma's position?

And this bullshit right here;

"But once again the biased MSM ....."

Jesus, look, Clinton deregulated the FCC, so now ~90% of what americans are fed - what they see, hear, and read - is in the hands of 6 major multinational corporations. That's down from 50 some odd companies involved in the us media machine back in the 1980s. Your biased MSM is just concentrated corporate power and wealth leveraged toward a distorted perceptual reality propaganda effort.

If Trump can't handle criticism and pushback then he can't handle the gig, it's that simple.

Hey... I'm not making this up about the MSM bias! They hate Trump and love Hillary and here is the proof!

Michael Goodwin wrote the below:
A recent article by its media reporter, Jim Gutenberg [New York Times], whom I know and like, began this way:
“If you’re a working journalist and you believe that Donald J. Trump is a demagogue playing to the nation’s worst racist and nationalistic tendencies, that he cozies up to anti-American dictators and that he would be dangerous with control of the United States nuclear codes, how the heck are you supposed to cover him?”

American journalism is collapsing before our eyes | New York Post
Now you tell me how when most Americans of voting age get their information from sources like the above that ARE now saying they are BIASED... how
can you disagree?

Now as far as Trump handling criticism? Hey he is handling it BETTER then most people because HE KNOWS how the MSM works and their now BIAS against him!
The concentration of MSM is not preventing the BIASED presentation of 30 sec sound bites or 140 character headlines!

What should be recognized though is this BIAS of the presenters and more people are!
Again I don't make this stuff up... follow the links:
MEDIA DIRTY TRICKS: CBS, NBC Manipulate Polling Data to Show Hillary with Lead Over Trump
But when you look at the data you see that they oversampled Democrats and that the race is virtually tied — even after the non-stop drubbing Trump is getting from the press on a daily basis.
Sierra Rayne at American Thinker reported:

CBS News is now pushing the pro-Hillary Clinton polls in rapid fashion. Late on Wednesday, this media outlet released the results of a national poll claiming to show that Clinton holds a 6% advantage over Donald Trump in the direct head-to-head matchup.

Apparently, the poll “was conducted by telephone June 9-13, 2016 among a random sample of 1,280 adults nationwide, including 1,048 registered voters[.] … The data have been weighted to reflect U.S. Census figures on demographic variables.”

However, based on the polling details, the final weighted sample of 976 registered voters is made up of just 28% Republicans and 35% Democrats.
MEDIA DIRTY TRICKS: CBS, NBC Manipulate Polling Data to Show Hillary with Lead Over Trump

New Poll Shows Only 6% Of People Trust The Mainstream Media
Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media, putting the news industry about equal to Congress and well below the public’s view of other institutions. In this presidential campaign year, Democrats were more likely to trust the news media than Republicans or independents.
Nearly 90 percent of Americans say it’s extremely or very important that the media get their facts correct, according to the study.
About 4 in 10 say they can remember a specific incident that eroded their confidence in the media, most often one that dealt with accuracy
or a perception that it was one-sided.
New Poll Shows Only 6% of People Trust The Mainstream Media

the biased MSM and idiots all think Trump and millions of us want NO trade!

Has anyone actually said or written that? I haven't seen it. What I have seen is that Trump does not adhere to or want the U.S. to espouse/apply the principles of free trade.

1) Lower corporate taxes in USA and bring back nearly $2 trillion in offshore accounts.

How low do you suppose corporate tax rates must go in order to attract corporate profits (accounts) back to the U.S?

2) Doing so allows USA based companies then to hire at higher salaries more people.

Oh, yes, how ever could we forget that is what all companies want to do, so much so they are begging the government and unions to let they pay higher wages. Pay higher labor costs because doing so is a boon to their bottom line. NOT!!!

Trump on "FREE TRADE"!!!

Trump: I'm Not Against Free Trade, I'm For Fair Trade; I Just Want Better Deals
DONALD TRUMP: A couple of people in the Republican party say Trump is against trade. I'm not against trade; I just want to make better deals. I think it's great. I think having trade is great. I want to make better deals.

I'm always so amazed when I see somebody else talking about my viewpoints. My viewpoints are very simple: I want great deals for this country. Somebody said, "are you a free trader?" The answer is yes. But to have free trade we have to have smart people. We don't have smart people representing us. Or we have people who are controlled by the lobbyists, who are controlled by the special interests. But, yes, I'm a free trader.

Trump: I'm Not Against Free Trade, I Want Fair Trade; I Just Want Better Deals
the biased MSM and idiots all think Trump and millions of us want NO trade!

Has anyone actually said or written that? I haven't seen it. What I have seen is that Trump does not adhere to or want the U.S. to espouse/apply the principles of free trade.

1) Lower corporate taxes in USA and bring back nearly $2 trillion in offshore accounts.

How low do you suppose corporate tax rates must go in order to attract corporate profits (accounts) back to the U.S?

2) Doing so allows USA based companies then to hire at higher salaries more people.

Oh, yes, how ever could we forget that is what all companies want to do, so much so they are begging the government and unions to let they pay higher wages. Pay higher labor costs because doing so is a boon to their bottom line. NOT!!!

That's the problem with giant accountability.....they need to really simplify the tax code and remove deductions
the biased MSM and idiots all think Trump and millions of us want NO trade!

Has anyone actually said or written that? I haven't seen it. What I have seen is that Trump does not adhere to or want the U.S. to espouse/apply the principles of free trade.

1) Lower corporate taxes in USA and bring back nearly $2 trillion in offshore accounts.

How low do you suppose corporate tax rates must go in order to attract corporate profits (accounts) back to the U.S?

2) Doing so allows USA based companies then to hire at higher salaries more people.

Oh, yes, how ever could we forget that is what all companies want to do, so much so they are begging the government and unions to let they pay higher wages. Pay higher labor costs because doing so is a boon to their bottom line. NOT!!!

Trump on "FREE TRADE"!!!

Trump: I'm Not Against Free Trade, I'm For Fair Trade; I Just Want Better Deals
DONALD TRUMP: A couple of people in the Republican party say Trump is against trade. I'm not against trade; I just want to make better deals. I think it's great. I think having trade is great. I want to make better deals.

I'm always so amazed when I see somebody else talking about my viewpoints. My viewpoints are very simple: I want great deals for this country. Somebody said, "are you a free trader?" The answer is yes. But to have free trade we have to have smart people. We don't have smart people representing us. Or we have people who are controlled by the lobbyists, who are controlled by the special interests. But, yes, I'm a free trader.

Trump: I'm Not Against Free Trade, I Want Fair Trade; I Just Want Better Deals

Who needs "a deal" to implement free trade?

Free Trade:
Free trade is the economic policy of not discriminating against imports from and exports to foreign jurisdictions. Buyers and sellers from separate economies may voluntarily trade without the domestic government applying tariffs, quotas, subsidies or prohibitions on their goods and services. Free trade is the opposite of trade protectionism or economic isolationism.​

What could be simpler, less expensive to implement, and fairer than that? Yet folks, Trump, Obama, Clinton, and more, feel like they need to make something simple be complicated. It doesn't have to be complicated at all.
the biased MSM and idiots all think Trump and millions of us want NO trade!

Has anyone actually said or written that? I haven't seen it. What I have seen is that Trump does not adhere to or want the U.S. to espouse/apply the principles of free trade.

1) Lower corporate taxes in USA and bring back nearly $2 trillion in offshore accounts.

How low do you suppose corporate tax rates must go in order to attract corporate profits (accounts) back to the U.S?

2) Doing so allows USA based companies then to hire at higher salaries more people.

Oh, yes, how ever could we forget that is what all companies want to do, so much so they are begging the government and unions to let they pay higher wages. Pay higher labor costs because doing so is a boon to their bottom line. NOT!!!

That's the problem with giant accountability.....they need to really simplify the tax code and remove deductions

So just so we understand... remove deductions is the key right?

Do you want these "deductions" removed?
One Look At This Chart, And You'll Instantly Get Why We Can't Fix The Tax Code
Of the 20 deductions.. the first 3 affect the wage earner, i.e. health payments, pensions, mortgage deductions.
The next 5 are business and shareholder deductions, and the remaining mostly affecting the wage earners, SS benefits, health care items, Child Credit..etc.
So which ones should be removed??? Eliminating the first 3 or over 380 billion in tax deductions would mean direct costs to the wage earner...i.e. no more health, pension or mortgage deductions? What should be eliminated?
the biased MSM and idiots all think Trump and millions of us want NO trade!

Has anyone actually said or written that? I haven't seen it. What I have seen is that Trump does not adhere to or want the U.S. to espouse/apply the principles of free trade.

1) Lower corporate taxes in USA and bring back nearly $2 trillion in offshore accounts.

How low do you suppose corporate tax rates must go in order to attract corporate profits (accounts) back to the U.S?

2) Doing so allows USA based companies then to hire at higher salaries more people.

Oh, yes, how ever could we forget that is what all companies want to do, so much so they are begging the government and unions to let they pay higher wages. Pay higher labor costs because doing so is a boon to their bottom line. NOT!!!

That's the problem with giant accountability.....they need to really simplify the tax code and remove deductions

That, of course, is all but impossible to do if one insists on using the tax code to achieve something other than merely funding the government.
the biased MSM and idiots all think Trump and millions of us want NO trade!

Has anyone actually said or written that? I haven't seen it. What I have seen is that Trump does not adhere to or want the U.S. to espouse/apply the principles of free trade.

1) Lower corporate taxes in USA and bring back nearly $2 trillion in offshore accounts.

How low do you suppose corporate tax rates must go in order to attract corporate profits (accounts) back to the U.S?

2) Doing so allows USA based companies then to hire at higher salaries more people.

Oh, yes, how ever could we forget that is what all companies want to do, so much so they are begging the government and unions to let they pay higher wages. Pay higher labor costs because doing so is a boon to their bottom line. NOT!!!

That's the problem with giant accountability.....they need to really simplify the tax code and remove deductions

That, of course, is all but impossible to do if one insists on using the tax code to achieve something other than merely funding the government.

Exact ally, the tax code is used to force behavior, which is why we need a flat tax OR national sales tax. The graduated income tax causes this shit...and is the worst thing ever invented in finance.....pyramid schemes are more honest
the biased MSM and idiots all think Trump and millions of us want NO trade!

Has anyone actually said or written that? I haven't seen it. What I have seen is that Trump does not adhere to or want the U.S. to espouse/apply the principles of free trade.

1) Lower corporate taxes in USA and bring back nearly $2 trillion in offshore accounts.

How low do you suppose corporate tax rates must go in order to attract corporate profits (accounts) back to the U.S?

2) Doing so allows USA based companies then to hire at higher salaries more people.

Oh, yes, how ever could we forget that is what all companies want to do, so much so they are begging the government and unions to let they pay higher wages. Pay higher labor costs because doing so is a boon to their bottom line. NOT!!!

You say the above companies pay little or no federal income taxes. GREAT! I have NO problem with them paying ZERO!
Because see like you most people either "forget" or more then likely DON"T KNOW that ALL companies in the USA paid in the form of
Social Security (payroll taxes at least 17% according to the below chart!
See the more Americans that are working in America the more payroll taxes will be paid.
Simply eliminating the corporate taxes that are paid 10.6% and allowing companies to hire more people would INCREASE companies share of PAYROLL TAXES!
But like I've pointed out most people including you NEVER took in consideration that portion of Federal Revenue which all goes into the same pot!
If just 10 million more Americans at $40,000 a year were at work, There would be another $50 billion a year in Payroll taxes revenue.

the biased MSM and idiots all think Trump and millions of us want NO trade!

Has anyone actually said or written that? I haven't seen it. What I have seen is that Trump does not adhere to or want the U.S. to espouse/apply the principles of free trade.

1) Lower corporate taxes in USA and bring back nearly $2 trillion in offshore accounts.

How low do you suppose corporate tax rates must go in order to attract corporate profits (accounts) back to the U.S?

2) Doing so allows USA based companies then to hire at higher salaries more people.

Oh, yes, how ever could we forget that is what all companies want to do, so much so they are begging the government and unions to let they pay higher wages. Pay higher labor costs because doing so is a boon to their bottom line. NOT!!!

You say the above companies pay little or no federal income taxes. GREAT! I have NO problem with them paying ZERO!
Because see like you most people either "forget" or more then likely DON"T KNOW that ALL companies in the USA paid in the form of
Social Security (payroll taxes at least 17% according to the below chart!
See the more Americans that are working in America the more payroll taxes will be paid.
Simply eliminating the corporate taxes that are paid 10.6% and allowing companies to hire more people would INCREASE companies share of PAYROLL TAXES!
But like I've pointed out most people including you NEVER took in consideration that portion of Federal Revenue which all goes into the same pot!
If just 10 million more Americans at $40,000 a year were at work, There would be another $50 billion a year in Payroll taxes revenue.

View attachment 88018

...And sure as I in another thread just finished writing about vapid responses, the very first one I look at after posting that comment is just that, vapid. Did you do more than read the headline? What more might you have needed to do to prevent your remark from being vapid, vacuous really?

Well, for starters, clicking on the link and reading as far as the second sentence in the article. That's as far as you'd have had to read to come upon the author's clarification of his admittedly sensational headline.

There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.
Do you see that? The writer makes a point of very early in the article identifying that the scope of his remarks are with regard to...what did he say?..."income tax."

The other two articles...what are they about? Income tax. Yet somehow, you felt that commenting with regard to Social Security (payroll tax) pertained to the post.... Vapid.
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the biased MSM and idiots all think Trump and millions of us want NO trade!

Has anyone actually said or written that? I haven't seen it. What I have seen is that Trump does not adhere to or want the U.S. to espouse/apply the principles of free trade.

1) Lower corporate taxes in USA and bring back nearly $2 trillion in offshore accounts.

How low do you suppose corporate tax rates must go in order to attract corporate profits (accounts) back to the U.S?

2) Doing so allows USA based companies then to hire at higher salaries more people.

Oh, yes, how ever could we forget that is what all companies want to do, so much so they are begging the government and unions to let they pay higher wages. Pay higher labor costs because doing so is a boon to their bottom line. NOT!!!

You say the above companies pay little or no federal income taxes. GREAT! I have NO problem with them paying ZERO!
Because see like you most people either "forget" or more then likely DON"T KNOW that ALL companies in the USA paid in the form of
Social Security (payroll taxes at least 17% according to the below chart!
See the more Americans that are working in America the more payroll taxes will be paid.
Simply eliminating the corporate taxes that are paid 10.6% and allowing companies to hire more people would INCREASE companies share of PAYROLL TAXES!
But like I've pointed out most people including you NEVER took in consideration that portion of Federal Revenue which all goes into the same pot!
If just 10 million more Americans at $40,000 a year were at work, There would be another $50 billion a year in Payroll taxes revenue.

View attachment 88018

...And sure as I in another thread just finished writing about vapid responses, the very first one I look at after posting that comment is just that, vapid. Did you do more than read the headline? What more might you have needed to do to prevent your remark from being vapid, vacuous really?

Well, for starters, clicking on the link and reading as far as the second sentence in the article. That's as far as you'd have had to read to come upon the author's clarification of his admittedly sensational headline.

There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.
Do you see that? The writer makes a point of very early in the article identifying that the scope of his remarks are with regard to...what did he say?..."income tax."

The other two articles...what are they about? Income tax. Yet somehow, you felt that commenting with regard to Social Security (payroll tax) pertained to the post.... Vapid.

OF course you dummy! IT PERTAINS!
You never figured that SS taxes are being paid by these companies did you?
Actually more then they pay INCOME taxes! No of course you don't see the correlation because YOU have never paid as I've paid the employer's share of
SS taxes! That is why I encourage NO income taxes on corporations!
After all the shareholders are being TAXED twice as it is ! Of course YOU never took into account dividends are taxed as ordinary income to the shareholder and this is AFTER the corporation has paid income taxes!
So again TAX revenue is what we are talking about and not just income taxes!
Drop corporate income taxes and when the trillions come back what will these companies do with it?
Unlike you they won't hide it under the mattress you dummy!
I can call you that because you obviously know nothing about how businesses run.
These companies with the trillions coming back and NO corporate taxes will hire people. It is a given! They hire then SS taxes increase! Facts of taxes!
You say the above companies pay little or no federal income taxes. GREAT! I have NO problem with them paying ZERO!
Because see like you most people either "forget" or more then likely DON"T KNOW that ALL companies in the USA paid in the form of
Social Security (payroll taxes at least 17% according to the below chart!
See the more Americans that are working in America the more payroll taxes will be paid.
Simply eliminating the corporate taxes that are paid 10.6% and allowing companies to hire more people would INCREASE companies share of PAYROLL TAXES!
But like I've pointed out most people including you NEVER took in consideration that portion of Federal Revenue which all goes into the same pot!
If just 10 million more Americans at $40,000 a year were at work, There would be another $50 billion a year in Payroll taxes revenue.

View attachment 88018

Free economic lunch for everyone! Free lunch for american workers, free lunch for government, free lunch for corporations! I love it!

Except like most too-good-to-be-true rightwing economics it's bullshit. Only a small franction of such corporate tax cuts would be recouped in second order effects, while the burden to make up that loss will fall on individual American tax-payers.

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