Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump



Former Mexico Pres. Vicente Fox Drops 'F' Bomb About Trump Wall — Again
Your greatest talent today was creating a hate filled, failed OP. Again nothing but a loser perpetuating divisiveness and resentment. A failed OP created by a failure of a person.

Your greatest talent today was trying (but failing) to derail an informative OP/thread, with nothing but the age-old, BS, evidenceless, hate card and using the standard liberal moronic words ("divisiveness and resentment") when the IS division in the country. here is the division between Mexico, with its invaders and their traitorous American supporters (like YOU), and the American people who are the victims of the Mexican imperialism, which you appear to be oblivious to.

Yes, I suppose those who support the imperialism raiding our economy and tax treasuries, and imposing the other many harms upon America, would like to paint up the protectionist resistance to this abomination as being "divisive" buy a simple examination of the facts, knocks the hell right out of that invalid ploy. So since you seem to be information deficient, here is the start of your Mexican invasion education. >>

Brief Expose' Of The Mexican Invasion Of The United States (1950-2014)
I am not derailing anything. I am calling you on your racist, hateful way of trying to belittle groups of people on your OP. I am not Mexican and I was born in the United States as were my parents. Yet you wish to lump people together in your ignorance and hate mongering.
protectionist said: "HOT AIR EMPTY RHETORIC"

I see you have been doing some soul searching. There may be hope for you yet.
Sorry Mr Dodge. I've been presenting substance here . YOU HAVEN'T. Here's some more SUBSTANCE to add for you. You're getting an education. You're welcome.

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012
Dodge nothing I am, discussing this garbage: "Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump"
According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner

Thing is, Trump didn't say "some Hispanics are rapists", he said YOU are a rapist. Are you? Seeing as you've legitimized Trump saying that.
You generalize Christians all the time. Do you believe all Christians are evil or stupid or just some of them?
According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner

Thing is, Trump didn't say "some Hispanics are rapists", he said YOU are a rapist. Are you? Seeing as you've legitimized Trump saying that.
You generalize Christians all the time. Do you believe all Christians are evil or stupid or just some of them?

I've never said all Christians are evil and I've never said all Christians are stupid.

Trump said all Mexicans are rapists.

Do you see the difference?
According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner

What is wrong with American Hispanics? Deporting 11 millions and calling them criminals.................. How is that sound?
Most or all of these people are against illegals but deporting their friends or relatives is not acceptable. I know lots of Hispanics here in Florida and California and they are pissed. Don't be surprise if they create their own militias to counter deportation courtesy of 2nd amendment. You will need marines to pull these illegals from barrios just like what Adolf Hitler did in WW2. *TRUST ME*
They will self-deport if businesses are fined and CEOs jailed for hiring illegals.
According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner

What is wrong with American Hispanics? Deporting 11 millions and calling them criminals.................. How is that sound?
Most or all of these people are against illegals but deporting their friends or relatives is not acceptable. I know lots of Hispanics here in Florida and California and they are pissed. Don't be surprise if they create their own militias to counter deportation courtesy of 2nd amendment. You will need marines to pull these illegals from barrios just like what Adolf Hitler did in WW2. *TRUST ME*

So Mexican Americans will use the 2nd Amendment to take arms against our government to protect people that legally don't belong here, from deportation. Got it.

Of course. He's been doing it for years. But it's not just the finger and F-bombs. Fox has been openly bragging and gloating about the 8 million illegal aliens he sent here during his time as president of Mexico, and the tens of Billions$$ he has stolen from our economy in REMITTANCES. Click the link and learn about it. (since you liberal media stations have never reported it)

Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

And here's a picture of his finger talents on another occasion of the past. That's attitude toward the US. To him we're a good place to invade for remittances, and getting us to pay their poverty bill for them.

According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner

Thing is, Trump didn't say "some Hispanics are rapists", he said YOU are a rapist. Are you? Seeing as you've legitimized Trump saying that.
You generalize Christians all the time. Do you believe all Christians are evil or stupid or just some of them?

I've never said all Christians are evil and I've never said all Christians are stupid.

Trump said all Mexicans are rapists.

Do you see the difference?

Trump might have said that all Mexicans are rapists, but I haven't heard him say it. Maybe you have a link to that?
So Mexican Americans will use the 2nd Amendment to take arms against our government to protect people that legally don't belong here, from deportation. Got it.
They'll be slaughtered if they do.

Another reason to be careful about who we allow to enter our country. Immigration used to be for people who wanted to come here LEGALLY, and become Americans by assimilation and obeying our laws.
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According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner

Thing is, Trump didn't say "some Hispanics are rapists", he said YOU are a rapist. Are you? Seeing as you've legitimized Trump saying that.
You generalize Christians all the time. Do you believe all Christians are evil or stupid or just some of them?

I've never said all Christians are evil and I've never said all Christians are stupid.

Trump said all Mexicans are rapists.

Do you see the difference?
You rail against Christians, you never say some Christians. This is no different than Trump. I talk about Liberals being morons, I don't say some liberals, when I know not all liberals are morons or evil. This argument that Trump thinks all illegals are rapists is nonsense and it's naive to believe he does, if not intellectually lazy.
According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner

Thing is, Trump didn't say "some Hispanics are rapists", he said YOU are a rapist. Are you? Seeing as you've legitimized Trump saying that.
You generalize Christians all the time. Do you believe all Christians are evil or stupid or just some of them?

I've never said all Christians are evil and I've never said all Christians are stupid.

Trump said all Mexicans are rapists.

Do you see the difference?

Trump might have said that all Mexicans are rapists, but I haven't heard him say it. Maybe you have a link to that?

Donald Trump’s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime

"“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”"

Okay, he didn't say all Mexicans are rapists. He said all those coming from Mexico to the US are rapists. Again, any person whose family has come over from Mexico, is apparently a rapist.
They will self-deport if businesses are fined and CEOs jailed for hiring illegals.
1. We've been hearing that for years. Problem is just like his pin prick "attacks" against ISIS, Obama only plays games with punishing employers. A few years ago, when a company was found to have 75 illegal aliens working in it, guess how the Obama administration handled it. The DHS chief Napalitano, sent buses over there and bused the illegals over to CIS, so they could get work permits, allowing them to work there legally (while still depriving US citizens of 75 jobs)

2. Even if every working illegal alien was deported, there still would be millions of non-working ones here who come here just to get welfare, and they get it. Young women arrive in there 8th month of pregnancy, have a kid on the American side of the border, twist the meaning of the 14th amendment into the FALSE notion of birthright citizenship, and the whole family helps themselves to a lifetime of benefits$$$, at Us taxpayers' expense.

Donald Trump’s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime

"“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”"

Okay, he didn't say all Mexicans are rapists. He said all those coming from Mexico to the US are rapists. Again, any person whose family has come over from Mexico, is apparently a rapist.

FALSE! YOU said "ALL" Trump didn't say that.
According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner

Thing is, Trump didn't say "some Hispanics are rapists", he said YOU are a rapist. Are you? Seeing as you've legitimized Trump saying that.
You generalize Christians all the time. Do you believe all Christians are evil or stupid or just some of them?

I've never said all Christians are evil and I've never said all Christians are stupid.

Trump said all Mexicans are rapists.

Do you see the difference?
You rail against Christians, you never say some Christians. This is no different than Trump. I talk about Liberals being morons, I don't say some liberals, when I know not all liberals are morons or evil. This argument that Trump thinks all illegals are rapists is nonsense and it's naive to believe he does, if not intellectually lazy.

I'm sorry. Where did I say anything bad about Christians? Please, provide me the quotes of what I said.

What Trump believes, and what Trump says, are two different things. Trump SAID what he said, regardless of what he believes.

He could say that all Jews deserve to have died in the gas chambers and it would still be a bad and evil thing to say, even if he didn't mean it, or believe it.

Maybe he should be more careful with his mouth. Then again he was given the chance to reverse what he said, and he didn't do it. So.......

Donald Trump’s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime

"“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”"

Okay, he didn't say all Mexicans are rapists. He said all those coming from Mexico to the US are rapists. Again, any person whose family has come over from Mexico, is apparently a rapist.

FALSE! YOU said "ALL" Trump didn't say that.

I was wrong.

Trump also said something that was wrong. He didn't admit he was wrong.

See the difference?
You rail against Christians, you never say some Christians. This is no different than Trump. I talk about Liberals being morons, I don't say some liberals, when I know not all liberals are morons or evil. This argument that Trump thinks all illegals are rapists is nonsense and it's naive to believe he does, if not intellectually lazy.
Of course, but they purposely lie about it, to try to gain political advantage. They know if they told the TRUTH, they would have the political DISadvantage.

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