Are progressives actually open-minded?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Progressives claim to be "open-minded" but over the past decade or so, all evidence to the contrary. That is, until I came across this article from a homosexual muslim immigrant named Riaz Patel. He illustrated a true open-mind. I wonder how many progressives on USMB would even be willing to read what he has to say with an open-mind, much less do what he actually did. What about it sealybobo, candycorn, Slade3200, and jillian? Can you click the link below and read the entire (short) article from a fellow Hillary-supporting progressive with an open-mind?
  • There exists a HUGE population in America who are desperately struggling to feed their families.
  • They feel their needs are not authentically represented within this huge government.
  • They feel their concerns are not being voiced by any major news outlet.
  • They are tired of being called “dumb,” “bigoted” and “racist.”
  • On my flight back, I realized that for many of us supporting Hillary, this election was about incredibly important social issues. It was a moral election for us. To most of the people I met on my trip, it was about survival. Literally.
  • So when I read Facebook/Twitter posts this morning vilifying 50% of the country for being dumb or racist, I remember Nicole, Jim & Paula and I know that’s not true.
What a gay muslim Pakistani-american immigrant learned traveling to Alaska
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... some of `em so open-minded...

... like a lefty lib'rals...

... dey's brains fallin' outta...

... the back o' dey's heads."
Look at how many times conservatives and moderates here would make comments about President Obama representing only Liberal policies but was always falsely accused being racist or worse being called names and or bullied.
Ya know if Obama had moved more toward the center after the 2010 elections when Dems started losing their seats continually for the next six years they would have seen the dominos falling.
No it had to be about his policies and not what was good for the country.
Thanks for posting this.

I agree with the man's findings that Trump supporters and voters had legitimate
reasons for seeking to end federal policies that affected them and their families
and it wasn't just about racism.

He says that although SOME of that support DOES reflect racism,
NOT ALL does. And he compares with Muslims where NOT ALL enable or support terrorism.
"Now, before the chat threads blow up below this article, I am not denying that some Trump supporters are racist. Of course. But some Muslims are terrorists.

The point is NOT ALL.

I’ve seen the clips of bigoted slurs being thrown out at Trump rallies. But, as a TV producer, when I watch the footage aired, there aren’t a tons of incidents. It’s a couple each time, played many, many times over. But if a group of twenty idiotic Trump supporters yell ethnic slurs, is the entire stadium “racist” by association? No. If a Black Lives Matters supporter says it’s “open season on whites” is that a true representation of the movement? No. Should I be viewed with suspicion because I am a Muslim and some are terrorists? No.

The worst outcome of the election is that we have each been reduced to a series of broad labels that no longer reflect who we are. Mexican. White. Republican. Immigrant. Muslim. We may try to look at people as “labels” but we’ll never truly see them because THEY do not look at their own lives & families as labels. If, in the misery of this morning’s election hangover, we choose to continue to refer to Trump supporters as one collective “Them” I think that is as offensive as anything else I’ve heard in this election cycle and as ungracious as anything we feared from Trump supporters in the defeat we assumed would be theirs.

I think a key part of beginning to heal is realizing Trump is not his supporters. Who he is and how he campaigned are truly distasteful to me. But his supporters are not him. They voted for a variety of reasons that are important and personal to them. And when I was with them this past weekend, everyone I came across showed me kindness & humanity. I hope, for their sake, the quality of their life improves. And that they are able to continue to work and provide their families with a safe and loving home. A home into which I hope to be invited."

Im keeping an open mind. I clearly believe he is wrong for a lot of reasons but I/we really don't have a choice so now let's see what results your policies produce.

And I wouldnt mind trump so much if the Democrats controlled the Senate. It's all the right wing policies that are going to be passed that bother me. But I'm keeping an open mind. Really doesn't matter if I do. All that matters are the results
Progressives were the brains behind the Nazi Party. No, they aren't tolerant. They never have been open minded or tolerant.
Im keeping an open mind. I clearly believe he is wrong for a lot of reasons but I/we really don't have a choice so now let's see what results your policies produce.

And I wouldnt mind trump so much if the Democrats controlled the Senate. It's all the right wing policies that are going to be passed that bother me. But I'm keeping an open mind. Really doesn't matter if I do. All that matters are the results

Keep your eye on those results. The media will be trying to distract you.
Progressives claim to be "open-minded" but over the past decade or so, all evidence to the contrary.
Of course not, they're terribly intolerant. And to be fair, it's been a while since I saw any of them claiming to be open-minded.

One of the many behavioral similarities they share with their friends on the Right.

We would be more open minded, if we weren't constantly being called vile names at top volume.
Progressives claim to be "open-minded" but over the past decade or so, all evidence to the contrary.
Of course not, they're terribly intolerant. And to be fair, it's been a while since I saw any of them claiming to be open-minded. One of the many behavioral similarities they share with their friends on the Right..
We would be more open minded, if we weren't constantly being called vile names at top volume.
Can't argue.
Thanks for posting this.

I agree with the man's findings that Trump supporters and voters had legitimate
reasons for seeking to end federal policies that affected them and their families
and it wasn't just about racism.

He says that although SOME of that support DOES reflect racism,
NOT ALL does. And he compares with Muslims where NOT ALL enable or support terrorism.
"Now, before the chat threads blow up below this article, I am not denying that some Trump supporters are racist. Of course. But some Muslims are terrorists.

The point is NOT ALL.

I’ve seen the clips of bigoted slurs being thrown out at Trump rallies. But, as a TV producer, when I watch the footage aired, there aren’t a tons of incidents. It’s a couple each time, played many, many times over. But if a group of twenty idiotic Trump supporters yell ethnic slurs, is the entire stadium “racist” by association? No. If a Black Lives Matters supporter says it’s “open season on whites” is that a true representation of the movement? No. Should I be viewed with suspicion because I am a Muslim and some are terrorists? No.

The worst outcome of the election is that we have each been reduced to a series of broad labels that no longer reflect who we are. Mexican. White. Republican. Immigrant. Muslim. We may try to look at people as “labels” but we’ll never truly see them because THEY do not look at their own lives & families as labels. If, in the misery of this morning’s election hangover, we choose to continue to refer to Trump supporters as one collective “Them” I think that is as offensive as anything else I’ve heard in this election cycle and as ungracious as anything we feared from Trump supporters in the defeat we assumed would be theirs.

I think a key part of beginning to heal is realizing Trump is not his supporters. Who he is and how he campaigned are truly distasteful to me. But his supporters are not him. They voted for a variety of reasons that are important and personal to them. And when I was with them this past weekend, everyone I came across showed me kindness & humanity. I hope, for their sake, the quality of their life improves. And that they are able to continue to work and provide their families with a safe and loving home. A home into which I hope to be invited."


It's the Dems who started labeling and did so heavily for the last 40 years by the Saul Alinsy Political Correctness crowd.
It was the media who made it look like Trump was distastful. An example would be on how they made it look like he swore when he never did. He repeated a swear word done by another.
If the media had reported on each canidates issues, Trump would have won the popular vote as well. Just like he won with a landside of each county.
The PC crowd is what brought themselves down.
Social Democracy never works now matter how it's implemented because the very thing they want to help devastates those people. Especally the poor and middle class.
The left thinks that Governments can create jobs when they cant. All that does is grow more government workers.
You'd think that President Obama would have gotten that after his shovel ready jobs, wasnt so shovel ready.
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