Are Blacks really powerful in the west?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
el caballero
In africa obviously not, but in the west they are really powerful through political correctnes, hollywood, media, and such. On German TV I saw a advertisement for the movie Black Panther, and the voice was highly enthusiastic who introduced the movie, sounded highly enthusiastic about it and praised it very much. It is actually a Black Nationalist movie, Im not against it and will watch it but I noticed blacks are really powerful. Recently we had a Black President and now we have a self identified black Vice President.

This movie is actually Black Nationalist, it portrays Blacks in a futuristic setting which is very highly advanced and powerful etc.

Are blacks powerful here? Yes and no.

They get to say and act in ways that whites would be crucified if they said or acted, but they do not have much in the way of economic power.

They are the very most privileged segment of the population yet do precious little to profit from that privilege.
In africa obviously not, but in the west they are really powerful through political correctnes, hollywood, media, and such. On German TV I saw a advertisement for the movie Black Panther, and the voice was highly enthusiastic who introduced the movie, sounded highly enthusiastic about it and praised it very much. It is actually a Black Nationalist movie, Im not against it and will watch it but I noticed blacks are really powerful. Recently we had a Black President and now we have a self identified black Vice President.

This movie is actually Black Nationalist, it portrays Blacks in a futuristic setting which is very highly advanced and powerful etc.

Yes, the ethnicity under discussion is very powerful in this country.

1. There is something in this country called "affirmative action." This means that they are given special consideration when applying for a job. They can also often enter the university without taking an entrance examination.

2. They are very influential in sports and music. For example, at the beginning of some sports events, everyone must stand and show respect to a song called the "Black National Anthem."

3. They are treated very carefully by police officers, for those police officers could lose their jobs if the media report that the police officers acted improperly toward people of that ethnicity. Here in Los Angeles, for example, the police have been told to be very careful before stopping a motorist of that ethnicity.

4. If they tell your employer that you are a "racist," you could lose your job. So at work, people are very respectful of people of that ethnicity.

In a few weeks, we will have our first Vice President of that ethnicity.

They (along with Americans of Hispanic ancestry) will be the majority of Americans by the end of this century.

African Americans are now a very powerful part of the United States of America. If you visit this country someday, you will see how influential they are in many aspects of American life.
Well during the prime era of cattle drives in the post Civil War era, some 10% of cowboys were black men. In fact, black men were prized during these drives because it was believed their voices calmed the cattle.
In africa obviously not, but in the west they are really powerful through political correctnes, hollywood, media, and such. On German TV I saw a advertisement for the movie Black Panther, and the voice was highly enthusiastic who introduced the movie, sounded highly enthusiastic about it and praised it very much. It is actually a Black Nationalist movie, Im not against it and will watch it but I noticed blacks are really powerful. Recently we had a Black President and now we have a self identified black Vice President.

This movie is actually Black Nationalist, it portrays Blacks in a futuristic setting which is very highly advanced and powerful etc.

That movie is a superhero movie based on a Marvel superhero. It's actually a fantastic superhero movie. :rolleyes: Black people are powerful and have been for a very long time. They don't come from a place of weakness. They don't need pity. They aren't all operating with a victim mentality. So, yep, they are "really powerful".
In africa obviously not, but in the west they are really powerful through political correctnes, hollywood, media, and such. On German TV I saw a advertisement for the movie Black Panther, and the voice was highly enthusiastic who introduced the movie, sounded highly enthusiastic about it and praised it very much. It is actually a Black Nationalist movie, Im not against it and will watch it but I noticed blacks are really powerful. Recently we had a Black President and now we have a self identified black Vice President.

This movie is actually Black Nationalist, it portrays Blacks in a futuristic setting which is very highly advanced and powerful etc.

Yes, the ethnicity under discussion is very powerful in this country.

1. There is something in this country called "affirmative action." This means that they are given special consideration when applying for a job. They can also often enter the university without taking an entrance examination.

2. They are very influential in sports and music. For example, at the beginning of some sports events, everyone must stand and show respect to a song called the "Black National Anthem."

3. They are treated very carefully by police officers, for those police officers could lose their jobs if the media report that the police officers acted improperly toward people of that ethnicity. Here in Los Angeles, for example, the police have been told to be very careful before stopping a motorist of that ethnicity.

4. If they tell your employer that you are a "racist," you could lose your job. So at work, people are very respectful of people of that ethnicity.

In a few weeks, we will have our first Vice President of that ethnicity.

They (along with Americans of Hispanic ancestry) will be the majority of Americans by the end of this century.

African Americans are now a very powerful part of the United States of America. If you visit this country someday, you will see how influential they are in many aspects of American life.
That is true. They must up their game. Competition from other nations can be fleeting in the power part of the game. Sometimes humbling ones self bring rewards in many other areas. Humans though have a hard time doing that. I believe that East Asia, particularly China will be the new world leaders in a few decades.
There is something in this country called "affirmative action." This means that they are given special consideration when applying for a job. They can also often enter the university without taking an entrance examination
What is interesting is California, which is considered 'liberal' and Democratic stronghold, forbids the affirmative action, along with a handful of other states. Why is that?
There is something in this country called "affirmative action." This means that they are given special consideration when applying for a job. They can also often enter the university without taking an entrance examination
What is interesting is California, which is considered 'liberal' and Democratic stronghold, forbids the affirmative action, along with a handful of other states. Why is that?

Good question!

Here in the (tarnished) Golden State, that measure appeared on the ballot for a YES or NO vote.

With all due respect to my fellow Californians, it IS possible that some voters misunderstood what they were voting for.

The question on the ballot was NOT "Do you favor affirmative action?"

It was some fancy legal talk.

(P. S. Some years back, the voters also voted to keep the death penalty. No matter. Our governor has said that he will never allow anyone to be executed. I believe that there are almost 800 individuals on Death Row.)
In africa obviously not, but in the west they are really powerful through political correctnes, hollywood, media, and such. On German TV I saw a advertisement for the movie Black Panther, and the voice was highly enthusiastic who introduced the movie, sounded highly enthusiastic about it and praised it very much. It is actually a Black Nationalist movie, Im not against it and will watch it but I noticed blacks are really powerful. Recently we had a Black President and now we have a self identified black Vice President.

This movie is actually Black Nationalist, it portrays Blacks in a futuristic setting which is very highly advanced and powerful etc.

Black Panther is just black aquaman dude

It's literally the same exact story

It is not black supremacist lol, we used to call it blacksploitation in the west.

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