Are Circumcisions Performed Before An Age Of Consent An Act Of Illegitimate Aggression ?


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
"Are Circumcisions Performed Before An Age Of Consent An Act Of Illegitimate Aggression ?"

* Left Right Wright Write Ritualized Explanations *

Given a definition for violence as illegitimate aggression against self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) and self determination ( private property , willful intents - contracts ) elements of individualism , is circumcision illegitimate aggression ( violence ) against the self ownership and self determination elements of individualism ?

However , how much emphasis on value should public place for communicating that informed consent is a reasonable expectation for validity of any civil contract ?

A principle of informed consent is clearly practiced in public policy through age of consent laws , because informed consent is intrinsic with developmental age , where informed consent is intrinsic with validity in contracts devised through social civil agreements .

Were it not that ishmael and isaac were of age to agree with the rites of abraham ?

* Crazy Ash Laws A Bout Casting Fates *

Though there is not a difference between religion and creed , a creed to practice a ritual of circumcision as a rite , as a write , as a wright , as a right ( sic ) , directly implies a religion , which excludes government from dictating its practices .

Consider these valuations of circumcision : one valuation entitles the individual being circumcised to self ownership and self determination as a citizen and proscription for the practice could be implemented based upon a lack of informed consent ; an other valuation entitles the individual authorizing and performing the circumcision a rite of religious practice anticipated to preserve a continuance of ones genetic perpetuity .

* Existential Antinomian Beyond Circumcision According To Saw Awl *

The surmise from the epistles of saul to the romans includes very extensive and intricate analysis of circumcision and antinomianism .

Epistle to the Romans - Wikipedia

United States Conference Of Catholic Bishops - Romans

Antinomianism - Wikipedia

* Others Concerns *

Doctors Opposing Circumcision
  • Aside from the United States, no other country in the world routinely circumcises its baby boys for non-religious reasons.
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"Are Circumcisions Performed Before An Age Of Consent An Act Of Illegitimate Aggression ?"

* Left Right Wright Write Ritualized Explanations *

Given a definition for violence as illegitimate aggression against self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) and self determination ( private property , willful intents - contracts ) elements of individualism , is circumcision illegitimate aggression ( violence ) against the self ownership and self determination elements of individualism ?

However , how much emphasis on value should public place for communicating that informed consent is a reasonable expectation for validity of any civil contract ?

A principle of informed consent is clearly practiced in public policy through age of consent laws , because informed consent is intrinsic with developmental age , where informed consent is intrinsic with validity in contracts devised through social civil agreements .

Were it not that ishmael and isaac were of age to agree with the rites of abraham ?

* Crazy Ash Laws A Bout Casting Fates *

Though there is not a difference between religion and creed , a creed to practice a ritual of circumcision as a rite , as a write , as a wright , as a right ( sic ) , directly implies a religion , which excludes government from dictating its practices .

Consider these valuations of circumcision : one valuation entitles the individual being circumcised to self ownership and self determination as a citizen and proscription for the practice could be implemented based upon a lack of informed consent ; an other valuation entitles the individual authorizing and performing the circumcision a rite of religious practice anticipated to preserve a continuance of ones genetic perpetuity .

* Existential Antinomian Beyond Circumcision According To Saw Awl *

The surmise from the epistles of saul to the romans includes very extensive and intricate analysis of circumcision and antinomianism .

Epistle to the Romans - Wikipedia

United States Conference Of Catholic Bishops - Romans

Antinomianism - Wikipedia

* Others Concerns *

Doctors Opposing Circumcision
  • Aside from the United States, no other country in the world routinely circumcises its baby boys for non-religious reasons.
Why? Looking to start a BS class action law suit? :dunno:
Did you hear about the circumcisionist that had to retire? He just couldn't cut it anymore. And yes, I came up with this joke off the top of my head.
I knew a circumcisionist and a seamstress, I have a set of miniature luggage that when rubbed becomes full sized luggage.......
I personally think that parents should wait and let their child decide when they are 18.

Just as I feel like no parent should be tatooing their infant either.
I personally think that parents should wait and let their child decide when they are 18.

Just as I feel like no parent should be tatooing their infant either.

Being cut brings the occurrence of cancer of the penis to near zero.
It is a ritual that deals with cleanliness in the OT. It helps prevent bacteria from forming. Makes a male less likely to develop HIV during vaginal sex. It helps prevent being infected with a variety of sexually transmitted diseases.
God in His wisdom directed it be done on the eighth day, when the infants clotting factor was at it's highest, which has since been verified. And it resulted in an everlasting covenant with God.

What? No takers?

I'm shocked. Shocked. Obviously what is good for the gander is too good for the goose. Oh well.
It is a ritual that deals with cleanliness in the OT. It helps prevent bacteria from forming.
I suppose cutting off the labia would help the ladies in that regard. Let's do it.

And you would suppose wrong....
There are three "camps" so to speak on this issue, one is every male should be circumcised, the polar opposite one is circumcision is child abuse and the third is the choice is up to the parent(s). He/she/it is obviously of the second camp. I'm of the third camp, i e it's none of the first two camp's business. Nowadays the procedure is virtually painless and anyone who claims it messes up the child's psyche or claims it's mutilation and or reduces sensitivity needs to have their head examined, there is NO proof whatsoever of the first and the third, the second is nothing more than personal opinion.

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